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    • The Way Of The Samurai(Geronimo Stilton #49)老鼠记者49ISBN978054
    •   ( 149 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著 /2012-04-01/ Scholastic
    • 人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 当杰罗尼摩的朋友出现在他家门口,并邀请杰罗尼摩一起前往日本旅行时,杰罗尼摩愉快的答应了。 事实上,杰罗尼摩和朋友在追踪一件重大案件。 一幅画有武士如何长时间作战的技能的画卷被偷走了,杰罗尼摩和朋友必须尽快把它找到,但前提是他们必须先打败一组强大的忍者…… 看来,这又将是一次难忘的冒险之旅啊! 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles 百科全书布朗和死鹰
    •   ( 68 条评论 )
    • Donald J. Sobol 著 /2008-03-01/ Penguin
    • Leroy Brown is back in the Encyclopedia Brown series. AsIdaville?’s ten-year-old star detective, Encyclopedia has anuncanny knack for trivia. With his unconventional knowledge, hesolves mysteries for the neighborhood kids through his owndetective agency. But his dad also happens to be the chief of theIdaville police department, and every night around the dinnertable, Encyclopedia helps him solve some of the most bafflingcrimes. With ten confounding mysteries, not only does Encyclopediahave a chance to solve them, but readers are given all the clues aswell and can chime in with their own solutions. Interactive andfun?—it?’s classic Encyclopedia Brown!

    • ¥22.4 折扣:5折
    • Geronimo Stilton #46: The Haunted Castle 老鼠记者46 978054510374
    •   ( 196 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著 /2011-12-01/ Scholastic
    • Morethan 18 million Geronimo Stilton books in print! I was just minding my business at homewhen I got a telephone call. It was my uncle Samuel S. Stingysnout,inviting the whole Stilton family to creepy, faraway Penny PincherCastle for a big surprise. Moldy mozzarella -- I'm not much of atraveling mouse, and I hate surprises. But Thea, Trap, and Benjaminwere going, so I couldn't say no. I could tell this was going to beone super-spooky trip!

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All 百科全书布郎:解决了大问题 97801424092
    •   ( 84 条评论 )
    • Donald J. Sobol 著 /2008-10-01/ Penguin
    • Leroy Brown is back in the next six books in the EncyclopediaBrown series. As Idaville’s ten-year-old star detective,Encyclopedia has an uncanny knack for trivia. With hisunconventional knowledge, he solves mysteries for the neighborhoodkids through his own detective agency. But his dad also happens tobe the chief of the Idaville police department, and every nightaround the dinner table, Encyclopedia helps him solve some of themost baffling crimes. With ten confounding mysteries in each book,not only does Encyclopedia have a chance to solve them, but readersare given all the clues as well and can chime in with their ownsolutions. Interactive and fun—it’s classic Encyclopedia Brown!

    • ¥23.3 折扣:5.2折
    • Scream of the Haunted Mask (Goosebumps Horrorland #04) 鸡皮疙瘩:
    •   ( 108 条评论 )
    • R.L. Stine 著 /2008-10-01/ Scholastic
    • 经过了那一次恐怖的万圣节后,贝丝觉得再也没有比一个流着口水的橡胶面具恐怖的东西了。 惊恐面具是这个面具的名称,还有,记住千万不要戴上它! 谁想到,一年后,这个丑陋而神秘的绿色面具再一次出现了,而且,你根本不敢忽视它的存在。 如果这次贝丝能躲过这个恐怖的夜晚,那么对贝丝来说去恐怖乐园根本就像去度假,她已经没什么好怕的了,但是,如果她不能躲过呢…… 惊险刺激的故事情节,丝丝恐怖在字里行间里渗透出来,令人感觉头皮发麻,背脊发凉的同时却依然不愿停下来。

    • ¥25.6 折扣:5.1折
    • Slappy New Year!(Goosebumps Horrorland #18)鸡皮疙瘩-惊恐乐园:荒诞的新年
    •   ( 93 条评论 )
    • R. L. Stine 著 /2010-11-01/ Scholastic
    • 戈登是一个非常勇敢的孩子,他喜欢尝试惊恐乐园里所有刺激惊险的路线。 他的弟弟布莱登却相反,他害怕所有事情,吵闹声、云霄飞车,甚至是戈登买的木制人形模型他都怕! 可是,这个木制人形模型似乎有点不寻常,他恐怖的脸上似乎有什么变化,这真的很恐怖。 布莱登的胆小使得哥哥戈登一直以嘲笑他为乐,但是他的父母却让戈登保证不可以再这么做了,否则他们就不同意他举办除夕夜聚会。 但是,谁也没想到,在这个聚会上总是有那么多奇怪的事情一直缠着弟弟布莱登…… 惊险刺激的故事情节,丝丝恐怖在字里行间里渗透出来,令人感觉头皮发麻,背脊发凉的同时却依然不愿停下来。

    • ¥27.5 折扣:5.5折
    • My Friends Call Me Monster(Goosebumps Horrorland #07)鸡皮疙瘩-惊恐
    •   ( 87 条评论 )
    • R. L. Stine 著 /2009-01-01/ Scholastic
    • Before joining the other kids trapped in HorrorLand, MichaelMunroe will learn a few new lessons in FEAR: Never trust a teacherwho calls everybody "Little Monsters." Be careful if that teacherinvites you to lunch at her house. And never EVER trust a teacherwith a giant monster egg in her own attic--especially if it's aboutto hatch!

    • ¥27.3 折扣:5.5折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #14: Exile 猫头鹰王国14:放逐
    •   ( 147 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2008-02-01/ Scholastic
    • The Striga, former dragon owl from the Middle Kingdom beyond the Unnamed Sea, has come to stay at the great tree. He has earned the trust of all by saving Bell, Soren's owlet, from Nyra, and he grows daily closer to the young king Coryn, with whom he seems to share a strange bond. The Striga senses the power of the ember hidden in Bubo's forge and draws it closer. As his power waxes, he accuses the Band of treason and produces flimsy evidence to support his abominable claim. And so the Band is exiled, strengthening the Striga's hold over Coryn. The Band seeks refuge in distant forests and enlists the help of old friends, but every action they take is construed as further treason, and agents of the Striga - former Guardians - hunt them mercilessly, until for safety sake the band itself must separate. They devise as system of messages and alarms and so communicate despite their isolation. Old friends, loyal family and allies help devise a plan to shake the hold the Striga has on Coryn and to free the young

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #03: The Rescue 猫头鹰王国3:营救
    •   ( 171 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2004-01-01/ Scholastic
    • Now that Soren has been reunited with his sister, Eglantine, he must face his next challenge: making sense of the mysterious disappearance of his mentor, Ezylryb. When Soren discovers that Ezylryb is in danger, he and his friends Gylfie, Twilight, and Digger devise a plan to save their teacher. In this process, Soren fights a ferocious foe who wears a terrifying metal beak, sharpened for battle. It's not until the confrontation is over that Soren discovers the true identity of his opponent... Guardians of Ga'Hoole is a classic in the making -- Kathryn Lasky brings a thrilling new owl world to life. A key theme in the series is friendship: Soren and Gylfie's bond is at the heart of the story. The struggle between good and evil is evergreen and infinitely interesting. This is great series for both boys and girls alike.

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #13: The River of Wind 猫头鹰王国13:风之河
    •   ( 192 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2007-07-01/ Scholastic
    • Product De*ion Coryn and the Band have returned to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and restored order. With the Ember safely hidden away, the tree shakes off its gaudy golden glow and recovers its natural majesty. Meanwhile, deep in the Palace of Mists, Bess finds an ancient map fragment that reveals that there are not 5 owl kingdoms -- as has been thought since time immemorial -- but 6. Coryn and the chaw of chaws set off to find this unknown land. In a landscape of perpetual winter, they discover a monastery of serene, learned owls, the likes of which no one has ever seen before.

    • ¥25.6 折扣:5.3折
    • Secret Agent Jack Stalwart: Book 3: The Mystery of the Mona
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Elizabeth Singer Hunt 著 /2007-11-01/ Perseus
    • In this action-packed series, nine-year old secret agent Jack Stalwart travels the globe in search of his missing older brother Max while solving international crimes for the Global Protection Force. In The Mystery of the Mona Lisa, Jack is sent to the Louvre Museum in Paris to track down the theft of the world's most be-loved painting. He has to match wits with a seemingly invisible mastermind equipped with gadgets to match his in order to stop Leonardo's masterpiece from slipping into the criminal underground forever. Can Jack's Hypo-Disk overpower a glove that shoots fine laser beams from its fingertips? Jack's adventures in the City of Lights (GPF code name: Cheese) demon-strate once again that when it comes to outsmarting the baddies--Jack is the go-to agent with endless tricks up his sleeve. Canny and resourceful, Jack will delight readers and impress their parents. 主人公的名字叫杰克,他的哥哥马克斯是全球保护力量组织的一名成员,其职责是保护全世界的文

    • ¥27.7 折扣:5.3折
    • The Tiger Rising 高飞(美国国家图书奖) ISBN9780763618988
    •   ( 55 条评论 )
    • DiCamilloKate 著 /2002-07-01/ Candlewick
    • The National Book Award finalist from the best-selling author of BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE - now in paperback Walking through the misty Florida woods one morning, twelve-year-old Rob Horton is stunned to encounter a tiger - a real-life, very large tiger - pacing back and forth in a cage. What's more, on the same extraordinary day, he meets Sistine Bailey, a girl who shows her feelings as readily as Rob hides his. As they learn to trust each other, and ultimately, to be friends, Rob and Sistine prove that some things - like memories, and heartaches, and tigers - can't be locked up forever.

    • ¥28.7 折扣:5.5折
    • Marvin Redpost #4: Alone in His Teacher's House 麻烦精马文4:在老师家
    •   ( 51 条评论 )
    • Louis Sachar 著 /1994-03-01/ Random House US
    • Illus. in black-and-white. Marvin's friends think he's theluckiest boy in the world when his teacher asks him to dog-sit fora week. He gets to be alone in Mrs. North's house! But pretty soonit starts to look as if Marvin is not so lucky after all...."Thistitle will lure the most reluctant readers, who will be as glad tomake Marvin's acquaintance as his old fans will be to greet a newadventure."--Bulletin, Center for Children's Books.

    • ¥20 折扣:5.7折
    • Chocolate Fever巧克力热(列入哥伦比亚大学推荐儿童阅读书单)ISBN9780142405956
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Robert Kimmel Smith 著 /2006-04-01/ Penguin
    • Henry Green is a boy who loves chocolate. He likes it bitter, sweet, dark, light, and daily; for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks; in cakes, candy bars, milk, and every other form you can possibly imagine. Henry probably loves chocolate more than any boy in the history of the world. One day-it starts off like any other day-Henry finds that strange things are happening to him. First he makes medical history with the only case of Chocolate Fever ever. Then he finds himself caught up in a wild and hilarious chase, climaxed by a very unusual hijacking!

    • ¥22.6 折扣:5.3折