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    • 如此故事 Just So Stories
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Rudyard Kipling 著 /2002-06-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • One of the world's greatest storytellers weaves together an unforgettable collection of animal tales, including how the camel got its hump, how the leopard got its spots, and how even a butterfly stamping his leg can change a man's life. Initially written for his own "best beloved," Just So Stories was published in 1902. It has been a favorite for the past century and is certain to be cherished by generations to come. 作者简介: Rudyard Kipling, (1865-1936), English short-story writer, novelist and poet. Kipling was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1907). His most popular works include The Jungle Book (1894) and the Just So Stories (1902), both children's classics though they have attracted adult audiences also. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

    • ¥19.7 折扣:7.9折
    • Heidi 海蒂(Wordsworth Classics) 9781853261251
    •   ( 69 条评论 )
    • Johanna Spyri 著 /1993-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Heidi is the heart-warming tale of a small girl's power for good, and it has remained a firm favourite since it was published over 100 years ago.It has teen filmed and televised several times. It tells of the orphan Heidi and her idyllic existence with her gruff grandfather in the mountains. When she is sent to live in a city, comic chaos ensues, and eventually it is arranged that Heidi should return to the mountains. Together she and her friend Peter, the goat-herd, achieve wondrous changes in the community in which they live.

    • ¥16.9 折扣:8.5折
    • Wind in the Willows (Wordsworth Classics) 柳林风声 9781853260179
    •   ( 91 条评论 )
    • KENNETH GRAHAME 著 /1998-04-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Far from fading with time, Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audience in each generation. Rat, Mole, Badger,and the preposterous Mr. Toad (with his 'Poop-poop-poop' road-hogging new motor car), have brought delight to many through the years with their odd adventures on and by the river, and at the imposing residence of Toad Hall. Grahame's book was later dramatized by A. A. Milne, and became a perennial hristmas favourite, as Toad of Toad Hall. It continues to enchant and, above all, inspire great affection.

    • ¥18.2 折扣:9.1折
    • 火之鳥(6)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 手塚治虫 著 /2011-01-01/ 萬里
    • 为了对残暴不仁的父亲复仇,左近介欲刺杀八百丘比尼。但是恐怖的因果输才到来……

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Coral Island 珊瑚岛(Wordsworth Classics) ISBN9781853261701
    •   ( 32 条评论 )
    • R. M. Ballantyne 著 /1999-09-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • The story opens with the shipwreck on a Pacific Island of the young friends Ralph Rover and Jack Martin and Peterkin Gray. Despite the pleasurable presence of delicious breadfruit, coconuts, and succulent oysters, the intrepid trio are not alone and they soon witness a battle between rival bands of cannibals led by 'Bloody Bill'. Their lives are placed in serious peril from which only courage and determined pluck can save them.

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Pollyanna 波丽安娜(Wordsworth Classics) ISBN9781840226751
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Eleanor H. Porter 著 /1999-12-01/ WORDSWORTH
    • When Polyanna Whittier goes to live with her sour-tempered aunt after her father's death, things seem bad enough, but then a dreadful accident ensues. However, Pollyanna's sunny nature and good humour prove to have an astonishing effect on all around her, and this wonderful tale of how cheerfulness can conquer adversity has remained one of the world's most popular children's books since its first publication in 1913.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Christmas Carol (Wordsworth Classics) 圣诞颂歌
    •   ( 94 条评论 )
    • Charles Dickens 著 /2007-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly old skinflint.He hates everyone,especially children.But at Christmas three ghosts come to visit him,scare him into mending his ways,and hefinds,as he celebrates with Bod Cratchit,TinvTim and their family,that geniality brings itsown reward. This finest of all Christmas Stories is beautifully illustrated with Arthur Rackham’s superb line drawings.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Peter Pan (Wordsworth Classics) 彼得·潘 ISBN9781853261206
    •   ( 159 条评论 )
    • J. M. Barrie 著 /1998-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. He teaches them to fly, then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land, where they find Red Indians, wolves, Mermaids and... Pirates. The leader of the pirates is the sinister Captain Hook. His hand was bitten off by a crocodile, who, as Captain Hook explains 'liked me arm so much that he has followed me ever since, licking his lips for the rest of me'. After lots of adventures, the story reaches its exciting climax as Peter, Wendy and the children do battle with Captain Hook and his band. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens is the magical tale that first introduces Peter Pan, the little boy who never grows any older. He escapes his human form and flies to Kensington Gardens, where all his happy memories are, and meets the fairies, the thrushes, and Old caw the crow. The fairies think he is too human to be allowed to stay in after Lock-out time, so he flies off to an island which divides the Gardens from the mo

    • ¥15.3 折扣:7.7折
    • Peter Pan (Wordsworth Classics) 彼得·潘
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • J. M. Barrie 著 /2001-01-01/
    • The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. He teaches them to fly, then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land, where they find Red Indians, wolves, Mermaids and... Pirates. The leader of the pirates is the sinister Captain Hook. His hand was bitten off by a crocodile, who, as Captain Hook explains 'liked me arm so much that he has followed me ever since, licking his lips for the rest of me'. After lots of adventures, the story reaches its exciting climax as Peter, Wendy and the children do battle with Captain Hook and his band.

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 小飛俠(9)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 手塚治虫 著 /2009-03-01/ 萬里
    • 2003年,ATOM诞生!! 手塚治虫50年不朽机械人名作!! 爱与感动仍将延续……

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Swiss Family Robinson 来自瑞士的罗宾逊一家(Wordsworth Classics) ISBN97
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • Johann David Wyss 著 /1998-11-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • "For many days we had been tempest-tossed . . .the raging storm increased in fury on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a delightful story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinson's -- a Swiss pastor, his wife, and four sons, plus two dogs and a shipload of livestock, hens, pigeons and geese! Inspired by Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Cruesoe," this heartwarming tale portrays a family's struggle to create a new life for themselves on a strange and fantastic tropical island. There each boy must learn to control his own nature -- such as Ernest's bookishness and Fritz's hot temper -- as their adventures lead to amazing discoveries, danger, and tantalizing surprises, including a puzzling message tied to an albatross's leg. But it is the authenticity of the boys' behavior, the ingenuity of the family, and the natural wonders of this exotic land that have made The Swiss Family Robinson, first published in 1812-1813, one of the world's best-l

    • ¥16.9 折扣:8.5折
    • 小飛俠(7)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 手塚治虫 著 /2003-10-01/ 萬里
    • 故事發生在 2003 年。天馬博士的兒子交通意外身亡,由於他思念愛兒,於是照兒子的樣子製作一個機械人。成功製作小飛俠讓天馬博士喜悅不已,他待小飛俠猶如自己的親生兒子一樣,然而時間一久,他卻開始嫌棄小飛俠……本故事全 30 冊。第 7 冊收錄 “天馬族的堡壘”、 “瘋狂機”、 “蝙蝠伯爵”和 “基督之眼”。

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Tales of Troy and Greece 特洛伊与希腊传说(Wordsworth Classics) 97818
    •   ( 70 条评论 )
    • C. Lang 著 /1999-12-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Andrew Lang draws on his classical learning to recount the Homeric legend of the wars between the Greeks and the Trojans. Paris, Helen of Troy, Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, the Amazons and the Wooden Horse all figure in this magical introduction to one of the greatest legends ever told. Also included in this book are the adventures of Theseus and his dramatic battle with the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne, and the quest of Jason for the Golden Fleece with the help of the Princess Medea.

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 火之鳥(9)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 手塚治虫 著 /2002-07-01/ 萬里
    • 日本漫畫大師手塚治虫名作重現!傳說嘗了火鳥的血就能永生不死。為了獲得永生,人類開始追逐這種虛幻不實的生物,從遠古到未來,不斷地重複著無止境的爭戰、輪迴……本故事全20冊。

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • The Water Babies(Wordsworth Classics)水孩子 9781853261480
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • CHARLES KINGSLEY 著 /2001-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Tom,a poor orphan,is employed by the villainous chimney-sweep,Grimes,to climb up inside flues to clear away the soot.While engaged in this dreadful task,he loses his way and emerges in the bedroom of Ellie,the young daughter of the house who mistakes him for a thief.He runs away,and,hot and bothered,he slips into a cooling stream,falls asleep,and becomes a Water Baby. In his new life,he meets all sorts of aquatic creatures,including an engaging old lobster,other water babies,and at last reaches St Branden's lsle where he encounters the fierce Mrs Bedonbyasyoudid and the motherly Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby.After a long and arduous quest to the Othe-end-of-Nowhere young Tom achieves his heart's desire.

    • ¥15.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Wizard of Oz(Wordsworth Classics)绿野仙踪 9781840226942
    •   ( 230 条评论 )
    • L. Frank Baum 著 /1988-01-01/ WORDSWORTH
    • When a huge cyclone transports the orphan Dorothy and her little dog Toto from Kansas to the Land of Oz,she fears that she will never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry ever again. But she meets the Munchkins, and they tell her to follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City where the Wonderful Wizard of Oz will grant any wish.On the way, she meets the brainless Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion. The four friends set off to seek their hearts' desires, and in a series of action-packed adventures they encounter a deadly poppy field, fierce animals, flying monkeys, a wicked witch, a good witch, and the Mighty Oz himself.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Phoenix and the Carpet 凤凰与飞毯(Wordsworth Classics) 9781853261
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Edith Nesbit 著 /1999-12-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • The Phoenix and the Carpet is E. Nesbit's second fantasy novel and is the sequel to Five Children and It. From Robert, Anthea, Jane and Cyril's new nursery carpet there falls a mysterious egg which is hatched in the fire to reveal a benevolent, resourceful and ingenious Phoenix who explains that the carpet is possessed of magic qualities. And so begins a series of fantastic and bizarre adventures as the carpet transports the children and the Phoenix to places as diverse as a chilling French castle, a desert island and even the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company's offices, which the Phoenix believes to be a shrine for his followers.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Just So Stories (Wordsworth Classics) 原来如此的故事 ISBN 978185326
    •   ( 39 条评论 )
    • Rudyard Kipling 著 /1993-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • These witty stories were originally told by Rudyard Kipling to his own children. In them he gives fanciful accounts of how and why things came to be as they are. Generations of children have delighted to learn how the Leopard got his spots, how the Elephant's Child on the banks of the great grey-green Limpopo acquired his trunk with the help of the Crocodile, and the beginning of the Armadillos. Beautifully illustrated in black-and-white by the author, these delightful tales will hold the readerand listener spellbound.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折