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    • 改变世界的传奇人物:伟大的发明家 德国原版引进
    •   ( 236 条评论 )
    • [德] 克里斯塔·珀博曼 著 /2018-10-01/ 太白文艺出版社
    • 本书立足于培养孩子对于发明创造的兴趣选取10位在世界发明史上具有重要影响力的发明家,并写出了他们的一些发明小故事和代表性的发明过程。故事简单易懂且图文并茂,很适合孩子阅读。 在这里,我们能了解到这些思考者的童年生活,以及他们是怎么成为发明家的。他们重要的生平信息将会以简明扼要的形式呈现。那些他们生活的时代里其他重要的事件,你将会在 历史知识 区块中看到。每一章的*后还有一份关于这位发明家的知识小测验。

    • ¥22.1 ¥39.8 折扣:5.6折
    • Who Was Marco Polo? 漫画名人传记:马可·波罗 ISBN9780448445403
    •   ( 58 条评论 )
    • Joan Holub 著 /2007-07-01/ Penguin
    • Marco Polo was seventeen when he set out for China . . . and forty-one when he came back! More than seven hundred years ago, Marco Polo traveled from the medieval city of Venice to the fabled kingdom of the great Kublai Khan, seeing new sights and riches that no Westerner had ever before witnessed. But did Marco Polo experience the things he wrote about . . . or was it all made-up? Young readers are presented with the facts in this entertaining, highly readable Who Was . . . ? biography with black-and-white artwork by John O’Brien.

    • ¥27 折扣:6折
    • Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? 漫画名人传记:莫扎特 ISBN978044843104
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    • Yona Zeldis McDonough 著 /2003-04-01/ Penguin
    • Born in Austria in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music, a minuet, when he was just five years old! Soon after, he was performing for kings and emperors. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart left a legacy of more than 600 works. This fascinating biography charts the musician's extraordinary career and personal life while painting a vivid cultural history of eighteenth-century Europe. Black-and-white illustrations on every spread explore such topics as the history of opera and the evolution of musical instruments. There is also a timeline and a bibliography. Illustrated by Carrie Robbins. Cover illustration by Nancy Harrison.

    • ¥23.3 折扣:5.2折
    • Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?麦哲伦ISBN9780448431055
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • S. A. Kramer 著 /2004-08-01/ Penguin
    • When Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain in 1519, he believed he could get to the Spice Islands by sailing west through or around the New World. He was right, but what he didn't know was that the treacherous voyage would take him three years and cost him his life. Black-and-white line drawings illustrate Magellan's life and voyage, with sidebars and a time line that enhance readers' understanding of the period

    • ¥28.3 折扣:5.4折
    • Who Was Harriet Tubman?漫画名人传记:哈丽特﹒塔布曼 ISBN9780448428895
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Yona Zeldis McDonough 编著 /2002-12-01/ Penguin
    • Born a slave in Maryland, Harriet Tubman knew first-hand what it meant to be someone's property; she was whipped by owners and almost killed by an overseer. It was from other field hands that she first heard about the Underground Railroad which she travelled by herself north to Philadelphia. Throughout her long life (she died at the age of ninety-two) and long after the Civil War brought an end to slavery, this amazing woman was proof of what just one person can do.

    • ¥22.6 折扣:5.3折
    • 汉字就是这么来的(走进汉字世界)
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • 孟琢|责编:阳梅//李炜 /2020-08-01/ 湖南少儿
    • 朱永新、王宁、康震、周益民推荐给孩子的靠谱趣味汉字书,帮孩子轻松搞定大语文汉字头一关。 汉字是个神器,能帮你轻松打开中国历史文化的所有秘密。《汉字就是这么来的》系列是北京师范大学汉字专家孟琢写给孩子的趣味汉字书,按 精选小学生常用、能体现造字逻辑与中国历史文化的标准,选取了约400个神奇汉字。用300多幅全彩手绘、文物图,以及汉字树形结构,画说3000岁汉字的前世今生、演变历程;以5种字形演变、生动有趣又知识满满的语言,说透6大造字法,让孩子从根源杜 易错字; 以一个个汉字穿起一条条知识线,带孩子读懂5000年历史文化的跌宕起伏、磅礴巨变。 全系列共六册:《走进汉字世界》《字里字外的天文地理》《字里字外的人体世界》《字里字外的衣食住行》《字里字外的动物王国》《字里字外的人文历史》。分册科学有逻辑、行

    • ¥20.09 ¥39.8 折扣:5折