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    • Lyrical Ballads 抒情诗
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Will Wordsworth 著 /2005-11-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • Review 'Must have come on like punk rock to a public groaning under the weight of over-cooked Augustanisms.' - The Guardian Must have come on like punk rock to a public groaning under the weight of over-cooked Augustanisms. - The Guardian Product De*ion "... must have come on like punk rock to a public groaning under the weight of over-cooked Augustanisms." The Guardian "The majority of the following poems are to be considered as experiments. They were written chiefly with a view to ascertain how far the language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted to the purposes of poetic pleasure." --William Wordsworth, from the Advertisement prefacing the original 1798 edition When it was first published, Lyrical Ballads enraged the critics of the day: Wordsworth and Coleridge had given poetry a voice, one decidedly different to what had been voiced before. For Wordsworth, as he so clearly stated in his celebrated preface to the 1800 edition (a

    • ¥102.7 折扣:6.5折
    • Collected Poems 诗集
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • William Blake 著 /2002-11-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • The Yeats anthology of the poems of William Blake is that great rarity: one great visionary poet's anthology of everything that moves him about another, even greater one. Yeats prepared it in 1905 and it probably remains the single greatest single one-volume edition of William Blake extant, the one that, in less than 250 pages, presents as sensibly compressed and canny an edition as you'll ever find of perhaps the least sensible and most chaotic genius of English poetry. Even those who have the complete Blake in a couple of editions will find Yeats' Blake all-but-indispensable. –Buffalo News, April 6, 2003 This selection of Blake's work was commissioned in 1905 by the firm of George Routledge from W.B. Yeats. Yeats, one of the few poets comparable to Blake, prepared a unique selection of his poetic and prose writings.

    • ¥102.7 折扣:6.5折
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Monroe Beardsley 著 /2002-11-01/ Random House US
    • “Between the earliest and the latest of the works includedhere, we have two hundred and fifty years of vigorous andadventurous philosophizing,” Monroe Beardsley writes in hisIntroduction to this collection. “If the modern period can be onlyvaguely or arbitrarily bounded, it can at least be studied, and wecan ask whether any dominant themes, overall patterns of movement,or notable achievements can be found within it. This question isone that is best asked by the reader after he has read, or readaround in, these works.” This Modern Library Paperback Classic also includes a newly updatedBibliography.

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • On Photography ISBN=9780141035789
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Susan Sontag 著 /2008-09-01/ Penguin
    • How do we see the world around us? "The Penguin on Design"series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings onart, design and the media have changed our vision forever. SusanSontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forcefulquestions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this artform. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock,idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as amemorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or toidentify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways inwhich we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense ofreality and authority in our lives.

    • ¥53.7 折扣:7.9折
    • The Conquest of Happiness
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • 伯特兰·罗素 (Bertrand Russell) 著 /2011-01-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • Bertrand Russell describes the purpose of this book as theputting together of some remarks on the state of happiness whichare inspired by common sense, rather than any profound philosophyor deep erudition. It is based on the belief that many people whoare unhappy could become happy by well-directed effort. --Thistext refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of thistitle.

    • ¥102.7 折扣:6.5折
    • On the Nature of the Psyche 论灵魂的本质
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • C.G.Jung 著 /2001-07-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • In On the Nature of the Psyche Jung presents a masterly overview of his theories of the unconscious, and its relation to the conscious mind. Jung's discovery of the 'collective unconscious', a psychic inheritance common to all humankind, transformed the understanding of the self and the way we interpret the world. In On the Nature of the Psyche Jung describes this remarkable theory in his own words, and presents a masterly overview of his theories of the unconscious, and its relation to the conscious mind. Also contained in this collection is On Psychic Energy , where Jung defends his interpretation of the libido, a key factor in the breakdown of his relations with Freud. For anyone seeking to understand Jung's insights into the human mind, this volume is essential reading.

    • ¥98.7 折扣:6.9折
    • TAO TE CHING(ISBN=9780679433163)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Lao-Tzu 著 /1994-10-01/ Random House US
    • Written during the golden age of Chinese philosophy, andcomposed partly in prose and partly in verse, the Tao TeChing is surely the most terse and economical of the world’sgreat religious texts. In a series of short, profound chapters itelucidates the idea of the Tao, or the Way–an idea that in itsethical, practical, and spiritual dimensions has become essentialto the life of China’s enormously powerful civilization. In theprocess of this elucidation, Lao-tzu both clarifies and deepensthose central religious mysteries around which our life on earthrevolves.

    • ¥70.2 折扣:4.5折
    • Unweaving the Rainbow(ISBN=9780618056736)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Richard Dawkins 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Did Newton "unweave the rainbow" by reducing it to itsprismatic colors, as Keats contended? Did he, in other words,diminish beauty? Far from it, says acclaimed scientist RichardDawkins; Newton's unweaving is the key to much of modern astronomyand to the breathtaking poetry of modern cosmology. Mysteries don'tlose their poetry because they are solved: the solution often ismore beautiful than the puzzle, uncovering deeper mysteries. Withthe wit, insight, and spellbinding prose that have made him abest-selling author, Dawkins takes up the most important andcompelling topics in modern science, from astronomy and genetics tolanguage and virtual reality, combining them in a landmarkstatement of the human appetite for wonder. This is the bookRichard Dawkins was meant to write: a brilliant assessment of whatscience is (and isn't), a tribute to science not because it isuseful but because it is uplifting.

    • ¥58.1 折扣:4.5折
    • 改变世界的365种方法/365 Ways to Change the World
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Michael Norton 著 /2005-12-01/ Penguin
    • 'Michael Norton is a one-man ideas factory whose new book suggests some wacky ways in which, with a little bit of effort, people really can change the world for the better. Don't just sit back and do nothing.' THE GUARDIAN 'If you want to make a difference this year then I can do no better than recommend 365 Ways to Change the World by Michael Norton. His handbook makes it easy.' Roy Greenslade, THE TELEGRAPH --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    • ¥71.5 折扣:9.8折
    • The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide 暮光之城-官方画册指
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Stephenie Meyer 著 /2011-04-01/
    • This must-have hardcover edition--the only official guide--is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the TwilightSaga and provides readers with everything they need to furtherexplore the unforgettable world Stephenie Meyer created in Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn .With exclusive new material, character profiles, genealogicalcharts, maps, extensive cross-references, and much more, thiscomprehensive handbook is essential for every Twilight Sagafan.

    • ¥156.8 折扣:9.3折
    • Being and Nothingness 存在与虚无
    •   ( 35 条评论 )
    • Jean-Pau Sartre 著 /2003-08-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • Jean-Paul Sartre, the seminal smarty-pants of mid-century thinking, launched the existentialist fleet with the publication of Being and Nothingness in 1943. Though the book is thick, dense, and unfriendly to careless readers, it is indispensable to those interested in the philosophy of consciousness and free will. Some of his arguments are fallacious, others are unclear, but for the most part Sartre's thoughts penetrate deeply into fundamental philosophical territory. Basing his conception of self-consciousness loosely on Heidegger's "being," Sartre proceeds to sharply delineate between conscious actions ("for themselves") and unconscious ("in themselves"). It is a conscious choice, he claims, to live one's life "authentically" and in a unified fashion, or not--this is the fundamental freedom of our lives. Drawing on history and his own rich imagination for examples, Sartre offers compelling supplements to his more formal arguments. The waiter who detaches himself from his job-role sticks in the reader'

    • ¥137.4 折扣:6折
    • Secret Of Life(生命之谜)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Paul J.McAuley 编 /2001-01-01/
    • Paul McAuley is one of the most exciting new talents to emerge in science fiction over the last several years, acclaimed for his richly imagined scientific concepts as well as for his clear and stylish storytelling. Now McAuley enters the twenty-first century with a vivid and prescient novel in which science, politics, greed, and terrorism compete for nothing less than THE SEC RET OF LIFE. 2026: Something is growing in the Pacific Ocean, a strange fungus-like organism that may ultimately threaten Earth's entire food chain. Christened "the slick," the bizarre phenomenon is soon the subject of intense, top-secret scientific analysis, which rapidly discovers that the slick contains unique DNA unlike any other lifeform on the planet. Where has the slick come from? A Chinese-manned mission to Mars is rumored to have discovered life deep beneath the Martian icecap, but the Chinese aren't talking. Could this mysterious discovery have something to do with the possibly extraterrestrial organism spreading throu

    • ¥93.6 折扣:4.5折
    • Confessions-Augustine(ISBN=9780375411731)
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Augustine 著 /2001-05-01/ Random House US
    • Augustine's fourth-century spiritual autobiography not only is amajor document in the history of Christianity, a classic of RomanAfrica, and the unchallenged model through the ages for theautobiographical record of the journey to self-knowledge, it alsomarks a vital moment in the history of Western culture. AsAugustine explains how, when, and why he became the man he is, heprobes the great themes that others were to explore afterhimCfaith, time, truth, identity, and self-understanding--with arichness of detail unmatched in ancient literature. Dense withvivid portrayals of friends, family, colleagues, and enemies, The Confessions chronicles the passage from a life ofsensuality and superstition to a genuine spiritual awakening--in apowerful narrative of one man's inner education that continues toshape the way we think and act today.

    • ¥85.5 折扣:4.5折
    • HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, VOL 5(ISBN=9780385470421)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Frederick Copleston 著 /1993-12-01/ Random House US
    • Conceived originally as a serious presentatin of thedevelopment of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, FrederickCopleston's nine-volume A History Of Philosophy has journeyedfar beyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaim asthe best history of philosophy in English. Copleston, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who once tangledwith A.J. Ayer in a fabled debate about the existence of God andthe possibility of metaphysics, knew that seminary students werefed a woefully inadequate diet of theses and proofs, and that theirfamiliarity with most of history's great thinkers was reducedto simplistic caricatures. Copleston set out to redress thewrong by writing a complete history of Western Philosophy, onecrackling with incident an intellectual excitement - and one thatgives full place to each thinker, presenting his thought in abeautifully rounded manner and showing his links to those who wentbefore and to those who came after him.

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
    • HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, VOL 6(ISBN=9780385470438)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Frederick Copleston 著 /1993-12-01/ Random House US
    • Conceived originally as a serious presentation of thedevelopment of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, FrederickCopleston's nine-volume A History Of Philosophy has journeyed farbeyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaim as thebest history of philosophy in English. Copleston, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who once tangledwith A.J. Ayer in a fabled debate about the exiatenceof God and thepossibility of metaphysics, knew that seminary students were fed awoefully inadequate diet of theses and proofs, and that theirfamiliarity with most of history's great thinkers was reduced tosimplistic caricatures. Copelston sets out to redress the wrong bywriting a complete history of Western philosophy, one cracklingwith incident and intellectual excitement - and one that gives fullplace to each thinker, presenting his thought in a beautifullyrounded manner and showing his links to those who went before andto those who came after them.

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • LOST HISTORY(ISBN=9781426202803)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Michael H. Morgan 著 /2008-06-01/ Random House US
    • In an era when the relationship between Islam and the Westseems mainly defined by mistrust and misunderstanding, it isimportant to remember that for centuries Muslim civilization wasthe envy of the world. Lost History fills a significant void and isessential reading for anyone seeking to understand the major theearly Muslims played in influencing modern society. Morgan reveals how early Muslim advancements in science andculture laid the cornerstones of the European Renaissance, theEnlightenment, and modern Western society. As he chronicles theGolden Ages of Islam, beginning in A.D. 570 with the birth ofMuhammad, and resonating today, he introduces scholars like IbnAl-Haytham, Ibn Sina, Al-Tusi, Al-Khwarizmi, and Omar Khayyam,towering figures who revolutionized the mathematics, astronomy, andmedicine of their time and paved the way for Newton, Copernicus,and many others. And he reminds us that inspired leaders fromMuhammad to Suleiman the Magnificent and beyond championedreligious tolerance, encou

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar 柏拉图与鸭嘴兽一起上酒吧 9780143113
    •   ( 67 条评论 )
    • Thomas Cathcart 等著 /2008-06-01/ Penguin Group(USA)
    • Outrageously funny, Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . has been a breakout bestseller ever since authors—and born vaudevillians—Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein did their schtick on NPR’s Weekend Edition. Lively, original, and powerfully informative, Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar . . . is a not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical thinkers and traditions, from Existentialism (What do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common?) to Logic (Sherlock Holmes never deduced anything). Philosophy 101 for those who like to take the heavy stuff lightly, this is a joy to read—and finally, it all makes sense!

    • ¥71.9 折扣:7.6折
    • An Outline of Psychoanalysis 9780141184043
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Sigmund FreudHelena Ragg-Kirkby 著 /2003-07-01/ Penguin
    • This title is one of fifteen volumes in the new Freud seriescommissioned for Penguin by series editor Adam Phillips. It is partof a plan to generate a new, non-specialist Freud for a widereadership, which goes way beyond the institutional/clinical marketand presents material to the reader in a new way. This volume willcontain "New Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis" and "AnOutline of Psychoanalysis".

    • ¥59.8 折扣:8.8折