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    • 罗宾 Robbie
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Emil Pacholek 著 /1986-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Robbie's most special friend is his grandfather, who teaches him all he knows of the countryside and the old country ways. But signs of the modem world are all around--the first television has appeared in the village, and Hawker Hunters scream through the air. However, it is the old man and the boy who come to the rescue when modem technology fails. Time, though, cannot stand still, and even after the death of his beloved grandfather, life must go on. With the coming of summer, Robbie's wicked escapades with the wild tinker boy strengthen a friendship that fills the void left by the old man's passing.

    • ¥6.3 折扣:7.9折
    • (迪士尼)美女与野兽Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Enchanted Christmas
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Alan Nowell 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Belle is determined to celebrate Christmas,even thougt the Beast has forbidden it!While she secretly prepares for the special day,someone else has plans to drive Belle and the Beast even further apart. It takes a gift from Belle to teach the Beast the true meaning of Chrismas and bring them one step closer to falling in love and breaking the spell. New characters,Forte,Fife,and Angelique,add to this delightful story destined to become a holiday favorite.

    • ¥7.9 折扣:7.9折
    • 制作旗子的人Flag Maker
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Susan Campbell Bartoletti 著 /2007-05-01/
    • Here in lyrical prose is the story of the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the words that became the national anthem of the United States. This flag, which came to be known as the Star-Spangled Banner, also inspired author Susan Campbell Bartoletti, who, upon seeing it at the Smithsonian Institution, became curious about the hands that had sewn it. Here is her story of the early days of this flag as seen through the eyes of young Caroline Pickersgill, the daughter of an important flag maker, Mary Pickersgill, and the granddaughter of a flag maker for General George Washington’s Continental Army. It is also a story about how a symbol motivates action and emotion, brings people together, and inspires courage and hope.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 雨中的星期一On Monday When It Rained
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    • Cherryl Kachenmeister 等著 /2001-03-01/
    • In simple, straightforward text and marvelously expressive pictures, the author and photographer have captured the thoughts and feelings of one small boy. Whether he is proud or scared, lonely or excited, his face mirrors his emotion with the wonderful directness of childhood.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 最热,最冷,最高,最深Hottest
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Steve Jenkins 著 /2004-11-01/
    • Ages 4-8. In this world record book of natural history, Jenkins identifies and describes places such as the planet's deepest lake, highest mountain, most active volcano, the most extreme tides, and the places designated the hottest, the coldest, the wettest, the driest, and the windiest on Earth. Each spread features a distinctive collage of cut-and-torn papers, which vary in texture and hue. Silhouetted forms provide dramatic focal points in the compositions. Each spread includes a couple of lines of text, supplemented with more information in smaller type and inset maps and diagrams that help the reader visualize just how high, deep, or wet the subject is in comparison with others of its kind. Highly effective visual education for the classroom or for young browsers intrigued by superlatives. Carolyn Phelan --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 发现复活节的兔子Bunny Who Found Easter
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Charlotte Zolotow 著 /2002-01-01/
    • First published nearly 40 years ago, Zolotow's ingenuous paean to spring, a time "when everything lovely begins once again," indeed feels reborn with Craig's (Angelina Ballerina) winsome illustrations. Combining full-page spreads with smaller panels and spots, her ink, watercolor and colored-pencil art draws from a sumptuous palette of Easter egg colors that reaches full bloom at tale's end, when spring finally catches up to the lonely bunny in search of companionship. When a sleepy owl tells the solo bunny that "there are always rabbits at Easter," he attempts to hunt the place down. Youngsters will be tickled by this misunderstanding and will enjoy having a leg up on the long-eared fellow. Equally gratifying are Craig's renderings of the antics of a diminutive mouse who trails and apes the wandering bunny. In the spirit of a true quest, both travelers are rewarded for their journey: each ends up with a loving mate?and seven offspring. Snuggling with his brood, "The bunny's heart throbbed with happiness at t

    • ¥9.8 折扣:7折
    • Young Cam Jansen年轻的简森
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    • David A. Adler 著 /2003-06-01/
    • Cam Jansen has a great time looking for shells on the beach with her friend Eric and her aunt Molly. But when they're done, Cam's mother is nowhere in sight! She was just sitting under a red umbrella, so how could she have disappeared? With a click, Cam puts her photographic memory to work to find her mom.

    • ¥9.6 折扣:4.2折
    • Pirate School海盗学校
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    • Cathy East Dubowski 著 /2008-01-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Grade 1-3?Pete is a young pirate who attends school on a pirate ship where the rules are geared toward the unkindly:"Finders keepers,losers weepers."Captain Bones encourages fighting to solve disputes,and Pete is happy to wrestle with classmate Grimy after a name-calling match.On Treasure Hunt Day,Pete and Grimy find themselves forced to cooperate in order to escape certain death and decide to share the treasure "Even Steven"down to the last gold coin.Children will enjoy this beginning reader with all of the bickering and rule reversals.The cartoon illustrations are well done,with interesting backgrounds and each character's feelings clear from his facial expressions.The combination of full-page and smaller pictures on white pages works well.?Sharon R.

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 我得到了回学校的兰色I have Got the Back to School Blues
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2007-12-01/
    • I've Got the Back-to-School Blues Annie is about to start second grade. But her best friends aren't in her class. Plus, Annie has a new teacher--Ms. Toady! What if Annie's friends forget about her? And what if Ms. Toady is as mean as everyone says? How will Annie ever survive second grade?

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • THE HEAT IS ON 热能从哪里来的
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Shelley Tanaka 著 /2001-01-01/
    • We are in tbe lnidst of an energy crisis. We're running out of heating oil and gasoline, tearing up our wilderness with hydro dams and damaging our heahh with nuclear power. And out production of energy may be the biggest cause of pollution in the world today. In The Heat Is On you'll find out where our energy comes from and why it is creating a problem. But you'll also discover that there are bright spots from the many plans to develop alternative clean energy sources, to the many ways we can all help, by using energy more thoughtfully and efficiently.

    • ¥6.3 折扣:7.9折
    • Bat in the Dining Room餐厅里的蝙蝠
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    • Crescent Dragonwagon 著 /2003-12-01/ Oxford University Press
    • Kindergarten-Grade 3. It would be difficult to imagine a less poetic theme than that of a bat accidentally trapped in the posh dining room of a summer resort. However, Dragonwagon has woven an evocative, lyrical prose poem in this tale of one frantic flying mammal and one quiet young girl who really cares what happens to it. While the excited, well-heeled patrons escape to the lobby, and the tuxedo-garbed staff run for brooms and other weapons, Melissa remains alone in the dining room. Unhurriedly, and with calm resolve, she lures the bat to an emergency door, where it flies into the starry night to freedom. The spare text combines internal rhyme and interesting word juxtapositions to create the appropriate mood. The contrast of uproar and quiet, agitation and calm combine to build a story from one brief incident. Schindler's beautiful illustrations, a combination of colored pencil and watercolor on pastel paper, become a harmonious complement to the text. The artist has juxtaposed the luminous views of a sum

    • ¥8 折扣:4折
    • 大南瓜 Squashed
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Joan Bauer 著 /1996-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • YOU can forget about a whizz—bang social life if,like Ellie Morgan,your greatest ambition is to grow a world class giant pumpkin。 Ellie has just forty—six days to boost her Big Max to legendary proportions and beat the reigning champion,the despicable Cyril Pool,in the Rock River Pumpkin Weigh—in。She needs all her courage and ingenuity to battle against rain,frost,bugs,fungus and pumpkin thieves—espe—cially when helping her to protect Big Max seems to have knocked out Wes,the new boy in town,just when Ellie needs him most。

    • ¥6.3 折扣:7.9折
    • Sharks鲨鱼
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    • Lynn Wilson 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Did you know... That sharks have been around since the time of the dinosaurs? That the smallest shark could fit into the palm of your hand, and the largest is longer than a moving van? You'll find out lots more about sharks in this exciting book!

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 热能从哪里来 Heat Is On
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Shelley Tanaka 著 /1991-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • We are in tbe lnidst of an energy crisis. We're running out of heating oil and gasoline, tearing up our wilderness with hydro dams and damaging our heahh with nuclear power.And out production of energy may be the biggest cause of pollution in the world today. In The Heat Is On you'll find out where our energy comes from and why it is creating a problem. But you'll also discover that there are bright spots from the many plans to develop alternative clean energy sources, to the many ways we can all help, by using energy more thoughtfully and efficiently.

    • ¥6.3 折扣:7.9折
    • 上学的时光School Time.
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    • Dick Bruna 著 /2004-04-01/
    • This entry in the popular Let's learn series includes an activity to help little ones learn the entire alphabet. Using fun animal illustrations, the book teaches how to count and read.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 我的小宝贝Oh My Baby, Little One
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Kathi Appelt 著 /2006-09-01/
    • When Baby Bird says good-bye to his mama at school each morning, he feels sad. Mama Bird feels sad, too. Sometimes it's hard to be apart. But as Mama Bird says, the love they share is with them always, keeping them close until the best part of the day--when they are together again.

    • ¥7.8 折扣:4.9折