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    • The Wednesday Wars 星期三的战争 纽伯瑞奖小说 英文原版
    •   ( 313 条评论 )
    • Gary D. Schmidt /2009-05-01/ HOUGHTON MIFFLIN
    • 《星期三的战争》 讲述七年级学生霍林在一个学年里的生活和学习经历: 每个星期三下午都是一场灾难,因为班上的一半同学要去犹太教堂学习希伯来文,另一半则要到天主教堂参加教义问答,作为班里唯一的一名基督徒,霍林不得不与严肃的贝克夫人一起待在教室。不苟言笑的贝克夫人似乎总在刁难霍林, 罚 他清理黑板擦、打扫教室、整理大老鼠笼子 在种种手段都宣告失败后,贝克夫人使出了最致命的一招 让霍林阅读 冗长 而 乏味 的莎士比亚作品 于是,一场旷日持久的 战争 在两人之间悄然展开。

    • ¥49 折扣:5折
    • Brian's Hunt [Paperback]手斧男孩5:布莱恩的猎杀ISBN9780307929594
    •   ( 42 条评论 )
    • Gary Paulsen 著 /2012-03-01/ Random House US
    • Millions of readers of Hatchet, The River, Brian’s Winter , and Brian’s Return know that Brian Robeson is at home in the Canadian wilderness. He has stood up to the challenge of surviving alone in the woods. He prefers being on his own in the natural world to civilization. When Brian finds a dog one night, a dog that is wounded and whimpering, he senses danger. The dog is badly hurt, and as Brian cares for it, he worries about his Cree friends who live north of his camp. His instincts tell him to head north, quickly. With his new companion at his side, and with a terrible, growing sense of unease, he sets out to learn what happened. He sets out on the hunt. From the Hardcover edition.

    • ¥40.5 折扣:5.9折
    • 英文原版 The Phantom Tollbooth 神奇的收费亭 青少小说 10-13岁适读 假期阅读推荐
    •   ( 250 条评论 )
    • Juster, Norton /2007-06-06/ Random House (NY)
    • 内容简介:一个乏味至极的下午,觉得一切都了无生趣的男孩米洛,在自己的房间发现一个神奇的收费亭。他开着电动玩具车,驶过收费亭,踏上一趟不可思议的奇妙旅程。一路上,米洛曾身陷懒散国、误入结论岛,还在词语国锒铛入狱。但他在伙伴闹钟狗和骗人虫的帮助下,一次次转危为安,还邂逅了 哪个 婆婆、色彩大师、向下长的男孩、十二面体人、噪音医生等有趣的朋友。最后,米洛勇敢地前往无知山,去帮助词语国和数字国营救韵律公主和真理公主,但是每前进一步都有恶魔相阻。米洛从朋友们身上学到的东西能帮他战胜这些恶魔吗?

    • ¥42 折扣:5折
    • Sign of the Beaver 海狸的记号 1984年纽伯瑞银奖 9780547577111
    •   ( 69 条评论 )
    • Elizabeth George Speare 著 /2011-08-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • 美国西部拓荒时期,男孩马特留守在缅因州看护新家,等待远方的家人迁徙团聚。独自生活诸事不顺,幸亏偶遇海狸部落的印第安祖孙二人帮助。日久见人心,男孩马特和阿天从初的不信任、不友善,逐渐转变为互相钦服,成为对方口中的“白人兄弟”、“印第安兄弟”。本书令人深思:在与不同种族、不熟悉的人群交往中,如何互相尊重,求同存异,并与他人分享一切美好。

    • ¥32.9 折扣:5.4折
    • Cirque Du Freak #3: Tunnels of Blood 《吸血侠达伦·山传奇#3:地下血道》 ISBN
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Darren Shan 著 /2003-04-01/ Hachette
    • Darren, the vampire's assistant, gets a taste of the city whenhe leaves the Cirque Du Freak with Evra the snake-boy and Mr.Crepsley. When corpses are discovered--corpses drained of blood--Darren and Evra are compelled to hunt down whatever foul creatureis committing such horrendous acts. Meanwhile, beneath the streets,evil stalks Darren and Evra, and all clues point to Mr. Crepsley.Can they escape, or are they doomed to perish in the tunnels ofblood? "吸血侠达伦·山传奇"系列小说是英国青年作家达伦·山(原名达伦·奥肖内西)目前正在全心投入创作的一套大型儿童读物系列,计划共创作二十余部,读者对象为10岁以上青少年。小说以人称的手法,讲述了我--达伦·山如何由人变成吸血鬼,如何在人与鬼,在生与死,在正义与邪恶的抉择中所经历的传奇而恐怖的成长历程。

    • ¥41 折扣:5.2折
    • Spirit Animals Book Four:Fire and Ice 灵兽#4:火与冰ISBN9781743620
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • 本社 编著 /2015-08-01/
    • Strange things are happening at the frozen edge of theworld Conor, Abeke, Meilin and Rollan have crisscrossedErdas in their quest to stop the ruthless Conquerors.Only the four of them, supported by the gifts of theirlegendary spirit animals, have the power to defeat anevil takeover. While chasing down a lead in the cold north, theheroes arrive at a quiet village where not everything is as it seems. Rooting the truth out of this deceptively beautiful place Won't be easy and the team is already out of time. The Conquerors are right behind them.

    • ¥41 折扣:5.3折
    • Wintersmith (The fourth YA Discworld book) 碟形世界:温特史密斯 ISBN 9
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Terry Pratchett 著 /2007-10-01/ Random House US
    • Tiffany Aching is a trainee witch — now working for theseriously scary Miss Treason. But when Tiffany witnesses the DarkDance — the crossover from summer to winter — she does what no onehas ever done before and leaps into the dance. Into the oldeststory there ever is. And draws the attention of the wintersmithhimself. As Tiffany-shaped snowflakes hammer down on the land, can Tiffanydeal with the consequences of her actions? Even with the help ofGranny Weatherwax and the Nac Mac Feegle — the fightin’, thievin’pictsies who are prepared to lay down their lives for their “bigwee hag.” Wintersmith is the third title in an exuberant series cracklingwith energy and humour. It follows The Wee Free Men.--From theHardcover edition.

    • ¥47.9 折扣:5折
    • Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates (Newbery Medal Book)《自由人》(1951年
    •   ( 64 条评论 )
    • Elizabeth Yates 著 /1989-05-01/ Penguin
    • "It does a man no good to be free until he learns how tolive." These were the words of Amos Fortune, born the son of a king ofthe At-mun-shi tribe in Africa. When Amos was only fifteen yearsold, he was captured by slave traders and brought to Massachusetts,where he was sold at auction. Although his freedom had been taken,Amos never lost his dignity and courage. He dreamed of being freeand of buying the freedom of his closest friends. By the time hewas sixty years old, Amos Fortune began to see those dreams cometrue. Amos Fortune, Free Man is a Newbery Award winner that isbased on a true story.

    • ¥30.9 折扣:5.3折
    • Mosque 凯万大清真寺(David Macaulay 建筑绘本) ISBN 9780547015477
    •   ( 55 条评论 )
    • David Macaulay 编 /2008-04-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • Following in the tradition he established with Cathedral: TheStory of Its Construction and in the many books he has published inthe thirty years since, David Macaulay provides explanations of thehow and the why in a way that is both accessible and entertaining.His work has earned numerous accolades, including a CaldecottMedal, two Caldecott Honors, and a MacArthur Grant, and many fansaround the globe. With Mosque, he turns his talents toward themagnificent structures of the Ottoman Empire.

    • ¥46.4 折扣:5.4折
    • Wolves of the Beyond#2 Shadow Wolf 绝境狼王2:影子(《猫头鹰王国》作者新作) ISB
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2011-11-01/ Scholastic
    • 本书是美国“动物奇幻小说女王”凯瑟琳?拉丝基的*力作,它以被弃小狼——福狼的传奇故事为线索,将狼族生活与文学想象巧妙融合,编织成一套磨难成就传奇的神奇小说。从狼的生存,到狼的等级,从狼的情感,到狼的战争——狼族生活在本系列中被展现得淋漓尽致;从深沉的母爱,到坚定的信念,从温暖的友情,到超常的智慧——福狼与伙伴们不屈不挠的冒险经历被描写得细腻真切。 《影子》是该系列的第二部。 历尽艰辛,小福狼终于得以回归狼群,成为狼族中地位为低贱的一类——啃骨狼。每次用餐,作为啃骨狼的小福狼都必须等到后,每次就寝,他也只能远离温暖的狼窝,以地为床,孤独冰冷。此外,来自狼族优越者的羞辱和嘲笑永无止尽。一次,一头狼崽被谋杀,小福狼成为*嫌犯。判决即将下达,小福狼能找到真正的犯人吗?

    • ¥32.6 折扣:5.2折
    • Brian's Return [Paperback]手斧男孩6:布莱恩归来ISBN9780307929600
    •   ( 23 条评论 )
    • Gary Paulsen 著 /2012-03-01/ Random House US
    • As millions of readers of Hatchet, The River, and Brian's Winter know, Brian Robeson survived alone in the wilderness by finding solutions to extraordinary challenges. But now that's he's back in civilization, he can't find a way to make sense of high school life. He feels disconnected, more isolated than he did alone in the North. The only answer is to return-to go back in -for only in the wilderness can Brian discover his true path in life, and where he belongs.

    • ¥38.1 折扣:5.5折
    • Son《记忆传授人》四部曲之四《儿子》ISBN9780544336254
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • Lois Lowry 著 /2014-05-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • They called her Water Claire. When she washed up on their shore, no one knew that she came from a society where emotions and colors didn't exist. That she had become a Vessel at age thirteen. That she had carried a Product at age fourteen. That it had been stolen from her body. Claire had a son. But what became of him she never knew. What was his name? Was he even alive? She was supposed to forget him, but that was impossible. Now Claire will stop at nothing to find her child, even if it means making an unimaginable sacrifice. Son thrusts readers once again into the chilling world of the Newbery Medal winning book, "The Giver," as well as "Gathering Blue "and "Messenger "where a new hero emerges. In this thrilling series finale, the startling and long-awaited conclusion to Lois Lowry's epic tale culminates in a final clash between good and evil.

    • ¥46.4 折扣:5.4折
    • OTHER WIND MM 地海奇风:《地海传奇》第六部(平装简装)ISBN 9780547773728
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Ursula K. Le Guin 编 /2012-09-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • In this World Fantasy Award-winning novel, the sorcerer Alderfears sleep.He dreams of the land of death, of his wife, who diedyoung and longs to returnto him so much that she kissed him acrossthe low stone wall that separatesour world from the Dr)/Land--wherethe grass is withered, the stars nevermove, and lovers pass withoutknowing each other. The dead are pulling Alderto them at night.Through him they may free themselves and invade Earthsea. Alder seeks advice from Ged, once Archmage. Ged tells him to go toTenar,Tehanu, and the young king at Havnor. They are joined byamber-eyedIrian, a fierce dragon able to assume the shape of awoman. The threat canbe confronted, only in the Immanent Grove onRoke, the holiest place in theworld--and there the king, hero,sage, wizard, and dragon make a last stand. With millions ofcopies sold worldwide, Ursula K. Le Guin's EarthseaCycle has earneda treasured place on the shelves of fantasy loverseverywhere,alongside the works of such beloved authors as J. R. R.Tolkien and C.

    • ¥36.8 折扣:5.3折
    • Stargirl 星星女孩(美国版)
    •   ( 108 条评论 )
    • Jerry Spinelli 著 /2002-05-01/ Random House US
    • Stargirl. From the day she arrives at quiet Mica High in aburst of color and sound, the hallways hum with the murmur of“Stargirl, Stargirl.” She captures Leo Borlock’s heart with justone smile. She sparks a school-spirit revolution with just onecheer. The students of Mica High are enchanted. At first. Then they turn on her. Stargirl is suddenly shunned foreverything that makes her different, and Leo, panicked anddesperate with love, urges her to become the very thing that candestroy her: normal. In this celebration of nonconformity, NewberyMedalist Jerry Spinelli weaves a tense, emotional tale about theperils of popularity and the thrill and inspiration of firstlove.

    • ¥41 折扣:5.3折
    • Three Times Lucky 从天而降的幸运(2013年纽伯瑞银奖小说)ISBN9780142426050
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • (美)希拉·特内奇Sheila Turnage) 著 /2013-12-01/ Penguin
    • Rising sixth grader Miss Moses LoBeau lives in the small town of Tupelo Landing, NC, where everyone's business is fair game and no secret is sacred. She washed ashore in a hurricane eleven years ago, and she's been making waves ever since. Although Mo hopes someday to find her "upstream mother," she's found a home with the Colonel--a café owner with a forgotten past of his own--and Miss Lana, the fabulous café hostess. She will protect those she loves with every bit of her strong will and tough attitude. So when a lawman comes to town asking about a murder, Mo and her best friend, Dale Earnhardt Johnson III, set out to uncover the truth in hopes of saving the only family Mo has ever known. 《长青藤小说:从天而降的幸运》讲述了一个勇敢机智的11岁女孩,与好的朋友组建侦探所,侦破小镇长达11年的谜案的故事。过完这个暑假,女孩摩就要上6年级了。11年前,她在一场飓风中被大水冲到了图珀洛镇,由镇上咖啡馆的店

    • ¥40.4 折扣:5.9折