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  • 3星以上
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    • Key Words: 12a The holiday camp mystery 键词12a:宿营的秘密 ISBN 978
    •   ( 145 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-09-01/ Orion
    • Key Words with Peter and Jane uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book 12a followsPeter and Jane's adventures at the holiday camp in 126 new words,including 'party', 'competition', 'natural' and 'longest'. Oncethis book has been completed, the child moves on to book 12b .

    • ¥13.6 折扣:3.3折
    • Key Words: 3c Let me write 关键词3c:我来写 ISBN 9781409301196
    •   ( 285 条评论 )
    • Ladybird,W. Murray 编 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 3c" encourageswriting skills and introduces 36 new words such as 'rabbit','flowers' and 'train'. Once this book has been completed, the childmoves on to book "4a". "The Key Words with Peter and Jane" bookswork because each of the key words is introduced gradually andrepeated frequently. This builds confidence in children when theyrecognise these key words on sight (also known as the 'look andsay' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one, two,he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Seriesa": gradually introduces new words. "Series b": provides furtherpractise of words featured in the 'a' series. "Series c": linksreading with writing and phonics. All the words that have beenintroduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced in

    • ¥13.1 折扣:3.2折
    • Learning at Home:I Can Write在家学:我会自己写ISBN9780721433493
    •   ( 54 条评论 )
    • Hy Murdock 著 /2004-11-01/ Ladybird
    • The Ladybird Learning at Home range has been specially devised to help children develop and practise at home the skills they will need at school. I Can Write allows children to practise their handwriting through entertaining activities and repeat exercises. Exercises that practise the movement from left to right and up and down are also featured in this book as they are very important to both reading and writing.

    • ¥13.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Learning at Home:Writing在家学:写作ISBN9780721433486
    •   ( 63 条评论 )
    • H Y Murdock 著 /1999-03-01/ Ladybird
    • The Ladybird Learning at Home range has been specially devised to help children develop and practise at home the skills they will need at school. Good handwriting is important and this book will help to give your child the best start. Movement from left to right and from top to bottom are featured in every exercise as they are very important to both reading and writing. All exercises can be repeated again and again on scraps of paper.

    • ¥13.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Key Words: 8a Sunny days 关键词8a:阳光灿烂的日子 ISBN 9781409301295
    •   ( 163 条评论 )
    • Ladybird 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 8a" featuresPeter and Jane enjoying the summer in 91 new words, including'week', 'slow', 'clothes' and 'nothing'. Once this book has beencompleted, the child moves on to book "8b". "The Key Words withPeter and Jane" books work because each of the key words isintroduced gradually and repeated frequently. This buildsconfidence in children when they recognise these key words on sight(also known as the 'look and say' method of learning). Examples ofkey words are: the, one, two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3books: a, b, and c. "Series a": gradually introduces new words."Series b": provides further practise of words featured in the 'a'series. "Series c": links reading with writing and phonics. All thewords that have been introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are al

    • ¥13.6 折扣:3.3折
    • Key Words: 3a Things we like 关键词3a:我们喜欢的东西 ISBN 978140930113
    •   ( 271 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-08-01/ Orion
    • Key Words with Peter and Jane uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. In book 3a, Peter andJane have fun doing things they like in 36 new words including'me', 'tea', 'bed' and 'give'. Once this book has been completed,the child moves on to book 3b.

    • ¥13.2 折扣:3.2折
    • Key Words: 7c Easy to Sound 关键词7c:轻松发音 ISBN 9781409301288
    •   ( 160 条评论 )
    • Ladybird 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 7c" providesthe link with writing for the words introduced in Readers "7a" and"7b". Once this book has been completed, the child can move on tobook "8a". "The Key Words with Peter and Jane" books work becauseeach of the key words is introduced gradually and repeatedfrequently. This builds confidence in children when they recognisethese key words on sight (also known as the 'look and say' methodof learning). Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he. Thereare 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Series a":gradually introduces new words. "Series b": provides furtherpractise of words featured in the 'a' series. "Series c": linksreading with writing and phonics. All the words that have beenintroduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced in the 'c'boo

    • ¥13.6 折扣:3.3折
    • Key Words: 2a We have fun 关键词2a:有趣的事 ISBN 9781409301127
    •   ( 220 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-08-01/ Orion
    • Key Words with Peter and Jane uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. In book 2a, Peter andJane are having fun at the beach in 27 new words including 'look','to', 'go' and 'yes'. Once this book has been completed, the childmoves on to book 2b.

    • ¥13.8 折扣:3.4折
    • Key Words: 1c Read and Write 关键词1c:读和写 ISBN 9781409301448
    •   ( 280 条评论 )
    • Ladybird 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 1c" continuesPeter and Jane's adventures and introduces 20 new words such as'ball', 'shop' and 'toy'. Once this book has been completed, thechild moves on to book "2a". "The Key Words with Peter and Jane"books work because each of the key words is introduced graduallyand repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children whenthey recognise these key words on sight (also known as the 'lookand say' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one,two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c."Series a": gradually introduces new words. "Series b": providesfurther practise of words featured in the 'a' series. "Series c":links reading with writing and phonics. All the words that havebeen introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforce

    • ¥13.1 折扣:3.2折
    • Key Words: 1b Look at this 关键词1b:看看这个 ISBN 9781409301431
    •   ( 254 条评论 )
    • W. Murray 等著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book "1b" follows onfrom 1a and introduces 16 new words, including 'toys', 'has','trees' and 'ball'. Once this book has been completed, the childmoves on to book "3b".

    • ¥13.2 折扣:3.2折
    • Dora Saves the Enchanted Forest 朵拉历险记:拯救魔法森林 ISBN97814424271
    •   ( 227 条评论 )
    • Sheila Sweeny Higginson 著 /2011-08-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • When Unicornio was named King of the Enchanted Forest, all thecreatures who lived there were happy. Unicornio was kind and fairto everyone. But Owl has set a trap for him--because Owl wants tobe king Owl is everything Unicornio is not: mean and unfair andselfish. If Owl stays in charge, no one will ever be happy again.It's up to Dora to save the Enchanted Forest Based on the final installment of the Enchanted Foresttentpole trilogy, this book is available in both an English and aSpanish edition. The lesson about sharing and caring featured inthis story will be called out with a letter and activity from NickJr. stars Moose Zee.

    • ¥14 折扣:4折
    • Key Words: 6c Reading with Sounds 关键词6c:大声读 ISBN 97814093012
    •   ( 224 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 6c" providesthe link with writing for the words used in Readers "6a" and "6b".Once this book has been completed, the child moves on to book "7a"."The Key Words with Peter and Jane" books work because each of thekey words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently. Thisbuilds confidence in children when they recognise these key wordson sight (also known as the 'look and say' method of learning).Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he. There are 12 levels,each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Series a": gradually introducesnew words. "Series b": provides further practise of words featuredin the 'a' series. "Series c": links reading with writing andphonics. All the words that have been introduced in each 'a' and'b' book are also reinforced in the 'c' books.

    • ¥16.4 折扣:4折
    • Key Words: 2c I like to write 关键词2c:爱上写作 ISBN 9781409301172
    •   ( 164 条评论 )
    • Ladybird 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book 2c follows Peterand Jane on a fishing trip and introduces 27 words such as'sweets', 'jump' and 'fish'. Once this book has been completed, thechild moves on to book 3a. "The Key Words with Peter and JaneBooks" work because each of the key words is introduced graduallyand repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children whenthey recognize these key words on sight (also known as the 'lookand say' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one,two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c."Series a" gradually introduces new words. "Series b" providesfurther practise of words featured in "The 'a' Series". "Series c"links reading with writing and phonics. All the words that havebeen introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced i

    • ¥16.4 折扣:4折
    • Key Words: 6b We like to help 关键词6b:助人为乐 ISBN 9781409301240
    •   ( 308 条评论 )
    • Ladybird 等编 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 6b" shows howPeter and Jane like to help in 53 news words including, 'friends','before', 'finds' and 'teacher'. Once this book has been completed,the child moves on to book "6c". "The Key Words with Peter andJane" books work because each of the key words is introducedgradually and repeated frequently. This builds confidence inchildren when they recognise these key words on sight (also knownas the 'look and say' method of learning). Examples of key wordsare: the, one, two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a,b, and c. "Series a": gradually introduces new words. "Series b":provides further practise of words featured in the 'a' series."Series c": links reading with writing and phonics. All the wordsthat have been introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also

    • ¥13.6 折扣:3.3折
    • Key Words: 4a Things we do 关键词4a:我们做的事情 ISBN 9781409301165
    •   ( 275 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. In book "4a", Peterand Jane explore different activities in 42 new words including'then, 'house', 'make' and 'read'. Once this book has beencompleted, the child moves on to book "4b".

    • ¥13.1 折扣:3.2折
    • Key Words: 6a Our friends 关键词6a:我们的朋友 ISBN 9781409301158
    •   ( 230 条评论 )
    • W. MurrayW·默里) 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. In book 6a, Peter andJane meet lots of different people in 52 new words, including'baby', 'because', 'teacher' and 'much'. Once this book has beencompleted, the child moves on to book 6b.

    • ¥16.4 折扣:4折
    • Key Words: 10c Learning is Fun 关键词10c:学习充满乐趣 ISBN 9781409301
    •   ( 218 条评论 )
    • W. Murray 著 /2009-07-01/ Orion
    • "Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book "10c" providesthe link with writing for the words used in Readers "10a" and"10b". Once this book has been completed, the child can move on tobook "11a".

    • ¥13.6 折扣:3.3折