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    • 捣蛋猫日记系列(注音版,全4册)
    •   ( 1229 条评论 )
    • 安妮?范恩 /2021-05-01/ 接力出版社
    • 塔菲是一只调皮又机灵的肥猫,他和小女孩艾莉一家人一起生活,平时处处惹祸:和花园的小鸟作对,抓烂了挂在墙上的妈妈的画作,在生日派对上扮成影子怪兽 但艾莉知道,这一切不是塔菲的错,塔菲有塔菲的道理。 这是一只猫咪的心灵日记,作品以儿童视角映照描绘孩子真实的生活现实和心理现实。塔菲的幽默和机智给孩子带来欢乐和愉悦,让孩子感受快乐和自信的力量。作者在孩子和大人之间架起心灵的通道,让大人破解儿童的心灵密码,重返纯美的童真时代。

    • ¥39 ¥100 折扣:3.9折
    • 了不起的小盖茨系列(全5册)
    •   ( 556 条评论 )
    • [英]利兹·皮琼 /2021-01-01/ 接力出版社
    • 《一千个迟到的理由》 新学期开学了,班主任福勒曼先生竟然更换了座位,晴天霹雳啊!小盖茨现在被安排到了*排正前方,一抬头就能和老师四目相对。这还不是*糟的, 讨厌鬼 马库斯竟然成了他的同桌。尽管如此,也不是没有好消息:另一位同桌,是全班*聪明、*可爱的艾米 波特呢。而且一想到疯狂迷恋的摇滚乐队要来镇上巡演,小盖茨在课堂上都要开心得跳起来。 至于为什么总是迟到,他是有理由的 《一颗坏牙坏了事》 接下来,有整整两周的时间不用去上学!小盖茨已经做了详尽的安排和计划:画画、想些新办法来惹恼姐姐黛莉娅,看电视和吃焦糖威化饼,当然还少不了*重要的乐队排练 但这一切都被一颗坏牙给毁了!更糟糕的是,如果这事被爸妈发现,他接下来就要和*爱的甜食威化饼说再见了。小盖茨真的是很努力,想尽一切办法,让自己忘记坏牙

    • ¥48.8 ¥125 折扣:3.9折
    • 彩乌鸦系列 兰心的秘密【正版图书,满额减】
    •   ( 79 条评论 )
    • (德)恩德,陈俊 /2005-09-01/ 21世纪出版社
    • 本书收录了《兰心的秘密》和《月圆夜的传说》两篇故事。 《兰心的秘密》描述了一个名叫兰心的小女孩,她想借助于仙女之手按照自己的意愿摆布父母,其结果却是弄得日常生活寸步难行。 在仙女的帮助下,兰心如愿以偿地将她的父母变成了小矮人,因为他们总是跟她唱反调,而且他们的身体还在继续成倍地缩小——如果他们不对她不百依百顺的话。可是他们太小了,风雨交加的夜晚,兰心到哪里去寻求庇护呢?她弄破了手指,谁来给她包扎?而且,她的小小的父母差点被猫当做老鼠吃掉。兰心终于感到了恐惧和孤独,幸好这时,仙女的纸片悠悠地飘落在她脚边…… 《月圆夜的传说》讲述了一位隐士和一名强盗在月圆夜的一个幽静山谷的传奇故事。 在与世隔绝的山谷里,有一位因爱情受挫而虔诚修行的隐士。一个打家劫舍、无恶不作的强盗无

    • ¥42.5 ¥129 折扣:3.3折
    • The Diary of a Killer Cat (Puffin Modern Classics) 杀手猫日记 ISB
    •   ( 47 条评论 )
    • Anne Fine 著 /2011-03-01/ Penguin
    • Grade 2-4–Tuffy the cat stars in this lighthearted beginningchapter book. His narrative describes accusations against himduring the course of a week, such as stalking a bird and leavingbloodstains on the carpet, ruining the flower beds, and (allegedly)killing the neighbors pet rabbit. From the first page, it isevident that he does not understand why his behavior upsets hisfamily. After all, he is a cat. The family consists of anindifferent mother, a hostile father, and a loving little girl.Most of the action involves Tuffy and the father, who is determinedto oust the feline from the household. The book is funny throughoutbecause of the cats confusion about reactions to his naturalbehavior and his defensive narrative. In the end, the man learns avaluable lesson on judgment. The black-and-white sketches, somefull page, bring movement and personality to thecharacters. –Diane Eddington, Los Angeles PublicLibrary Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of ReedElsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -

    • ¥31.3 折扣:3.6折
    • Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (A Puffin Book)费里斯比夫人和尼姆老鼠 (
    •   ( 143 条评论 )
    • (美)Robert O'Brien罗伯特·奥布赖恩 /2014-07-03/ Penguin
    • 费里斯比夫人是一只田鼠,为使小儿子平安度过冬春之交的日子而四处求助,在猫头鹰的指点下,她结识了一群神奇的老鼠,他们将自己的洞穴装置得如同宫殿一般,地毯、电灯、自来水、冰箱等设施应有尽有。原来他们是从一个叫做尼姆的科学实验机构中逃出来的。老鼠们讲述了自己的经历,帮助田鼠一家安置了新居,然而,他们却毅然决然地舍弃了舒适的生活,去另辟新的天地,因为,那是一种自食其力的艰苦而又有意义的生活。 There's something very strange about the rats living under the rosebush at the Fitzgibbon farm. But Mrs. Frisby, a widowed mouse with a sick child, is in dire straits and must turn to these exceptional creatures for assistance. Soon she finds herself flying on the back of a crow, slipping sleeping powder into a ferocious cat's dinner dish, and helping 108 brilliant, laboratory-enhanced rats escape to a utopian civilization of th

    • ¥30.6 折扣:3.1折
    • The Little Prince (Penguin Modern Classics) 小王子(英国版)ISBN9780
    •   ( 1319 条评论 )
    • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry /2011-11-01/ Penguin
    • 这是一本足以让人永葆童心的不朽经典,被全球亿万读者誉为值得收藏的书。 遥远星球上的小王子,与美丽而骄傲的玫瑰吵架负气出走,在各星球漫游中,小王子遇到了傲慢的国王、酒鬼、惟利是图的商人,死守教条的地理学家,后来到地球上,试图找到治愈孤独和痛苦的良方。 这时,他遇到一只奇怪的狐狸,于是奇妙而令人惊叹的事情发生了…… 《小王子》犹如透亮的镜子,照出了荒唐的成人世界。她在提醒我们,只有爱,才是的哲学,才是我们活下去的理由。

    • ¥38.8 折扣:4折
    • Tender Morsels 边缘(普林兹文学奖)ISBN 9780375843051
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Margo Lanagan 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • 本书以一个更为生动与黑暗的故事重新诠释了格林童话经典篇章《雪白与玫瑰红》(Snow-White andRed-Rose)。 故事围绕着两个世界的边界展开,一个是犯罪频发的村庄,一个是属于女孩林嘉的避风港。林嘉有两个女儿,安静的布伦泽和热情的乌达儿,小小避风港保护着她们免受林嘉曾经遭受的暴力与苦难。但是现实世界是你无法永远躲避的,巫师和野熊先后闯过了边界。林嘉和两个女儿能够守住原有的平静,适应这个美丽与残酷共生的世界么? "Tender Morsels "is a dark and vivid story, set in two worldsand worrying at the border between them. Liga lives modestly in herown personal heaven, a world given to her in exchange for herearthly life. Her two daughters grow up in this soft place,protected from the violence that once harmed their mother. But thereal world cannot be denied forever--magicked men and wild bearsbreak down the borders of Liga's refuge. Now, having know

    • ¥41.8 折扣:4折
    • Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (A Puffin Book) 黑色棉花田 ISBN97801
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Mildred Taylor 著 /2003-03-01/ Penguin
    • 'We have no choice of what colour we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here.' The Mississippi of the 1930s was a hard place for a black child to grow up in, but still Cassie didn't understand why farming his own land meant so much to her father. During that year, though, when the night riders were carrying hatred and destruction among her people, she learned about the great differences that divided them, and when it was worth fighting for a principle even if it brought terrible hardships. 十岁的女孩凯西·罗根是家中的掌上明珠,也是一个勇敢的女孩。她对于黑人所受到的压榨和不公平,感到十分愤怒和不解。她和兄弟们,曾为了报复向他们溅泥水的白人小学校车,而在路上挖大洞,使得车子陷入其中不能动……凯西一家的遭遇,只是大时代中的一个小故事,种族间的冲突,仍然她的生活中在继续。

    • ¥31 折扣:3.1折
    • Matilda (Puffin Modern Classics) 马蒂尔达 9780141314563
    •   ( 197 条评论 )
    • 罗尔德·达尔 (Roald Dahl) 著 /2003-03-01/ Penguin
    • Matilda is a brilliant and sensitive child, but her parentsthink of her only as a nuisance. Even before she is five years old,she has read Dickens and Hemingway and still her parents think ofher as a pest. So she decides to get back at them. Herplatinum-haired mother and car salesman father are no match for hersharp genius, and neither is the cruel headmistress MissTrunchbull. And then she child prodigy discovers she has anextraordinary psychic power that can save her school and especiallythe lovely kindergarten teacher, Miss Honey.

    • ¥31 折扣:3.1折
    • The Family from One End Street (A Puffin Book) 小拉格尔斯奇遇记 ISBN
    •   ( 52 条评论 )
    • Eve Garnett 著 /2010-06-01/ Penguin
    • This is the story of everyday life in the big, happy Ruggles family who live in the small town of Otwell. Father is a dustman and Mother a washerwoman. Then there's all the children - practical Lily Rose, clever Kate, mischievous twins James and John, followed by Jo, who loves films, little Peg and finally baby William. This is a truly classic book awarded the Carnegie Medal as the best children's book of 1937. 《小拉格尔斯奇遇记》(原名《小街上的一大家子》)描写了社会底层的一家人,他们虽然生活困顿,却积极向上,坚强乐观,真诚而勇敢,用自己的方式寻找生活的乐趣。小说完成后,出版前曾遭遇多家出版社的退稿,有人甚至说它根本不适合小读者阅读!可是,当小说在1937年终于面世后,却取得了空前的成功,并在当年一举击败J.R.R.托尔金的名作《霍比特人》,赢得了著名的儿童文学奖——卡内基奖。 之后,许多小读者,甚至成人读者,都纷

    • ¥31 折扣:3.1折
    • The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories 罗尔德·达尔短篇
    •   ( 27 条评论 )
    • 罗尔德·达尔 (Roald Dahl) 著 /2010-03-01/ Penguin
    • Is it really possible to invent a machine that does the job ofa writer? What is it about a landlady's house that makes it so hardfor her guests to leave? Does Sir Basil Turton value most his wifeor one of his priceless sculptures? Here are thirteen of RoaldDahl's most unexpected tales, offering young readers the perfectintroduction to the adult writing of a storytelling genius. Fromthe sensitivity of stories such as "Katina" to the surprisingcreepiness of "Taste", these stories are full of all the fun,excitement and wonder of Roald Dahl's writing, offeringoriginality, ingenuity, horror, unexpected twists and turns, atouch of the macabre - and much more besides.

    • ¥40.8 折扣:4折
    • The Trumpet of the Swan (A Puffin Book) 吹小号的天鹅 ISBN 97801413
    •   ( 166 条评论 )
    • E·B·怀特(E. B.White) 著 /2007-09-01/ Penguin
    • 《The Trumpet of theSwan(吹小号的天鹅)》:路易斯是一只生来哑巴的雄天鹅。为了说出自己的想法,路易斯学会了石板上写字。可是其他天鹅是不认字的,路易斯还是没办法向它心爱的雌天鹅倾诉衷肠。为了帮助路易斯,天鹅爸爸从乐器店里偷来了小号。路易斯练了一遍又一遍,终于从小号里吹出了心底深处的歌。乐声不仅打动了塞蕾娜,也赢得了人们的尊敬与赞赏。生活的道路,在路易斯眼前,越来越宽广。 Unlike other cygnets, Louis, the trumpeter swan, cannotutter a sound. But with the encouragement of his father, Louis setsout to overcome his problem. One way of doing this Louis decides,is to learn to read and write and so he sets off to Montana to findhis friend Sam Beaver. Louis goes to school with him and learns toread and write, but when he returns to the lakes and falls in lovewith the beautiful Serena, he is upset that Serena can't read hissign, which says 'I love you'.

    • ¥30.9 折扣:3.6折
    • Doctor DeSoto《老鼠牙医生》 (1983年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN9780312611897
    •   ( 381 条评论 )
    • William Steig /2010-04-27/ Macmillan
    • 德索托医生是一位牙医生,他医术高明。在能干的助手德索托太太的帮助下,他为大大小小的动物看牙病。他的技术是那样高超,幸运的病人们一点儿都不会觉得疼痛。德索托医生是一位老鼠牙医生,因此从不给吃老鼠的“危险”动物看牙。可是有一天,一只狐狸出现了,他牙疼得要命,乞求德索托医生帮他治病。善良的德索托夫妇怎样打发他?又怎样确保给狐狸装上假牙后他不会露出本性?聪明的德索托医生和太太找到了一个办法…… “Doctor De Soto, the dentist, did very good work.” With theaid of his able assistant, Mrs. De Soto, he copes with thetoothaches of animals large and small. His expertise is so greatthat his fortunate patients never feel any pain. Since he’s a mouse, Doctor De Soto refuses to treat “dangerous”animals—that is, animals who have a taste for mice. But one day afox shows up and begs for relief from the tooth that's k

    • ¥37.3 折扣:3.3折
    • Gobbolino the Witch's Cat (A Puffin Book) 巫婆的猫ISBN9780141354
    •   ( 64 条评论 )
    • Ursula Williams 著 /2008-02-01/ Penguin
    • The charming tale of a witch's cat who would rather be a kitchen cat. Gobbolino has one white paw and blue eyes and isn't wicked at all, so his mother doesn't like him. He escapes to look for a kitchen home but is distrusted everywhere he goes and blamed for mysterious happenings, such as the farmer's milk turning sour and the orphanage children's gruel turning into chocolate. 这是一个有关巫婆的猫的奇妙故事。Gobbolino是一只有着白色爪子和蓝眼睛的猫,它的样子一点也不奇怪,但是他的妈妈不喜欢它。它从家中逃跑后,寻找一个新家。但是,它所到之处经常会有神奇的事情发生,比如农夫的牛奶变质,孤儿院孩子们的粥变成了巧克力。 A perfect story for A Puffin Book with charming black and white illustrations by the author, Ursula Moray Williams. 本书中的插画均为作者Moray Williams亲自完成。

    • ¥31 折扣:3.1折
    • Going Bovine 逐渐牛化 (普林兹文学奖)ISBN 9780385733984
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • Libba Bray 著 /2011-10-01/ Random House US
    • Can Cameron find what he’s looking for? All16-year-old Cameron wants is to get through high school—and life ingeneral—with a minimum of effort. It’s not a lot to ask. But that’sbefore he’s given some bad news: he’s sick and he’s going to die.Which totally sucks. Hope arrives in the winged form of Dulcie, aloopy punk angel/possible hallucination with a bad sugar habit. Shetells Cam there is a cure—if he’s willing to go in search of it.With the help of a death-obsessed, video-gaming dwarf and a yardgnome, Cam sets off on the mother of all road trips through atwisted America into the heart of what matters most. From the Hardcover edition.

    • ¥34.1 折扣:3.6折
    • Goodnight Mister Tom (A Puffin Book) 晚安,汤姆先生ISBN978014135480
    •   ( 73 条评论 )
    • Michelle Magorian 著 /2010-06-01/ Penguin
    • Young Willie Beech is evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the care of old Tom Oakley - but his new-found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother back in London... 汤姆是一位性情古怪、暴躁的独居老人,自我放逐似地住在一个小镇,没有人知道他的过去。而十一岁的小男生威廉,为逃避二次大战的战火,避难到小镇来,伦敦饱受空袭轰炸的恐怖经验,让威廉沉默而哀伤

    • ¥30.6 折扣:3.1折
    • 安妮·范恩大奖小说 全5册,英国儿童文学桂冠作家安妮·范恩国际大奖力作
    •   ( 1209 条评论 )
    • (英)安妮·范恩 著 /2013-08-01/ 接力出版社
    • 《面粉娃娃》 一年一度的科学展览会即将到来,卡特莱特先生的班上炸开了锅,他们必须选一个科学项目来做。 结果并没让这一拨调皮捣蛋鬼遂了心愿。等着他们的,既不是肥皂工厂,也不是蛆虫养殖场,更不是蛋奶糊锡罐爆炸实验,而是面粉娃娃—每人一个重约三公斤的可爱小面袋。 而更可怕的是,在接下来的三个星期里,他们一定要随身带着她、照顾她,面粉娃娃如有任何污损受潮他们都要受到惩罚…… 《金鱼眼叔叔》 吉蒂的妈妈有了新男友,吉蒂叫他“金鱼眼叔叔”。谁让他那样盯着妈妈的新裙子看呢?妈妈要出去约会,吉蒂和妈妈仅有的一点相处时间也被挤掉了,家里的一切都变了味儿。 吉蒂对金鱼眼叔叔只有憎恶。她不跟他说话,不吃他带来的巧克力,在日记里对他大肆嘲讽,深信下一个倒大霉的就是他。奇

    • ¥35.2 ¥88 折扣:4折
    • 中小学校执行《政府会计制度》操作指南 石志俭 编
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • 石志俭主编 /2020-12-01/ 河北教育出版社
    • 本书按会计科目、结账、报表为主线,通过大量的实际案例进行通俗易懂的讲解。本书特点:一是内容新,收录了家长微信(支付宝)扫码缴费业务、因为新冠肺炎疫情学校收到捐款等当下新发生的事项;二是内容全,收录的案例基本涵盖了中小学校日常的业务。本书还设立了食堂会计核算章节,为食堂并表奠定了基础;三是有深度,在每章内容讲解中设立了“关联科目”栏目,在部分章节内容中设立了“难点解析”栏目;四是易查询,编写了“中小学校常见会计核算业务案例索引”,便于读者快速找到所在章节进行学习。

    • ¥30.5 ¥80 折扣:3.8折