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    • The Trumpet of the Swan 吹小号的天鹅(平装) ISBN9780064408677
    •   ( 115 条评论 )
    • E. B. White ,(E·B·怀特) 著 /2000-10-01/ HarperCollins
    • Like the rest of his family, Louis is a trumpeter swan. But unlike his four brothers and sisters, Louis can't trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can't even make a sound. And since he can't trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena's affection -- he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father steals him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning Louis his love?

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Lyddie(Puffin Modern Classics) 9780142402542
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Katherine Paterson 著 /2004-09-01/ Penguin
    • When ten-year-old Lyddie and her younger brother are hired outas servants to help pay off their family farm’s debts, Lyddie isdetermined to find a way to reunite her family. A story ofdetermination and personal growth, Lyddie has already establisheditself as a classic. An ALA Notable Book

    • ¥25.1 折扣:4.3折
    • Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger 歪歪小学:三只耳朵的代课老师(纽伯瑞金奖作家
    •   ( 76 条评论 )
    • Louis Sachar 著 /1996-02-01/ HarperCollins
    • All the kids from Wayside School had to spend 243 days inhorrible schools while Wayside closed to get rid of the cows (Don'task!). Now the kids are back and the fun begins again on everyfloor. Miss Much has prepared a Day on the 30th floor--with dogsand cats and frogs and skunks and pigs, and an orange named Fidocausing a terrible commotion. In Mrs. Drazil's class, they'rethrowing a coffeepot, a sack of potatoes, a pencil sharpener, and alight bulb out the window to see which hits the ground first. Butthe big surprise is that Mrs. Jewls is expecting a baby--but onenamed Cootie Face or Bucket Head--and a substitute teacher iscoming--and everyone knows what that means... Something strange is going on at the already peculiar Way sideSchool, when Mrs. Jewls leaves her students with a succession ofsubstitute teachers. "Wayside School devotes [will] turn pageseagerly...these additional anecdote about wayside school willsurely tickle the funny bones of fans"-School Library Journal

    • ¥24.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Warriors: Omen of the Stars #1: The Fourth Apprentice 猫武士-星预
    •   ( 89 条评论 )
    • Hunter, Erin 著 /2010-11-01/ HarperCollins
    • The #1 nationally best–selling tales of the warrior catscontinue in a new story arc, filled with dazzling drama, epicbetrayal, and thrilling adventure! It has been foretold thatJayfeather and Lionblaze hold the power of the stars in their paws.Now they must wait for a sign from StarClan to tell them which oftheir Clanmates will complete the prophecy. Soon, a StarClanwarrior will visit a new ThunderClan apprentice, and the threechosen cats must attempt to discover how the prophecy willdetermine their future—and the fate of all the warrior Clans. Thisbook also contains the first full adventure in the WarriorsAdventure Game, which will be called out with a burst on the frontcove

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • The Little Fir Tree 小杉树 ISBN9780064435291
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Margaret Wise Brown 著 /2009-10-01/ HarperCollins
    • Once there was a tree that stood in a field away from theother trees. It longed to be part of the forest—or part of anythingat all. After many lonely years, its dream came true. And thelittle fir tree's life changed forever! They put golden tinsel on his branches And golden bells And green icicles And silver stars. And soon—o shining wonder—the little fir tree was . . . A Christmas tree Celebrate the true spirit of Christmas with heartwarming text bythe author of Goodnight Moon and exquisite, glowing paintings byaward-winning artist Jim LaMarche.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Geronimo Stilton Special Edition:The Hunt For The Curious Ch
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著;Geronimo Stilton 编 /1990-01-01/
    • 《老鼠记者系列》以老鼠为主人公讲述了一系列惊险刺激、扣人心弦而又妙趣横生的旅行历险故事。 《老鼠记者》系列曾获出版创意奖、安徒生奖、儿童电子书奖等多项殊荣,是全球狂销8600万册的优秀儿童文学桥梁书。 主人公杰罗尼摩经营着鼠城第1畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他有着出版人的博学睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚,在表弟赖皮、永远充满激情的妹妹菲、聪明可爱的侄儿本杰明等的引领“煽动”下,老鼠记者杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而每次旅行都能让小读者学到许多有趣的科学文化知识。 新鼠城发生了一件奇怪的事情! 城里的居民莫名其妙都生病了,呕吐、干呕,甚至身上长了很多肉瘤! 种种迹象表明,这件事情和居民吃的奶酪脱不了干系,杰罗尼摩能否侦破此案?案件背后的真

    • ¥29.1 折扣:4.9折
    • The Battle for Skandia 皇家骑士4:血战斯堪迪安 9780142413401
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • John Flanagan 著 /2009-01-01/ Penguin
    • Still far from home after escaping slavery in the icebound landof Skandia, young Will and Evanlynas plans to return to Araluen arespoiled when Evanlyn is taken captive. Though still weak, Willemploys his Ranger training to locate his friend but soon findshimself fatally outnumbered. Will is certain death is close athand, until Halt and Horace make a daring last-minute rescue. Buttheir reunion is cut short by the horrifying discovery thatSkandiaas borders have been breached by the Temujai armyaandAraluen is next in their sights. Only an unlikely union can savethe two kingdoms, but can it hold long enough to vanquish aruthless new enemy?

    • ¥28.5 折扣:4.2折
    • Touching Spirit Bear 遇见灵熊(美国图书馆协会年度青少年读物) ISBN9780380805600
    •   ( 71 条评论 )
    • Ben Mikaelsen 著 /2002-05-01/ HarperCollins
    • Within Cole Matthews lie anger, rage and hate. Cole has beenstealing and fighting for years. This time he caught Alex Driscalin the, parking lot and smashed his head against the sidewalk. Now,Alex may have permanent brain damage'and Cole is in the Biggesttrouble of his life. Cole is offered Circle Justice: a system based on Native Americantraditions that attempts to provide healing for the criminaloffender, the victim and the, community. With prison as his onlyalternative, Cole plays along. He says he wants to repent, but inhis heart Cole blames his alcoholic mom his, abusive dad, wimpyAlex -- everyone but himself -- for his situation. Cole receives a one-year banishment to a remote Alaskan island.There, he is mauled by Mysterious white bear of Native Americanlegend. Hideously injured, Cole waits for his death His thoughtsshift from from Anger to humility. To survive, he must stop blamingothers and take responsibility for his life. Rescuers arrive tosave Cole's but it is the attack of the S

    • ¥28 折扣:4.7折
    • Warriors: Omen of the Stars #4: Sign of the Moon 猫武士-星预言4:月光
    •   ( 64 条评论 )
    • Erin Hunter 著 /2012-04-01/ HarperCollins
    • The dark forces that have driven a rift between the fourwarrior Clans are growing stronger. While Lionblaze remains focusedon maintaining an uneasy peace among the Clans, Jayfeather issummoned to the mountains by a desperate plea—the Tribe of RushingWater has been plunged into disarray and stands on the brink ofbeing lost forever. Omen of the Stars #4 also contains a newadventure in the Warriors Adventure Game, which will be called outwith a sticker.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Fairest 最美丽的人(《魔法灰姑娘》作者,纽约时报畅销书) ISBN9780060734107
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Gail Carson Levine盖尔·卡森·列文) 著 /2008-05-01/ HarperCollins
    • Grade 6 Up–In a world in which elegance, beauty, and singingability are revered, Aza is bulky, awkward, and homely. Her savinggrace is that she can sing and has a gift of voice manipulationthat she calls illusing. Through a chance meeting at her familysinn, a duchess invites Aza to act as her companion and accompanyher to the palace to attend the kings wedding. When the beautifulnew queen discovers Azas gift for throwing her voice and formimicry, she sees a way of protecting her reputation and disguisingher own lack of talent. Pressured by the womans threats upon herfamily, Aza deceives the court into believing that Ivi is a giftedsinger. When the ruse is discovered, Aza is forced to flee thecastle in order to save her life. Through her adventures, shediscovers her own strength of character, learns about her trueheritage, and decides that her physical appearance is not worthy ofthe stress and worry she has wasted on it. The plot is fast-paced,and Azas growth and maturity are well crafted and believable.Rea

    • ¥29.4 折扣:4.9折
    • Warriors: Tigerstar and Sasha #1: Into the Woods 猫武士漫画版:虎星与莎
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • HunterErin 著 /2008-09-01/ HarperCollins
    • Now readers will find out what really happened betweenTigerstar — one of the most feared and reviled Warrior cats of alltime — and Sasha, a mysterious rogue. Kittypet Sasha has everythingshe wants: kind housefolk who take care of her during the day, andthe freedom to explore the woods beyond Twolegplace at night. Butwhen Sasha is forced to leave her home, she must forge a solitarynew life in the forest. When Sasha meets Tigerstar, leader ofShadowClan, she begins to think that she may be better off joiningthe ranks of his forest Clan. But Tigerstar has many secrets, andSasha must decide whether she can trust him

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Monster Blood for Breakfast! (Goosebumps Horrorland #03)鸡皮疙瘩
    •   ( 65 条评论 )
    • R.L. Stine 著 /2008-06-01/ Scholastic
    • For an athlete like Matt Daniels, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's also the most dangerous. That's because somebody is about to pull a mean prank. The recipe is simple: Just add gooey, green Monster Blood. As if Matt's problems weren't big and slimy enough, an invitation to HorrorLand is also on its way. Can Matt survive inside a terrifying scream park where trouble lurks behind every turnstile? Can YOU?

    • ¥24.3 折扣:4.9折
    • Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour 猫武士 6:力挽狂澜 ISBN9780060525859
    •   ( 151 条评论 )
    • Hunter, Erin 著 /2005-09-01/ HarperCollins
    • ThunderClan's darkest hour is upon them, as Tigerstar's questfor power plunges all the Clans into the most terrible danger anycat has ever faced. In order to save his Clan and his friends,Fireheart must uncover the meaning of an ominous proclamation fromStarClan: "Four will become two. Lion and tiger will meet in battle, andblood will rule the forest." The time has come for prophecies to unfold, and for heroes torise ...

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • The Devil’s Arithmetic(Puffin Modern Classics) 魔鬼的算术 9780142
    •   ( 33 条评论 )
    • Jane Yolen 著 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • 汉娜是一个生活在纽约的犹太裔女孩,每年全家人都要到埃娃阿姨家过逾越节,虽然汉娜不太情愿,但她每次都会参加。这年,她又一次来到埃娃阿姨家,埃娃阿姨和拉比叔叔总是跟她讲一些他们当年在纳粹集中营里的经历,汉娜虽然厌烦,但还是会听一些,晚餐大家食用传统的逾越节薄饼,汉娜则被要求按规矩去 " 打开前门 " ,她发现自己进入了一个陌生的世界。 一个自称是丽夫卡的女孩自称是汉娜的表妹。她告诉诉汉娜:汉娜的父母已经因病故去,她现在住在丽夫卡家里。无奈的汉娜只好接受了事实,但她发现自己身处 1941 年波兰的一个犹太人村子里,她和表妹要去参加一对犹太年轻人的婚礼。就在婚礼即将结束的时候,德国人闯进了村子,抓捕了所有的犹太人。在去纳粹集中营的卡车上,汉娜认识了一个一直喜欢她的小伙子阿瑞尔。在集中营

    • ¥28.6 折扣:4.9折
    • Horrid Henry's Joke Book 淘气包亨利笑话书 ISBN 9781842551608
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Francesca Simon 著 /2004-05-01/ Orion
    • Horrid Henry has collected all of his favourite jokes and isitching to share them. He's divided them into sections, each onecovering a subject he finds fascinating: Demon Dinner Ladieslaughs, Anti-Aunt jokes, scary screamers and jokes not suitable formums. And Henry's written his own, special introduction to eachsection. A side-splittingly funny new book bursting with jokescollected from primary schools throughout Britain - so they'reperfect for their audience.

    • ¥27.4 折扣:4折