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    • Geronimo Stilton #44: The Giant Diamond Robbery 老鼠记者44 97805
    •   ( 200 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著 /2011-12-01/ Scholastic
    • In each Geronimo Stilton book, another funny, cheesy adventureis always right around the corner. Each book is fast-paced, withlively full-color art and a unique format kids 7-10 willlove. I, Geronimo Stilton, am no sportsmouse. But that didn't stopGrandfather William from dragging me to a golf tournament so Icould be his caddie! Once I arrived, who should I bump into but myfriend Kornelius Von Kickpaw, a.k.a. Special Agent 00K. Someone wasplotting to steal the Super Mouse Cup, and it was up to me andKornelius to crack the case!

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • This Hotel Is Haunted! (Geronimo Stilton #50)老鼠记者50ISBN97805
    •   ( 150 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著 /2012-07-01/ Scholastic
    • 人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 杰罗尼摩和好朋友波洛正在调查一件神秘事件。 据说鼠城著名的格兰特旅馆发生了一件神秘事件,里面居然闹鬼! 这个幽灵一直在旅馆里徘徊,然后以吓唬游客为乐。 杰罗尼摩相信这个幽灵并不存在,但是整件事情真的非常古怪。 那么,杰罗尼摩和波洛能否解决这件神秘事件呢? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • The Dragonling龙之谷(哥伦比亚大学推荐童书)ISBN9780671867904
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Ellie O'Ryan 改编, Art MawhinneyShane L. Johnson 等绘 /2012-01-01/
    • There’s a new girl in Olivia’s class, and her name is…OLIVIA!When a new girl joins Olivia’s class, Olivia is very upset—they have the same name! Olivia is convinced that she lives in a one-Olivia town, so she decides to change her name to Pam. But Olivia doesn’t feel Pam-ish…she feels Olivia-ish! Come along as Olivia discovers a lesson about sharing and friendship in this hilarious storybook.

    • ¥28 折扣:5.4折
    • Geronimo Stilton #46: The Haunted Castle 老鼠记者46 978054510374
    •   ( 196 条评论 )
    • Geronimo Stilton 著 /2011-12-01/ Scholastic
    • Morethan 18 million Geronimo Stilton books in print! I was just minding my business at homewhen I got a telephone call. It was my uncle Samuel S. Stingysnout,inviting the whole Stilton family to creepy, faraway Penny PincherCastle for a big surprise. Moldy mozzarella -- I'm not much of atraveling mouse, and I hate surprises. But Thea, Trap, and Benjaminwere going, so I couldn't say no. I could tell this was going to beone super-spooky trip!

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • The Little Fir Tree 小杉树 ISBN9780064435291
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Margaret Wise Brown 著 /2009-10-01/ HarperCollins
    • Once there was a tree that stood in a field away from theother trees. It longed to be part of the forest—or part of anythingat all. After many lonely years, its dream came true. And thelittle fir tree's life changed forever! They put golden tinsel on his branches And golden bells And green icicles And silver stars. And soon—o shining wonder—the little fir tree was . . . A Christmas tree Celebrate the true spirit of Christmas with heartwarming text bythe author of Goodnight Moon and exquisite, glowing paintings byaward-winning artist Jim LaMarche.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Slappy New Year!(Goosebumps Horrorland #18)鸡皮疙瘩-惊恐乐园:荒诞的新年
    •   ( 93 条评论 )
    • R. L. Stine 著 /2010-11-01/ Scholastic
    • 戈登是一个非常勇敢的孩子,他喜欢尝试惊恐乐园里所有刺激惊险的路线。 他的弟弟布莱登却相反,他害怕所有事情,吵闹声、云霄飞车,甚至是戈登买的木制人形模型他都怕! 可是,这个木制人形模型似乎有点不寻常,他恐怖的脸上似乎有什么变化,这真的很恐怖。 布莱登的胆小使得哥哥戈登一直以嘲笑他为乐,但是他的父母却让戈登保证不可以再这么做了,否则他们就不同意他举办除夕夜聚会。 但是,谁也没想到,在这个聚会上总是有那么多奇怪的事情一直缠着弟弟布莱登…… 惊险刺激的故事情节,丝丝恐怖在字里行间里渗透出来,令人感觉头皮发麻,背脊发凉的同时却依然不愿停下来。

    • ¥25 折扣:5折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #10: The Coming of Hoole 猫头鹰王国10:归来
    •   ( 213 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 编著 /2006-07-01/ Scholastic
    • Grank raises the hatchling deep in a forest far from owls that would kill the royal chick named Hoole to end the kingly line. His mother comes to visit, in disguise, and departs again. Not even the chick must know his mother's identity. It would give him away as Hrath's heir. Sent by an evil warlord, a hagsfiend attempts to lure young Hoole away when he first learns to fly. Grank realizes that the same evil forces that killed Hrath are after Hoole, and know where he is. To keep him safe, Grank brings him to Beyond the Beyond, a strange land of fiery volcanoes in a barren, icy landscape.(more)

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #05: The Shattering 猫头鹰王国5:扰乱
    •   ( 148 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2004-08-01/ Scholastic
    • In the midst of war, Eglantine unwittingly becomes a spy for Kludd, leader of the Pure Ones (a group of evil owls). She is brainwashed by an owl sent by the Pure nes to infiltrate the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. Her odd behavior eventually attracts attention, and Soren and his friends vow to find out what's wrong with Eglantine. They ultimately learn what happened and help her reverse the effects of the brainwashing. Kludd continues to battle against the Guardians of Ga'Hoole for control of their tree. In the end, Kludd and his forces are defeated. But his conflict with Soren is not yet over.

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • Words of Stone 石头上的字(美国图书馆协会推荐童书) ISBN9780060782306
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Henkes, Kevin 著 /2005-09-01/ HarperCollins
    • Blaze Werla is having a routine summer. He spends his daysalone, wandering around the hill next door, and his nights awake,avoiding the dreams that haunt him. Then a message appears on theside of the hill and Blaze's predictable summer suddenly takes aturn toward the mysterious. By the time he meets outgoing JoselleStark, Blaze finds himself in entirely new territory, where theunexpected seems almost normal.

    • ¥29.1 折扣:4.9折
    • Fantastic Mr. Fox 爱幻想的狐狸先生 ISBN 9780142410349
    •   ( 56 条评论 )
    • Roald Dahl 等著 /2007-08-01/ Penguin
    • In the tradition of The Adventures of Peter Rabbit, this is a "garden tale" of farmer versus vermin, or vice versa. The farmers in this case are a vaguely criminal team of three stooges: "Boggis and Bunce and Bean / One fat, one short, one lean. / These horrible crooks / So different in looks / Were nonetheless equally mean." Whatever their prowess as poultry farmers, within these pages their sole objective is the extermination of our hero--the noble, the clever, the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Our loyalties are defined from the start; after all, how could you cheer for a man named Bunce who eats his doughnuts stuffed with mashed goose livers? As one might expect, the farmers in this story come out smelling like ... well, what farmers occasionally do smell like. This early Roald Dahl adventure is great for reading aloud to three- to seven-year-olds, who will be delighted to hear that Mr. Fox keeps his family one step ahead of the obsessed farmers. When they try to dig him out, he digs faster; when they lay siege to hi

    • ¥21 折扣:5折
    • Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden 小神探内特:拯救瑞典国王 ISBN978
    •   ( 78 条评论 )
    • Marjorie Weinman Sharmat 著 /1999-04-01/ Random House US
    • Rosamond is visiting Scandinavia when she loses something.She wants Nate the Great to find it, even though he doesn’t knowwhat she lost, what country she lost it in, or when she lost it.And he’s thousands of miles away. But if Nate doesn’t take thecase, Rosamond plans to hire the King of Sweden. Nate doesn’t wantRosamond to bother the poor king. And he does want the chance tosolve his first-ever international case. Can Nate find whateverRosamond lost without leaving his neighborhood?

    • ¥24.9 折扣:6.4折
    • Fairest 最美丽的人(《魔法灰姑娘》作者,纽约时报畅销书) ISBN9780060734107
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Gail Carson Levine盖尔·卡森·列文) 著 /2008-05-01/ HarperCollins
    • Grade 6 Up–In a world in which elegance, beauty, and singingability are revered, Aza is bulky, awkward, and homely. Her savinggrace is that she can sing and has a gift of voice manipulationthat she calls illusing. Through a chance meeting at her familysinn, a duchess invites Aza to act as her companion and accompanyher to the palace to attend the kings wedding. When the beautifulnew queen discovers Azas gift for throwing her voice and formimicry, she sees a way of protecting her reputation and disguisingher own lack of talent. Pressured by the womans threats upon herfamily, Aza deceives the court into believing that Ivi is a giftedsinger. When the ruse is discovered, Aza is forced to flee thecastle in order to save her life. Through her adventures, shediscovers her own strength of character, learns about her trueheritage, and decides that her physical appearance is not worthy ofthe stress and worry she has wasted on it. The plot is fast-paced,and Azas growth and maturity are well crafted and believable.Rea

    • ¥29.4 折扣:4.9折
    • How to Train Your Dragon Book 3 How to spesk Dragonese 驯龙高手3
    •   ( 49 条评论 )
    • Cressida Cowell 著 /2010-02-01/ Little Brown and Company
    • 'If you haven't discovered Hiccup yet, you're missing out on one of the greatest inventions of modern children's literature.' -- Julia Eccleshare, Guardian children's editor 'Irresistably funny, exciting and endearing' -- Amanda Craig, The Times 20051112 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON:CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE WEEK: 'This book is great fun and has a Blackadderish sense of humour ... full of the sort of jokes that will make schoolboys snigger.' -- Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times 20030309 A super story, inventive, ingenious, perpetually surprising. One to cherish. -- Armadillo, Spring 2003 20030309 A wonderfully wittily written and illustrated story. -- Waterstones Quarterly Magazine 20030401 How to Train Your Dragon is a delightful narrative caper... It offers a challenging read to 11-year-olds, and rewards reading aloud, especially for those who relish an element of theatre at story time. -- Lindsey Fraser, Sunday Herald, Glasgow 20030406 ... raucous and slapstick... liberally illustrated with [Cressida Cowell's] ri

    • ¥24 折扣:5.7折
    • Geronimo Stilton #36: Geronimo's Valentine 老鼠记者36:吉奥尼莫的情人节 9
    •   ( 175 条评论 )
    • 杰罗尼摩 斯蒂顿 著 /2009-01-01/ Scholastic
    • Okay, I'll admit it: I'm a bit of a cheesy mouse from time totime. What can I say? I'm a romantic! That's why Valentine's Day isone of my favorite holidays. This year I had a date with a veryspecial rodent-- Petunia Pretty Paws! But then I got a call from myprivate investigator friend Hercule Poirat. He had a mystery tosolve, and he desperately needed my help. The most beloved,romantic, and famous painting in New Mouse City had been stolen!Now I had to help Hercule AND impress Petunia at the same time.Holey swiss cheese, what was a gentlemouse to do?

    • ¥29.3 折扣:5.1折
    • Warriors: Warrior's Refuge 猫武士 灰条的三部曲 武士避难 ISBN9780061252310
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • Hunter, Erin 著 /2007-12-22/ HarperCollins
    • In the first Warriors manga, The Lost Warrior, Graystripe,deputy leader of ThunderClan, was taken from his home by Twolegs(humans). With the help of his new love, kittypet Millie, he workedto escape and return to the Clans. In Warrior’s Refuge, Graystripeand Millie’s journey to find ThunderClan has only just begun whenthe pair is faced with a series of obstacles that seeminsurmountable. Getting out of Twolegplace alive isn’t nearly assimple as expected, and Millie’s unfamiliarity with life in thewild makes it a challenge for Graystripe to keep them both movingforward. But just when a temporary refuge is in sight, conflictwith a tribe of barn cats threatens to break the travellers apartfor good! The second book in a trilogy, this is a MANGAadventure--a brand-new format for the Warriors brand, and one thatwill tantalize fans of the very popular Japanese comic book format,drawing new Warriors readers while pleasing the long-time fans thathave made Warriors a #1 nationally best-selling ser

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折