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    • 战地厨子和半个小兵 二十一世纪出版社集团
    •   ( 85 条评论 )
    • (荷)本尼·林德劳夫,(荷)路德维希·沃尔比达 /2021-11-01/ 二十一世纪出版社集团
    • 托托特是一位厨艺精湛的战地厨子,他辗转于各方军队,总能凭借准确的直觉,跟着获胜的一方。他的战场生存智慧,源于他有一颗像深海大鱼那样冷漠而奸猾的心。对托托特来说,是战争养活了他,只要有战争,将士们就要填饱肚皮,因此,他巴不得仗会一直打下去,战争就是他的整个世界。直到有一天,一个失去双腿、名叫乔治的小男孩出现在他的厨房里,打破了他平静的生活,也改变了一切……当战争终于结束,托托特回到了几乎已经被他遗忘的家乡,发现自己失去了熟悉的战场世界,却找回了那颗温暖的心。

    • ¥39 ¥78 折扣:5折
    • 狐狸有一对翅膀 汤素兰暖爱童话 汤素兰 著 长江少年儿童出版社有限公司【正版保证】
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • 汤素兰 著 /2018-01-01/ 长江少年儿童出版社有限公司
    • 丛书简介 本系列是汤素兰的中短篇童话集,集结了“笨狼妈妈”多年创作的中短篇童话故事,其中有很多名篇曾获各类奖项。汤素兰的作品构思精巧,语言优美,能从平凡的一花一草、一事一物中提炼出深刻却浅显易懂的人生哲理。汤素兰关注儿童心灵成长,她的每个故事都蕴含着的主题,如爱、亲情、成长、陪伴等,让小读者在阅读这些的童话过程中,感受美好,认知世界。本系列包括《驴家族》《月亮是块大烙饼》《开满蒲公英的地方》《住在摩天大楼顶层的马》《狐狸有一对翅膀》等5册,配有精美的图画,适合8-12岁孩子阅读。

    • ¥32 ¥71 折扣:4.5折
    • 狱中书简 [德]迪特里希·朋霍费尔 四川人民出版社【正版书】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • [德]迪特里希·朋霍费尔 /2003-04-01/ 四川人民出版社
    • 本书是朋霍费尔思考与追求的人生当中留下的最后一部名著。作者不仅面对绞刑架,而且背负十字架;不仅身陷单人囚室,而且置身世俗世界。他对人的生存和本质等问题所作的超乎监狱围墙的思考,决定了这本书不同于其他的“监狱文学”或“死囚文学”,它不仅仅是“监狱文学”,也可以说是“监狱哲学”或“监狱神学 ”。 “这是一位的德国神学家最后的遗著,他正视了在20世纪成为一名基督徒的难题,并且在纳粹手中成了一名烈士。” 在备受折磨和凌辱的牢狱生活中,朋霍费尔早已预料到了自己的死亡,并无比平静地面对死神的到来。他的文字达到了朴

    • ¥35 ¥77 折扣:4.5折
    • Going Solo 独闯天下(罗尔德·达尔自传)ISBN 9780141322742
    •   ( 39 条评论 )
    • 罗尔德·达尔 (Roald Dahl) 著 /2008-09-01/ Penguin
    • 《独闯天下》是达尔自传《好小子-童年故事》的续集。前面说到达尔完成了中学学习,他希望从事一个职业能带他到"象非洲和中国一样美妙的遥远地方。"他赢得了壳牌石油公司的好职位。1938年秋天,达尔被调到非洲工作,在那里他和壳牌石油公司的另两名代表一起管理整个东非领域,同时也开始有了更多奇妙惊险的经历,比如眼镜蛇进入他朋友的房子而不得不叫捕蛇者来捕蛇,或者一只狮子抓住了一个本地妇女,而达尔关于其营救过程的纪录被登在一家非洲报纸上,这成为他篇公开发表的作品。 This is the second part of Roald Dahl's remarkable lifestory, following on from "Boy", that tells of his time working inAfrica and his wartime exploits. This edition has a great new coverwith illustrations by Quentin Blake, and some new facts about RoaldDahl and his world.

    • ¥41.3 折扣:4折
    • Boy 好小子(罗尔德·达尔童年传记)
    •   ( 23 条评论 )
    • Roald Dahl罗尔德·达尔) 著,Quentin Blake 绘 /2013-07-01/ Penguin
    • BOY,Roald Dahl's bestselling autobiography,is full of hilarious anecdotes about his childhood and school days.With fabulous new line drawings by Quentin Blake. An autobiography is a book a person writes about his own life and it is usually full of all sorts of boring details.This is not an autobiography' - Roald Dahl.This reissue includes 30 delightful new line drawings by the inimitable Quentin Blake. Throughout his young days at school and just afterwards,a number of things happened to Roald Dahl,which made such a tremendous impression he never forgot them.Boy is the remarkable story of Roald Dahl's childhood; tales of exciting and strange things - some funny,some frightening,all true. Roald Dahl,the best-loved of children's writers,was born in Wales of Norwegian parents.His books continue to be bestsellers,despite his death in 1990,and worldwide sales are over 100 million! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to

    • ¥48.2 折扣:4.7折
    • 宫泽贤治童话文集3:银河铁道之夜 [日]宫泽贤治,周龙梅
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • [日]宫泽贤治,周龙梅 /2003-05-01/ 少年儿童出版社
    • 宫泽贤治童话文集。 这是日本已故的童话作家宫泽贤治的童话作品在的首次全面隆重推出,无疑将成为时下成人童话阅读风潮中最为重磅的一部作品。宫泽贤治被人誉为一位“孤高而浪漫的儿童文学巨匠”。他的作品如同他仅仅三十七个年头的悲剧一生一样,单纯而又复杂。诗词般优美清丽的文笔、寄寓深刻的内含、起伏跌宕的情节、浪漫悲剧式的寓意,使他当之无愧地成为日本“一千年中最喜爱的文学家”。本次出版的该部文集,收录了他毕业的童话作品,同时配以幻想小说家彭懿的专业点评以及漫画家俞理隽永的插图。让您在跟随作家生机盎然,奇思妙想的童话故事一起,体味他与众不同的心灵世界。

    • ¥31.1 ¥78 折扣:4折
    • Giants of Science:Charles Darwin 科学巨匠:查尔斯﹒达尔文ISBN97801475146
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Kathleen Krull 著, Boris Kulikov 绘 /2015-02-01/
    • All his life, Charles Darwin hated controversy. Yet he takes his place among the Giants of Science for what remains an immensely controversial subject: the theory of evolution. Darwin began piecing together his explanation for how all living things change or adapt during his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle. But it took him twenty years to go public, for fear of the backlash his theory would cause. Once again, Kathleen Krull delivers a witty and astute picture of one of history's greatest scientists.

    • ¥32.2 折扣:4.7折
    • The Christmas Mystery 伊莉莎白的秘密(贾德作品)ISBN 9780753808665
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Jostein Gaarder 著 /1999-10-01/ Orion
    • Even grownups enjoy a bedtime story every now and then,especially one that combines, as does this one, the sophisticationof a novel with the whimsy of a fairy tale. Gaarder, the Norwegianformer professor of philosophy who brought us The Solitaire Mystery(1996) and the bestselling Sophie's World (1995), is up to hisusual tricks here, serving up a metaphysical brainteaser thatunfolds into a warm?but not preachy?meditation on God and theChristian doctrines. Set in an unnamed town in present-day Norway,it tells the story of Joachim, a young boy who finds a faded,handmade Advent calendar in a bookstore on the eve of Decemberfirst, and begs his father to let him take it home. The nextmorning, when he opens the calendar's first door, Joachim discoversnot just the expected picture but also a tightly folded piece ofpaper, the first installment of the fantastic tale of a littlegirl's journey through time and space to be present at theNativity. Soon the girl's story is making unexpected intrusionsinto Joachim's o

    • ¥46.2 折扣:4.2折
    • Sophie's World 苏菲的世界(儿童版)ISBN 9781858815305
    •   ( 93 条评论 )
    • Jostein Gaarder /2003-09-01/ Orion
    • When 14-year-old Sophie encounters a mysterious mentor whointroduces her to philosophy, mysteries deepen in her own life. Whydoes she keep getting postcards addressed to another girl? Who isthe other girl? And who, for that matter, is Sophie herself? Tosolve the riddle, she uses her new knowledge of philosophy, but thetruth is far stranger than she could have imagined. A phenomenal worldwide bestseller, SOPHIE'S WORLD sets out to drawteenagers into the world of Socrates, Descartes, Spinoza, Hegel andall the great philosophers. A brilliantly original and fascinatingstory with many twists and turns, it raises profound questionsabout the meaning of life and the origin of theuniverse.

    • ¥40.9 折扣:4.3折
    • The Solitaire Mystery 纸牌的秘密(贾德作品)ISBN 9781857998658
    •   ( 66 条评论 )
    • Jostein Gaarder 著 /1997-06-01/ Orion
    • Twelve-year-old Hans Thomas lives alone with his father, a manwho likes to give his son lessons about life and has a penchant forphilosophy. Hans Thomas' mother left when he was four (to find'herself) and the story begins when father and son set off on a tripto Greece, where she now lives, to try to persuade her to comehome. En route, in Switzerland, Hans Thomas is given a magnifyingglass by a dwarf at a petrol station, and the next day he finds atiny book in his bread roll which can only be read with amagnifying glass. How did the book come to be there? Why does thedwarf keep showing up? It is all very perplexing and Hans Thomashas enough to cope with, with the daunting prospect of seeing hismother. Now his journey has turned into an encounter with theunfathomable...or does it all have a logical explanation?

    • ¥47.5 折扣:4.3折
    • Three Cups of Tea Young Readers Edition 三杯茶 9780142414125
    •   ( 448 条评论 )
    • Greg Mortenson 著 /2009-01-01/ Penguin
    • With the first cup of tea, you are a stranger. With the second… a friend. With the third cup of tea, you are family. One day GregMortenson set out to climb K2 - the world's second highest mountain- in honour of his younger sister, but things went wrong and Gregbecame lost. He wandered into a poor village, where the chief andhis people took him in. Moved by their kindness, Greg promised toreturn and build a school for the children. This is the remarkablestory of how Greg built not one but more than sixty schools inPakistan and Afghanistan, and how he has dedicated his life topromoting literacy, peace and understanding.

    • ¥36.4 折扣:4.7折