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    • The Giver (1994 Newbery Medal Winner)《记忆传授者》(1994年纽伯瑞金奖小说) I
    •   ( 397 条评论 )
    • Lois Lowry 著 /2002-09-01/ Random House US
    • 在一个乌托邦世界里,人们安居乐业,衣食无忧,从无战争或痛苦的感觉。每个人的未来——学习、工作、婚姻、家庭、甚至死亡,都早已被安排好,没有改变的可能,也没有异议。当12岁的乔纳斯被指派担任新的“记忆传授人”,他陡然发现乌托邦背后的谎言与冷漠,并开始逃亡……本书虽无感官刺激,却被公认为能激发阅读兴趣,并能引导孩子思考人生价值,探讨社会形态,以及珍惜拥有的一切。 Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There isno war or fear of pain. There are no choices. Every person isassigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns 12 he is singledout to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver aloneholds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, itis time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turningback.

    • ¥28.9 折扣:4.7折
    • On My Honor 《出事的那一天》(1987年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN 9780440466338
    •   ( 24 条评论 )
    • Marion Dane Bauer 著 /1987-09-01/ Random House US
    • 这是发生在两个懵懂少年之间,因为口舌逞能而酿成朋友之死的生命教育题材的故事。一个夏天,性情莽撞的少年汤尼,拉着朋友乔去野外攀岩,优柔寡断的乔无奈跟随。途中,汤尼一时兴起又要去河里游泳,面对危险的野河,乔起初不肯,但禁不起朋友的言语讥讽赌气下水。两个人互相斗嘴逞能,越走越深,忽然间,汤尼溺水失踪……面对残酷的事实,乔惊恐、逃避、自责,痛苦难当,迟迟不敢说出真相…… Joel dares his best friend, Tony, to a swimming race in adangerous river. Both boys jump in, but when Joel reaches thesandbar, he finds Tony has vanished. How can he face their parentsand the terrible truth?

    • ¥29.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Strawberry Girl 60th Anniversary Edition 草莓女孩60周年纪念版(1946年纽伯
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • LenskiLois 著 /1995-03-01/ HarperCollins
    • Birdie Boyer was a Florida Cracker. She belonged to a large"strawberry family," who lived on a flatwoods farm in the lakesection of the state. They raised strawberries for a living.Throughall the hazards of the uncertain crop -- battling against dryweather and grass fires, the roving hogs and cattle of theirneighbors -- Birdie dreamed of an education that would includeplaying the organ. In the end she won not only the title of"strawberry girl," but book learning as well.This is a storyfu.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • The Planet of Junior Brown(Newberry Honor)小布朗的行星(荣获纽伯瑞银奖)ISB
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Virginia Hamilton 编著 /2006-04-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Dive in to the ultimate tale of shipwreck and survival in this illustrated, finely crafted keepsake edition of the classic adventure story that has thrilled readers for nearly three centuries. After a fierce storm at sea, Robinson Crusoe is marooned on an uncharted island, with only a few bits of his wrecked ship’s flotsam and jetsam to sustain him. For more than two decades, he faces the wrath of nature and the struggle to stay alive with little more than his wits to save him. Then, following an encounter with cannibals, a tribesman named Friday becomes Crusoe’s only ally. As their relationship develops, the line between servant and friend begins to blur, and the possibility of freedom for them both at last looms on the horizon. This collectible edition of a beloved adventure includes a soft-touch cover, gold foiling, and luminous illustrations from N.C. Wyeth, whose oil paintings perfectly depict the roiling seas, baking sun, and vast expanse of open space.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Dragonwings 龙翼(1976年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN9780064400855
    •   ( 68 条评论 )
    • Yep, Laurence 著 /1977-04-01/ HarperCollins
    • Moon shadow is eight years old when he sails from China tojoin his father, Windrider, in America. Windrider lives in SanFrancisco and makes his living doing laundry. Father and son havenever met. But Moon Shadow grows to love and respect his father and tobelieve in his wonderful dream. And Windrider, with Moon Shadow'shelp is willing to endure the mockery of the other Chinese, thepoverty, the separation from his wife and country'even the greatearthquake'to make his dream come true. 1976 Newbery Honor Book Notable Children's Books of 1971–1975 (ALA) 1976 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award Honor Book for Fiction 1976 Fanfare Honor List (The Horn Book) "Best of the Best" Children's Books 1966–1978 (SLJ) Outstanding Children's Books of 1975 (NYT) 1976 Children's Book Award (IRA) Children's Choices for 1976 (IRA/CBC) Notable 1975 Children's Trade Books in Social Studies(NCSS/CBC) 1976 Carter G. Woodson Award (NCSS) 1976 Jane Addams Chil

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Joyful Noise 欢愉的喧嚣(1989年纽伯瑞金奖) ISBN9780064460934
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • Fleischman, Paul 著 /1992-09-01/ HarperCollins
    • Written to be read aloud by two voices--sometimes alternating,sometimes simultaneous--here is a collection of irresistible poemsthat celebrate the insect world, from the short life of the mayflyto the love song of the book louse. Funny, sad, loud, and quiet,each of these poems resounds with a booming, boisterous, joyfulnoise. In this remarkable volume of poetry for two voices, Paul Fleischmanverbally re-creates the "Booming/boisterious/joyful noise" ofinsects. The poems resound with the pulse of the cicada and thedrone of the honeybee. Eric Beddows′s vibrant drawings send eachinsect soaring, spinning, or creeping off the page in its ownunique way. A clear and fascinating guide to the insect world--from chrysalidbutterflies to whirligig beetles-- and an exultant celebration oflife.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:4.7折
    • The Thief (The Queen's Thief
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Megan Whalen Turner 著 /2005-12-01/ HarperCollins
    • "I can steal anything." After Gen's bragging lands him in the king's prison, the chancesof escape look slim. Then the king's scholar, the magus, needs thethief's skill for a seemingly impossible task -- to steal a hiddentreasure from another land. To the magus, Gen is just a tool. But Gen is a trickster and asurvivor with a plan of his own.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • The Giver 记忆传授者(纽伯瑞金奖小说) 9780440237686
    •   ( 100 条评论 )
    • Lois Lowry 著 /2002-09-01/ Random House US
    • Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear of pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns 12 he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.

    • ¥23.8 折扣:4.3折
    • The Whipping Boy 王子替罪羊(1987年纽伯瑞金奖) ISBN9780060521226
    •   ( 33 条评论 )
    • Fleischman,Sid 著 /2003-04-01/ HarperCollins
    • A Prince and a Pauper Jemmy, once a poor boy living on the streets, now lives in acastle. As the whipping boy, he bears the punishment when PrinceBrat misbehaves, for it is forbidden to spank, thrash, or whack theheir to the throne. The two boys have nothing in common and evenless reason to like one another. But when they find themselvestaken hostage after running away, they are left with no choice butto trust each other.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Our Only May Amelia 我们唯一的梅·阿米莉亚(2000年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN978006440856
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • HolmJennifer L 著 /2000-08-01/ HarperCollins
    • It isn't easy being a pioneer in the state of Washington in1899, but it's particularly hard when you are the only girl everborn in the new settlement. With seven older brothers and a love ofadventure, May Amelia Jackson just can't seem to abide her family'sinsistence that she behave like a Proper Young Lady. Not whenthere's fishing to be done, sheep to be herded, and real livemurderers to be captured! May is sure she could manage better ifonly there were at least one other girl living along the banks ofthe Nasel River. And now that Mama's going to have a baby, maybethere's hope.

    • ¥28.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Homesick: My Own Story (Newbery Honor Book)《思乡》(1983年 纽伯瑞银奖小
    •   ( 89 条评论 )
    • Jean Fritz 著 /1997-01-01/ Penguin
    • 在线阅读本书 The accolades speak for themselves: "Fritz draws the readers into scenes from her youth in theturbulent China of the mid-twenties. One comes to appreciate thegenerous affection of her nurse/companion Lin Nai-Nai, theisolating distance in her mother's grief over losing a secondchild, the dynamics of a suffering population venting its hostilityon foreigners, and most of all, the loneliness of a child's exilefrom a homeland she has imagined constantly but never seen....Aremarkable blend of truth and storytelling." -- Booklist ,starred review "An insightful memory's-eye-view of her childhood...Young Jean is astrong character, and many of her reactions to people and eventsare timeless and universal."-- School Library Journal ,starred review "Told with an abundance of humor--sometimes wry, sometimesmischievous and irreverent--the story is vibrant with atmosphere,personalities, and a palpable sense of place." -- The HornBook "Every now and then a book comes along that makes me want to

    • ¥24.9 折扣:4.9折
    • Sounder 大嗓门传奇(1970年纽伯瑞金奖) ISBN9780064400206
    •   ( 65 条评论 )
    • Armstrong, William H. 编 /1970-01-01/ HarperCollins
    • The Powerful NewberyAward-Winning Classic A landmark in children'sliterature, winner of the 1970 Newbery Medal, and the basis of anacclaimed film, Sounder traces the keen sorrow and the abidingfaith of a poor African-American boy in the 19th-century South. Theboy's father is a sharecropper, struggling to feed his family inhard times. Night after night, he and his great coon dog, Sounder,return to the cabin empty-handed. Then, one morning, almost like amiracle, a sweet-smelling ham is cooking in the family's kitchen.At last the family will have a good meal. But that night, an angrysheriff and his deputies come, and the boy's life will never be thesame. A landmark in children'sliterature, winner of the 1970 Newbery Medal and the basis of anacclaimed film, Sounder traces the keen sorrow and the abidingfaith of a poor African-American boy in the 19th-centurySouth. Winner, 1970 NewberyMedal Notable Children's Booksof 1940–1970 (ALA) 1970 Fanfare Honor List(The Horn Book)

    • ¥24 折扣:4.7折
    • My Side of the Mountain (Newbery Honor Book) 山居岁月 1960年纽伯瑞银奖
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Jean Craighead George /2004-04-12/ Penguin
    • 纽约男孩山姆在五月的一天离开了家,他要到克斯奇山寻找曾祖父遗留下来的葛博礼农场。一把小刀、一捆绳索、一把斧头、一些打火石和钢片是他为这次出走准备的所有东西。对山姆而言,这不是一次短暂的旅行或露营,他是要像树一样在森林中长久地、独立地生存。 跟随着山姆深入森林的脚步,“野外生存”这四个字渐渐地不再是一种抽象的符号和虚幻的想象,它的真实、艰辛和迷人如同磁石一般吸引着所有没有勇气和机会进入的我们。 山姆是否能适应野人般的探险生活呢?在这段山居岁月里,他有了哪些危险经历,又积累了哪些野外求生经验呢?让读者感到意外的,还是本书的精彩结局!

    • ¥27.6 折扣:4.8折
    • The Wanderer 少女苏菲的航海故事(2001年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN9780064410328
    •   ( 96 条评论 )
    • CreechSharon 著 /2002-03-01/ HarperCollins
    • 苏菲从小父母双亡,却表现得似乎没有这回事;苏菲是个怕水的女孩儿,却坚持要参加跨海之旅;苏菲心中埋藏着深深的恐惧和忧伤,在航行中却表现得十分坚强,事事都要自己完成……一次神奇惊险的家族跨海之旅,驱散了苏菲内心深处的阴影,让她摆脱了自幼丧父的不安和悲痛,让她勇敢地面对现实,让她得到自信与成长。 Thirteen-year-oldSophie hears the sea calling, promising adventure and a chance fordiscovery as she sets sail for England with her three uncles andtwo cousins. Sophie’s cousin Cody isn’t sure he has the strength toprove himself to the crew and to his father. Through Sophie’s andCody’s travel logs, we hear stories of the past and the dailychallenges of surviving at sea as The Wanderer sails toward its destination—and its passengerssearch for their places in theworld.

    • ¥25.1 折扣:4.2折
    • Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush 拉西兄弟:快乐的低语者(1983年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN978
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Hamilton, Virginia 著 /1987-07-01/ HarperCollins
    • Why had he come to her, with his dark secrets from a long-agopast? What was the purpose of their strange, haunting journeys backinto her own childhood?Was it to help Dab, her retarded olderbrother, wracked with mysterious pain who sometimes took more careand love than Tree had to give? Was it for her mother, Vy, wholoved them the best she knew how, but wasn't home enough to easethe terrible longing? Whatever secrets his whispered message held, Tree knew shemust follow. She must follow Brother Rush through the magic mirror,and find out the truth. About all of them.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:4.7折
    • Summer of My German Soldier(Puffin Modern Classics) 德国兵的夏天 9
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Bette Greene /2006-04-01/ Penguin
    • Minutes before the train pulled into the station inJenkinsville, Arkansas, Patty Bergen knew something exciting wasgoing to happen. But she never could have imagined that her summerwould be so memorable. German prisoners of war have arrived to maketheir new home in the prison camp in Jenkinsville. To the rest ofher town, these prisoners are only Nazis. But to Patty, a youngJewish girl with a turbulent home life, one boy in particularbecomes an unlikely friend. Anton relates to Patty in ways that hermother and father never can. But when their forbidden relationshipis discovered, will Patty risk her family and town for theunderstanding and love of one boy?

    • ¥28.9 折扣:5折
    • The Family Under the Bridge 桥下一家人(1959年纽伯瑞银奖) ISBN9780064402
    •   ( 318 条评论 )
    • Carlson, Natalie Savage 著 /2013-01-01/ HarperCollins
    • 在巴黎生活着一个上了年纪的流浪汉,他的名字叫阿曼德。横跨塞纳河的大桥底下便是他的栖身之所。一天傍晚,当他返回住处时,发同自己的地盘儿居然被三个陌生的小孩子和一只小狗给占了。他既吃惊又生气,要把他们赶走。后来,在与孩子们的接触中,他逐渐改变了自己的态度,甚至替他们白天在洗衣房工作的妈妈照顾他们,而这三个孩子也早已把他当作自己亲爱的爷爷了。阿曼德重新找到家的感觉,与此同时,他也深知孩子们渴望、需要的就是一个真正的家。为了实现孩子们的愿望,阿曼德决心搸起来,不再以乞讨为生。他以崭新的精神面貌谋到了一份适合自己的工作,他将与孩子们的妈妈一起共同支撑起一个真正属于他们自己的家。

    • ¥24 折扣:4.7折