
  • 1星以上
  • 50~元以上
  • 4折-5折
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 可爱手艺 和孩子一起学做100种中国古风手作(全2册) 中国人民大学出版社
    •   ( 32 条评论 )
    • 李思浔 /2023-01-01/ 中国人民大学出版社
    • 这是一套好玩的亲子互动游戏书。 书中介绍了100种中国古风手作,并由此衍生出了100个儿童创意美工作品。包括绘画、塑作、编织、剪刻、扎糊等九大类,并根据难易程度排列各类中各个项目的顺序。让孩子用生活中容易找到的材料,以及可以轻松上手的粘、贴、捏、剪、染、缝、写、画等丰富多彩的美工形式,充满创意地体会中国传统手工艺的精妙,感受传统手工艺的精髓和匠人精神。 对于每种中国古风手作,书中不仅介绍了各自的特点和背后的历史故事,还有与其有关的谜语、诗词、文段等,能让孩子在学习制作的同时也增长知识,学会如何去鉴赏美,提高文学和艺术素养。

    • ¥69 ¥138 折扣:5折
    • 果冻书9本套 北京教育出版社
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 无 /2023-06-01/ 北京教育出版社
    • 《儿童专注力训练果冻贴纸书 建筑工地果冻贴》 本书是一册以建筑工地认知为主题、锻炼幼儿专注力的果冻贴纸书。本书选取了一座城堡建筑工地的场景,通过四个画面展示了城堡建设的过程,为小朋友揭秘建筑工地的内景和详情。该书设置了勘探地貌、打地基、主体建设、装修、修路等情景,为小读者展示一座城堡建筑的步骤和具体工作。该稿件通过有趣的贴纸游戏,引导幼儿在快乐中认知城堡建筑的过程及所需要的材料,能够满足幼儿对建筑工地的好奇心,并引起幼儿的注意,有助于其专注力的养成。 《儿童专注力训练果冻贴纸书 宇宙空间果冻贴》 《宇宙空间果冻贴》是一册以宇宙空间认知为主题、锻炼幼儿专注力的果冻贴纸书。本书设置了浩瀚无边而璀璨迷人的宇宙空间场景,囊括了地球、月球、太阳系等场景,并展现了恒星、行星、卫星、星座、陨石

    • ¥224.1 ¥448.2 折扣:5折
    • 全世界孩子都爱玩的纸飞机
    •   ( 1889 条评论 )
    • 李贝宁 著 /2014-02-01/ 辽海出版社
    • 跟着折法多的纸飞机书,一起折100款纸飞机! ★吉尼斯纪录纸飞机——吉尼斯飞机折法大公开!让你的纸飞机成为小伙伴中NO.1! ★飞得远的纸飞机——飞行距离超过10m,纸飞机比赛*。 ★特技飞行纸飞机——炫飞行效果,飞出去再飞回来,翻跟头,玩特技。 ★永恒的经典飞机——永不过时的经典,容易折,飞得远。 ★难以置信的仿真飞机——*设计,终极挑战,敢来试试吗……

    • ¥124.5 ¥249 折扣:5折
    • 很好玩立体拼图书(共8册)
    •   ( 202 条评论 )
    • 张君红黄晓锐 著 /1970-01-01/ 二十一世纪出版社
    • 这套立体手工产品使用安全环保的EPS板制作。拼装简单,无需使用剪刀和胶水;培养空间思维能力;训练精细动作,增进手眼脑协调发展。既是父母和孩子亲子互动游戏,又是适合上班族、老年人休闲和健脑的手工产品。

    • ¥89.6 ¥224 折扣:4折
    • LEGO· Harry Potter Characters of the Magical World 乐高系列:哈利波特
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Dorling Kindersley 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • Meet the minifigures from the LEGO[registered] Harry Potter'Magical World. "LEGO Harry Potter Characters of the Magical World"is an exciting character encyclopedia featuring every minifigureand creature from the LEGO Harry Potter range of toys. From Harry,Hagrid and the Hungarian Horntail to the first ever reversible LEGOminifigure heads and the glow-in-the-dark figures, there's anexclusive Harry Potter figure minifigure to collect. Eachminifigure has a full-page profile, full of fascinating HarryPotter facts and never before seen photos. It's the ultimate guidefor Lego and Harry Potter fans.

    • ¥97.3 折扣:4.7折
    • DK创意DIY(精)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • (英)珍·布尔|责编:雷美琴//柳静|译者:郭志强... /2020-12-01/ 国家开放大学
    • 你生活中的废纸都是怎样处理的?你有没有用它们亲手为家人和朋友制作过小礼物?你喜欢变魔术吗?你有没有试着自己做魔术道具?去年收到的贺年卡还在你的抽屉里吗?你有没有尝试过设计贺年卡和生日卡?你有没有试过用自己制作的饰品装扮房间?你想不想自己动手制作一个漂亮的金属风铃?……你能想到的趣味手工本书应有尽有,快来开始艺术创想吧!

    • ¥50.3 ¥108 折扣:4.7折
    • LEGO· Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes! Brickmaster 乐高系
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Dk 著 /2012-09-01/ Penguin
    • Are you up to the challenge of LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fightthe Power of the Snakes! Brickmaster? Join the Ninjas on theirquest to defend the four mystic weapons of Spinjitzu and make 12exclusive LEGO models as you go. With two different minifigures,over 100 bricks, and a brand new set of scenarios for the Year ofthe Snake, you can read and play all at the same time, with thehelp of an exciting and instructional book to guide you.LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes! Brickmastercontains fascinating facts and Did You Know? sections throughoutand boast a brand new box design, making them the perfect presentfor any LEGO fan.

    • ¥124.8 折扣:4.8折
    • LEGO· Ninjago Character Encyclopedia 乐高系列:幻影忍者角色大全(精装) ISBN9
    •   ( 48 条评论 )
    • 本社 编著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • With every minifigure, weapon, vehicle and dragon, this titlelets you master the world of LEGO[registered] Ninjago. You can goon the ultimate LEGO[registered] Ninjago adventure withLEGO[registered] Ninjago Character Encyclopedia, plus there's anexclusive and fully-armed minifigure so you can put your Ninjagoknowledge into practice. You can meet every single LEGO Ninjagocharacter, including Kai ZX, the Ninja of Fire; learn about theirweapons, the vehicles, the dragons and the exotic locations fromthe Ninjago universe. You can follow the action as they battle theSkeleton Army and fight to defeat the evil snake villains, theSerpentines. With story pages taking you through the events thatshape the Ninjago world, fact boxes on every page telling you thecoolest facts and a Ninja file for each character, LEGO[registered]Ninjago Character Encyclopedia is a must-have for any buddingNinja.

    • ¥102.9 折扣:5折
    • LEGO· City Brickmaster 乐高系列:乐高城市(含乐高玩具块) ISBN9781405356237
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Dorling KindersleyDK出版社) 著 /2011-08-01/ Penguin
    • Become a LEGO Brickmaster. LEGO City Brickmaster promises hours of imaginative playtime and learning for your child. Watch as they find out all about building with the LEGO bricks provided, using them again and again to build 9 exclusive LEGO City models. LEGO City is the best-selling series from LEGO, offering your child something more than a traditional action figure. If your child loves LEGO bricks, they'll enjoy this book complete with 130 LEGO bricks and two exclusive minifigures. It's an ideal book for LEGO fans of all ages.

    • ¥122.8 折扣:4.7折
    • 新世纪航模丛书:纸模型飞机【正版图书,满额减】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 杨烜著 /2011-01-01/ 中航书苑文化传媒(北京)有限公司
    • 本书是由杨烜编著的《纸模型飞机》。纸模型飞机是航空模型运动的基础,也是最容易被大众接受和喜爱的模型。本书具体介绍了纸模型飞机的概况,制作纸模型飞机的材料、工具和方法;纸模型飞机的调整、试飞和飞行;纸模型飞机的设计和制作实例;以及纸模型飞机比赛、表演和娱乐等内容。此外,还简单介绍了遥控动力纸模型飞机的简单知识。本书可供航空模型普及活动使用及阅读参考。

    • ¥109.3 ¥274.5 折扣:4折
    • Lego: Harry Potter Building the Magical World 乐高玩具书:哈利波特(含乐高
    •   ( 33 条评论 )
    • DK PublishingDK出版社) 著 /2011-06-01/ DK Publishing
    • This title helps you to discover everything you need to knowabout LEGO's No. 1 selling toy - Harry Potter. LEGO[registered]Harry Potter Building the Magical World is a must-have for anyLEGO[registered] and Harry Potter fans. Head on journey through thescenes and sets from LEGO[registered] Harry Potter through amazingphotos and incredible details. It helps you see how to recreate keyevents from Harry Potter fighting a Hungarian Horntail dragon tostudying magic at Hogwarts. It also helps you discover insightsinto the history, manufacture and construction of LEGO[registered]Harry Potter. If you love LEGO[registered] Harry Potter, you'lllove this visual dictionary. It also comes complete with anexclusive mini-figure from The LEGO[registered] Harry Potterrange.

    • ¥97.9 折扣:4.2折
    • 甜心公主涂色本:全6册
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • 刘玉/绘 /2020-07-08/ 长江少年儿童出版社
    • 每个女生都有一个公主梦,都有一颗爱美的心。 《甜心公主涂色本》是一套专门送给3-6岁小女孩的公主涂色书,另外还附赠小女孩超喜爱的公主转印贴。图书共6册,每册均有30位不同风格、不同造型的公主。这些公主穿着各种华贵、炫丽的礼服,姿态婀娜多姿。公主们有的俏皮可爱、有的端庄大方、有的优雅夺目。不同装扮的公主,满足小女孩的不同爱好。图画的线条清晰、流畅,将公主们的风采展示得淋漓尽致;涂色区域有大有小,满足孩子们的不同涂色习惯。 随书附赠的公主转印贴,图案清晰、种类丰富,操作简单易上手,满足小女孩不同的爱美需求。转印贴纸采用环保纸张,温和亲肤,孩子们可以将美丽的转印纹身贴贴在公主的礼服上,也可以贴在自己的手上,尽享手工DIY的乐趣。

    • ¥59.7 ¥119.4 折扣:5折
    • 凯蒂猫玩具屋手工王(4册)
    •   ( 64 条评论 )
    • (日)三丽鸥公司 著,童趣出版有限公司 编 /2016-07-01/ 人民邮电出版社
    • 4 款立体玩具屋,120页创意零部件,200余件精美小道具,全面开发5大智能! 《凯蒂猫玩具屋手工王》共4册,选取HelloKitty的经典场景,精心设计,打造出全新、唯美的凯蒂公主城堡、凯蒂蜜糖屋、凯蒂粉红淑女屋和凯蒂萌学园。 4款形式多样的Hello Kitty玩具屋,精致立体,吸引孩子眼球;120页创意零部件,分割科学,符合孩子小手发育程度,有效锻炼孩子动手能力;200余件精美小道具,供孩子自由摆放、创意组合,做出自己独一无二的Hello Kitty立体玩具屋。动脑观察、动手制作,全面培养孩子观察力、专注力、空间想象力、逻辑思维力、创造力,激发孩子智力潜能。

    • ¥50 ¥119.2 折扣:4.2折
    • LEGO· Batman Visual Dictionary LEGO· DC Universe Super Heroe
    •   ( 56 条评论 )
    • Daniel Lipkowitz 著 /1970-01-01/ DK Publishing
    • You can enter the world of LEGO Batman with this incrediblevisual dictionary. LEGO[registered] Batman the Visual Dictionary isthe complete visual guide to all things LEGO Batman, and includesan exclusive minifigure with every copy. This is the ultimate guideto every LEGO set and minifigure to be found in theLEGO[registered] DC Universe, including all of your favouritegoodies (and baddies), from Catwoman, The Joker and Poison Ivy, toRobin and Alfred. You can take a look inside amazing locations -from the spooky Arkham Asylum to the brilliant Batcave. You caneven get up close to the Batmobile and relive major events such asMr Freeze and The Penguin's invasion. An illustrated timeline showsevery LEGO Batman set ever produced. Fantastic comic-strip featuresbring the models to life, as you learn about them all from thepoint of view of the amazing universe of LEGO Batman. Go beyond thebricks to look at the world of the LEGO Batman computer game,merchandise and the fan community. What's more, the corners of e

    • ¥111.3 折扣:4.8折
    • 长征五号 北极星童书 编
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • 北极星童书 编 /2017-07-01/ 长江文艺出版社
    • 这是一套3D仿真航天模型手工拼插书系列,首批推出4款,分为4个分册。近几年,我国航天事业不断取得进步,航天爱好者也不断增加,他们不分年龄你分性别,航天迷的队伍在日益壮大。本书选取4款深受航天爱好者喜爱的航天装备,设计4个分册,分别为:《长征五号》《天舟一号》《神舟十一号》《天宫二号》。其中,“天宫二号”实验室设计可打开舱门的设计,“天舟一号”“天宫二号”完成独立拼插后可完成对接拼插。本册为《长征五号》。每款产品均设计巧妙、做工精细,并附赠精美指导图册,是各年龄层读者动手、减压、益智的不错选择。

    • ¥74.2 ¥158 折扣:4.7折
    • LEGO· Legends of Chima Brickmaster the Quest for CHI 乐高系列:赤马
    •   ( 67 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • Brand new from the Lego[registered] universe - lose yourselfin the incredible world of Lego[registered] Legends of Chima InLego[registered] Legends of ChimaT Brickmaster the Quest for CHIget ready to discover a brand new adventure from the incredibleLego[registered] world. You can learn about the tribes of animalsthat rule the mystical world of Chima and compete for control overthe magical natural resource known as 'CHI'. You can follow thestoryline that sees Cragger the crafty crocodile and Lennox theheroic lion go head to head in their quest for 'Chi'. You can buildvehicles that will help them reach the CHI first, then embark on abattle that will leave your Lego[registered] Chima models inpieces, ready to follow the clear step-by-step instructions andrebuild a brand new vehicle to try again. You can follow theexciting storyline of Lego[registered] Legends of ChimaBrickmaster, with two minifigures and many exclusive Lego models tomake. You can embark on the adventure to Lego[registered] Legendsof Chim

    • ¥130.5 折扣:4.8折
    • LEGO· Star Wars Character Encyclopedia 乐高系列:星球大战角色大全(精装) ISB
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Dorling KindersleyDK出版社) 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia includes exclusive LEGOStar Wars minifigure! DK is bringing two of the world's most popular propertiestogether again in a fun, chunky format that kids and adults aresure to love! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depthprofiles showing interesting and never-before-seen elements of allyour favorite LEGO Star Wars minifigures. With more than 400 captivating images and tons of fascinatingfacts, the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia is sure to keepboth LEGO lovers and Star Wars fans reading for hours!

    • ¥100.1 折扣:4.9折
    • 天舟一号 北极星童书 编
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • 北极星童书/编 著作 /2017-07-01/ 长江文艺出版社
    • 这是一套3D仿真航天模型手工拼插书系列,首批推出4款,分为4个分册。近几年,我国航天事业不断取得进步,航天爱好者也不断增加,他们不分年龄你分性别,航天迷的队伍在日益壮大。本书选取4款深受航天爱好者喜爱的航天装备,设计4个分册,分别为:《长征五号》《天舟一号》《神舟十一号》《天宫二号》。其中,“天宫二号”实验室设计可打开舱门的设计,“天舟一号”“天宫二号”完成独立拼插后可完成对接拼插。本册为《天舟一号》。每款产品均设计巧妙、做工精细,并附赠精美指导图册,是各年龄层读者动手、减压、益智的不错选择。

    • ¥74.2 ¥158 折扣:4.7折