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    • K2小熊维尼(亲近母语) 四川文艺出版社
    •   ( 179 条评论 )
    • (英)艾伦·亚历山大·米尔恩 /2020-08-01/ 四川文艺出版社
    • 小熊维尼是英国有名剧作家、小说家、童话作家和诗人A.A.米尔恩(A.A.Milne,1882-1956)为儿子创作的一个有趣的童话形象。维尼熊看似憨憨傻傻,但是他非常仗义,对朋友非常关心。他和小猪、小兔、驴子、袋鼠一家还有小老虎一起住在百亩林,他们之间非常友爱,但是偶尔也会有点小矛盾;每个小动物都是善良、热心的,但是偶尔也会犯糊涂。他们还有一个共同的朋友——罗宾。他们天真可爱,做起事来常常让人捧腹大笑,他们走到哪儿,哪儿就充满欢笑、童真。《小熊维尼》一书风靡全球,当然以此为蓝本的动画片《小熊维尼》更是受到了亿万儿童的热烈欢迎。

    • ¥16.8 ¥35 折扣:4.8折
    • 文字商人
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • (德)托马斯·朗格//(法)克劳德·泰尔|责编:李政//常颖雯/... /2020-05-01/ 晨光
    • 原来,文字是有温度、颜色、质感的,甚至可以被买卖!可是,眼前摊位上的这位文字商人正在犯愁,她丢失了一盒文字,里面装的全是礼貌用语,比如谢谢、请、对不起、你需要帮助吗,等等。这场盗窃案将会带来 可怕的后果——人们无法买到并使用这些文字时,就会变得语言粗俗、情绪失控。对文字很感兴趣的姐弟俩莱奥妮和尤纳斯决定帮助文字商人抓住小偷。经过重重侦查,谜底终于浮出水面…… 终文字的世界又重归明朗,文明得以捍卫,小镇上的人们相互之间又变得友好善良。

    • ¥13.76 ¥28 折扣:4.9折
    • 花袜子小乌鸦成长桥梁书:全都迷路了! 奈乐·莫斯特 湖北少儿出版社【正版保证】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 奈乐·莫斯特 /2014-07-01/ 湖北少儿出版社
    • 本书讲述了花袜子小乌鸦和小伙伴们之间的各种趣事,包括智慧故事、幽默故事、生活故事和校园故事。无论是放风筝、堆雪人、学游泳,还是搞破坏、做家务、上小学,都非常贴近68岁儿童的生活经历。故事里的小乌鸦一如既往地调皮捣蛋,却又热心、善良、爱帮忙。童真童趣的话语、构思巧妙的情节,在让人哈哈大笑的同时,也向读者呈现了最纯真的儿童世界。就是在一次次游戏玩耍的经历里,花袜子小乌鸦和朋友们一起不断成长。

    • ¥19 ¥45 折扣:4.2折
    • Junie B.
    •   ( 124 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • One of Junie B. Jones’s top front teeth is loose! Only JunieB. is not that thrilled about this development. Because what if shelooks like toothless Uncle Lou? And even worse . . . what’s allthis tooth fairy business? Like, who is this woman, really? Andwhat does she do with all those used teeth? So many questions, solittle time.

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • The Ninth Nugget (A to Z 14)神秘事件14
    •   ( 231 条评论 )
    • Ron Roy 著 /2001-06-01/ Random House US
    • N is for Nugget... Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are spending a week at a dude ranch. Everything is normal in a cowboy kind of way–until Josh finds a huge gold nugget! Just as they are deciding what to do with their newfound riches, the nugget disappears. Will the kids be able to track down the thief before it’s time to mosey on home? Card catalog de*ion When Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose visit a dude ranch in Montana, they find themselves with another mystery to solve, this one involving the theft of money from the ranch's safe and of a large gold nugget that Josh had found.

    • ¥16.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Capital Mysteries #11: The Secret at Jefferson's Mansion 杰佛逊
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • Ron Roy(罗恩·罗伊) 著; Timothy Bush蒂莫西·布什) 绘 /2009-05-01/ Random House US
    • Goodbye, D.C.! Hello, Monticello! While painting a closet in the White House, KC discovers an old box full of handmade toy horses that once belonged to Thomas Jefferson. KC and Marshall go to Monticello, Jefferson's home, to return the horses, but just after they get there, the box with the horses inside disappears! They have to explore historic Monticello, with its dank wine cellar, tiny dumbwaiter elevator, and spooky family cemetery to track down the thief before the horses are gone for good!

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • Detective Camp (A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, No. 1) 神秘事件特
    •   ( 192 条评论 )
    • Ron Roy 著 /2006-05-01/ Random House US
    • Dink, Josh, And Ruth Rose are back! This time, they’re off to acamp for detectives! The camp directors have set up a week oflessons in forensics and fun mysteries for the campers to solve.The kids are following the planned clues when they stumble upon areal crime. This exciting extension to the A to Z Mysteries chapterbook series features favorite characters, a longer plot, alphabetclues, and a 26-letter message hidden in the art. “I will be so sad when I have read Z, and there will be no moreDink, Josh, and Ruth Rose.”—Jack P. “I think if you’re not that busy, you could do every letteragain.”—Abigail D. With the publication of The Zombie Zone in April 2005, the Ato Z Mysteries series was complete. But, A to Z fans, no need tofear . . . the A to Z Mysteries Super Editions are here! The fanswanted more, and they’re getting it—more adventure, moreillustrations, more Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose—all in a book nearlydouble the length of standard A to Z Mysteries. The alphabet may befinish

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy (Junie B. Jones, No. 1
    •   ( 135 条评论 )
    • Barbara Park 著 /1998-01-01/ Random House US
    • 在线阅读本书 Publisher Comments: Junie B. Jones has a pet day problem! There's going to be a pet dayat school, only guess what? No dogs allowed! And that's the onlykind of pet Junie B. has! If Mother and Daddy won't buy her a newpet, Junie B. will just have to find one on her own. Like maybe ajar of ants. Or a wiggly worm. Or--could it be--something evenbetter? Review: "Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is akindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh outloud." — School Library Journal Book Dimension Height (mm) 194 Width (mm) 132

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • Fox And His Friends (Puffin Young Reader L3) 小狐外传:小狐和朋友们 ISB
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • (美)马歇尔(James Marshall) /2013-06-01/ Penguin
    • 近年来,“全语言”教学和文学阅读在全美小学风行,企鹅出版社的“Easy-to-Read”系列为老师们提供了这样的阅读素材。刚刚开始独立阅读的孩子会觉得这些书读起来难度正合适,而书上的分级阅读标志,也能让家长和老师们更轻松地为每个孩子都找到适合他们阅读能力的读物。《小狐外传》则是这套分阶读物中的经典作品,以小狐为主角,讲述了一个小男生在学校、家庭里的各种角色转换以及生活中的趣事。在书中,论及友谊,小狐有两个死党,青蛙卡门和小猪戴斯特;论家庭,他经常在妈妈的强烈要求下不得不照顾妹妹露易丝;论生活社区,小狐经常无意间给老兔子欧哈拉大妈惹麻烦;论学校生活,牛老师、甜校长以及名叫烂笔头的鳄鱼小姐都和小狐有过正面交锋。故事很有趣,将一个8岁男孩的小世界全面展现出来,他的虚荣心、小聪明、以及弄巧成拙,都让

    • ¥16.5 折扣:4.7折
    • Capital Mysteries #10: The Election-Day Disaster 大选的麻烦ISBN97
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • (美)Ron Roy(罗恩·罗伊) 著,Timothy Bush蒂莫西·布什) 绘 /2008-08-01/ Random House US
    • In the tenth book of the Capital Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring fun facts and famous sites from Washington, D.C.—KC and her best friend, Marshall, wake up to a trick not a treat the morning after the White House Halloween costume party. With the presidential election only a week away, someone has posted damaging photos of the president on the Internet, photos that were digitally doctored! Will they ruin President Thornton's chances for a second term? Or can KC and Marshall rescue the election? Each book highlights one of the famous museums, buildings, or monuments from the Washington area and includes a map and a two-page fun fact spread with photographs. Parents, teachers, and librarians agree that these highly collectible chapter books are perfect for emerging readers and any kid who love mysteries!

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • Capital Mysteries #12: The Ghost at Camp David戴维营的幽灵ISBN9780
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Ron Roy(罗恩·罗伊) 著; Timothy Bush蒂莫西·布什) 绘 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • Capitalize on kids' interest in President Obama, Washington, D.C., and the White House with the newly rebranded Capital Mysteries series! Legend says that on each dead president's birthday, his ghost haunts the grounds of the remote retreat Camp David. But KC and Marshall aren't worried, even though they will be there on October 14, President Eisenhower's birthday. That is, they aren't worried until strange things start happening. How did a bat get trapped in their cabin? Why is there blood-red dirt in the trunk by the couch? And what is making the weird thumping noise underground? It's not Eisenhower's ghost... is it?

    • ¥20 折扣:4.7折
    • 中文分级阅读K2 列那狐的故事(亲近母语)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 让娜·勒鲁瓦-阿莱果麦文化 出品 /2020-09-01/ 云南人民出版社
    • 在古老而美丽的森林里,住着狐狸列那一家。当寒冬带来的饥荒横扫这片土地,为了存活下来,列那斗智斗勇,捉弄灰狼大人、挑战狮王、谋算鱼贩子 他就像一个淘气的孩子,不断破坏规则,上演了一出出啼笑皆非的闹剧。 这只让人又爱又恨的狐狸在法国鼎鼎大名,现在将这个故事翻译成中文,希望更多的小朋友能认识列那,和他一起成长。

    • ¥19.1 ¥38 折扣:5折
    • Fox on Wheels (Puffin Young Reader L3) 小狐外传:小狐脚踏风火轮ISBN97804
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • (美)爱德华·马歇尔Edward Marshall) /2013-05-16/ Penguin
    • 近年来,“全语言”教学和文学阅读在全美小学风行,企鹅出版社的“Easy-to-Read”系列为老师们提供了这样的阅读素材。刚刚开始独立阅读的孩子会觉得这些书读起来难度正合适,而书上的分级阅读标志,也能让家长和老师们更轻松地为每个孩子都找到适合他们阅读能力的读物。 《小狐外传》则是这套分阶读物中的经典作品,以小狐为主角,讲述了一个小男生在学校、家庭里的各种角色转换以及生活中的趣事。在书中,论及友谊,小狐有两个死党,青蛙卡门和小猪戴斯特;论家庭,他经常在妈妈的强烈要求下不得不照顾妹妹露易丝;论生活社区,小狐经常无意间给老兔子欧哈拉大妈惹麻烦;论学校生活,牛老师、甜校长以及名叫烂笔头的鳄鱼小姐都和小狐有过正面交锋。故事很有趣,将一个8岁男孩的小世界全面展现出来,他的虚荣心、小聪明、以及弄巧成

    • ¥16.5 折扣:4.7折