The McCloud brothers have been coaching their protégé, Miles Davenport, for years. It's finally time for him to claim his own place in their group-and his own love. Her eyes haunt him.... All that Miles knows about the beautiful young sculptor Lara Kirk is that she was abducted by a madman, in order to punish her parents for their sins. She's an orphan now, and everyone else on earth who might have fought to find her is dead, so it's up to him to help her now. Miles is all out of leads, but he is tormented by dreams of Lara...dreams that are starting to feel shockingly real. So real, he decides to try following them... She can't separate dreams from reality... Lara Kirk's been locked in a cell for months. The only thing that has kept her clinging to sanity by a thread is the stunning, avenging savior in her dreams...the one who can't possibly be anything but a fantasy. So she tells herself, until the brawny young warrior bursts into her prison and sweeps he
Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, Alfred Taylor, blessé à lajambe par des éclats d’obus, fut amputé et obligé de porter unejambe de bois ; sa femme, Emily McVeagh, soigna pendant quatre ansles blessés de la guerre en tant qu’infirmière en chef du StGeorges’s Hospital. Alfred et Emily eurent une fille, DorisLessing, prix Nobel de littérature 2007. Lessing nous propose unlivre en deux temps : d’abord la vie qu’elle imagine pour sesparents si la guerre n’avait pas eu lieu, puis la réhabilitationdes faits, détails biographiques et photos à l’appui. Et sil’autobiographie n’était rien d’autre qu’une fiction ? Dans Alfredet Emily, Lessing se fait à la fois auteur et critique de sonoeuvre. "En écrivant sur les vies imaginaires de mon père et de ma mère,je ne me suis pas contentée d’extrapoler ou d’amplifier des traitsde caractère, je me suis fondée également sur des inflexions, dessoupirs, des regards mélancoliques, des indices aussi infimes queceux dont se servent
Late one summer evening, Wilberforce—young, rich,work-obsessed, and self-contained—makes an unexpected detour on theway home from work and unwittingly takes the first step on ajourney that will change his life. His uncharacteristicallyimpulsive act leads him to the home of Francis Black, an eccentricand enigmatic wine merchant. Wine and hospitality flow freely inFrancis Black's cellar, and Wilberforce finds himself drawn into alife he never could have imagined. Infatuated by his newfound tastefor fine wines, his new friends, and the woman whom he willeventually marry, he believes he has finally found happiness. ButWilberforce will learn that the cellar holds some unpalatablesecrets and that passion comes at a price. Chronicling the vintageyears of Wilberforce's life, Bordeaux is a haunting story ofobsession and addiction, loyalty and betrayal.