Swensen has been the chief investment officer for the past 14 years at Yale University,where he is responsible for managing and investing more than $6 billion of the university's endowment assets and investment funds.Realizing an annual return of more than 16 percent on his investments,Swensen has added more than $2 billion to Yale's coffers,and his consistent track record has attracted the notice of Wall Street portfolio managers.Here Swensen provides a brief history of endowment funds and explains the purpose of endowment accumulation and the goals for institutional portfolios.One of the strategies behind his success has been to diversify asset classes and move beyond a reliance on domestic marketable securities.He distinguishes between traditional and alternative asset classes,looks at performance evaluation issues and tools,and considers the investment decision-making process.Although its audience will be limited,this book is a necessary purchase for libraries with collections that include the topic of in
Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles tomore than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone whoviewed individual stock investing as way too hard to dosuccessfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, Iconsidered the whole process pretty impenetrable, and I wasconvinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job.Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun. So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now:letting some mutual fund manager worry about growing your nest egg.Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutelymiserable.
When it was first published, How to Make Money in Stocks hit the investing world like a jolt, providing readers with the first in-depth explanation of William J. O'Neil's innovative CAN SLIM investing method. Five years later, O'Neil, founder for the industry icon Investor's Business Daily, revised his classic text and provided readers with a newer glimpse on how the average investor can make money in the equities market. This third edition of How to Make Money in Stocks has been revised and updated with new chapters designed to help investors increase their performance. Like his international bestselling 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success, which stayed on international business bestseller lists for close to 6 months in 2000, How to Make Money in Stocks is the best reference for the individual investor in how to stay afloat and ahead in the rocky and volatile equities markets of the 21st century.
The strategies and techniques of THE investment legend Warren Buffett Wealth follows the world′s greatest investor fromthe beginning of his career, as he takes a 100–dollar investmentand turns it into one of the most successful multibillion–dollarcompanies in the world. By carefully detailing how Buffett beganhis career and discussing what he learned from Benjamin Graham,this book reveals the true secrets to Buffett′s success. Readerswill see how Buffett reached the pinnacle of his profession byfollowing certain key principles such as investing in old–styletraditional American companies, holding the companies forever, andhiring and keeping the same managers. Robert P. Miles (Tampa, FL) is a writer, speaker, and consultant.He is also the author of The Warren Buffett CEO (0–471–44259–3) and101 Reasons to Own the World′s Greatest Investment: WarrenBuffett′s Berkshire Hathaway (0–471–41123–X).
Popular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down, Robert G. Allen knows how to bring you financial success. With his seminars sweeping the nation, Allen is at the cutting edge of strategic wealth creation now more than ever. And in this completely revised edition of his classic bestseller Creating Wealth Allen gives you the basic principles that you need to stop thinking poor and start growing rich. Moving beyond just real estate, Allen goes straight to the core of people's inner motivations and beliefs about money to give you all the fundamentals of wealth creation. By developing a wealthy mind-set, anyone can take off into financial self-reliance -- and Allen shows you how. He explains the ways in which most of us have been programmed to think that only saving is good and debt and risk are bad, so that in our efforts to gain security, we cheat ourselves out of getting rich. The key to changing that mind-set is Allen's unique integration of real es
For years, Robert Kiyosaki has firmly believed that the best investment one can ever make is in taking the time to truly understand how one's finances work. Too many people are much more interested in the quick-hitting scheme, or trying to find a short-cut to real wealth. As Kiyosaki has preached over and over again, one has to truly under the process of how money works before one can start out on trying to escape the daily financial Rat Race. Now, in this latest book in the popular Rich Dad Poor Dad series, Kiyosaki lays out his 5 key principles of Financial Intelligence for all to understand. In INCREASE YOUR FINANCIAL IQ, Kiyosaki provides real insights on these key steps to wealth: o How to increase your money -- how to assess what you're really worth now, what your prospects are, and how to start mapping out your financial future. o How to protect your money -- for better or for worse, taxes are a way of life. Kiyosaki shows you that "it's not what you make....it's what you keep." o How t
A practical, hands-on guide to building your mastery ofcandlestick charting and analysis Candlestick charting has become one of today’s most populartechnical analysis tools for both individual and professionalinvestors. And it’s much easier than you probably think. In fact,creating a candlestick chart demands no more information thantraditional charting requires. With candle pattern analysis, thepayoff is a deeper look into the minds of investors and a clearerview of supply and demand dynamics. In this companion volume to his bestselling Candlestick ChartingExplained, Gregory L. Morris delivers hands-on knowledge you needto make candlestick charting and analysis a key element of yourportfolio-building strategy. With this book you will be ableto: Identify candle patterns and quickly see what traders and investorsare thinking Use reversal patterns to enter or reverse your positions Identify continuation patterns to establish additionalpositions Utilize charting software to recognize patterns automatica
The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing is a slightly irreverent, straightforward guide to investing for everyone. The book offers sound, practical advice, no matter what your age or net worth. Bottomline, become a Boglehead and prosper! Originally just the chat-line ruminations of Boglehead founder Taylor Larimore, and Morningstar forum leading cohorts Mel Lindauer and Michael LeBoeuf, their trusted advice has been brewed and distilled into an easy-to-use, need-to-know, no frills guide to building up your own financial well-being – so you can worry less and profit more from the investments you make. Invest like a Boglehead, and let their grassroots investment wisdom guide you down the path of long-term wealth creation and happiness, without all the worries and fuss of stock pickers and day traders. If you face a financial crisis or problem, or simply want to know what is prudent to do with the money you save, the Bogleheads will have the answers you need to help you gain your financial footing and keep it.
The True Life Story and Time-Tested Strategies of the World’sGreatest Trader "Excellent read! Captures the spirit and times of JesseLivermore, legendary trader. The book tracks two major marketcrashes, love affairs, the shooting of Jesse Jr. by his mother, andtwo family suicides. . . . Never a dull moment." –Ace Greenberg,Chairman, Bear Stearns "Terrific. I started reading it when we took off from Seoul’sKimbo Airport on my way to Germany. By the time we reachedNovosibirsk, Russia . . . I had finished it. I just couldn’t put itdown! Not only is it a great lesson in investing and trading, it’sa fascinating psychological study of what makes a great speculatortick. The rise and fall of a great speculator as well as the riseand fall of his family is great reading. The fact that it is basedon interviews with Livermore’s survivors and witnesses to theevents makes it even more interesting. Great writing."–Mark Mobius,Managing Director, Templeton Asset Management "As one of the
Recommended by finance experts and used extensively byinstitutional investors, index funds and exchange-traded funds(ETFs) provide unmanaged, diversified exposure to a variety ofasset classes. Index Investing For Dummies shows activeinvestors how to add index investments to their portfolios and makethe most of their money, while protecting their assets. It featuresplain-English information on the different types of index funds andtheir advantage over other funds, getting started in indexinvesting, using index funds for asset allocation, understandingreturns and risk, diversifying among fund holdings, and applyingwinning strategies for maximum profit.
The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing"-which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies-has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949. Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles. Vital and indispensable, this Collins Business Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals.
Written by Wall Street’s top commodity research firm, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 provides in-depth statistics, analysis, and forecasts for gold. The supply and demand fundamentals of this commodity are displayed in detailed charts and graphs, providing you with the information needed to make fully informed investment decisions. Filled with invaluable reference data, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 is a focused guide that will help you succeed in this dynamic market.
Are You Prepared for Another Lost Decade? "[Pring] seesanother 'lost decade,' but also ways to make it a winner". ("TheNew York Times"). Don't let the secular bear eat you. Prepare toearn steady profits in another decade of volatile and disappointingmarket returns. For more than four decades, Martin Pring has been aleading innovator and practitioner of financial and business cycleanalysis. In "Investing in the Second Lost Decade", Pring - alongwith seasoned portfolio managers Joe Turner and Tom Kopas - offersconclusive proof that we're only near the midway point of acontinued secular cycle of flat returns and deeply cyclicaleconomic conditions. To guide you through these uncertain times,Pring, Turner, and Kopas deliver a proven action plan for masteringthe realities facing today's investors. Using proprietary analysis,the authors explore the characteristics of long-term bear marketsalong with the looming dual threats of inflation and risinginterest rates - and outline positive steps you can take to cre
Cash flow is the foundation of every successful business, but investors do not have to start with their own money to build a business. Money can be made by acquiring an asset, turning an idea into a fortune, or building a business, using other peoples moneyOPM. This book will discuss different forms of OPM, how to find OPM, the consequences of using OPM, and the legal aspects and pitfalls of trying to access OPM.
Chances are you haven't been making the best investingdecisions. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S HOW WALL STREET WANTS IT "With asmirk, a lashing wit, and an appropriate irreverence, Browngives voice to what all investment professionals are--or shouldbe--secretly thinking." --MICHAEL SANTOLI, Barron's columnist "Thepages of this book are filled with colorful exposes of misconductin the way Wall Street presents and sells itself (and its financialproducts offerings!)...Run don't walk to read Brown's chronicles ofdeception [perpetrated by] those wonderful folks on Wall Street,who nearly bankrupted the world's fi nancial system a few shortyears ago." --DOUGLAS A. KASS, Seabreeze Partners Management, Inc."Everything you've ever read about Wall Street is a total lie.Everyone is lying to you every day. Until you read this book."--JAMES ALTUCHER, Formula Capital and author of I Was Blind but NowI See " wants Wall Street to be awesome. You can feel itevery day on his amazing blog and in this great book. He is happyto shou
There has been an explosive growth in the number of corporates, investors and financial institutions turning to structured products to achieve cost savings, risk controls and yield enhancements. However, the exact nature, risks and applications of these products and solutions can be complex, and problems arise if the fundamental building blocks and principles are not fully understood. This book explains the most popular products and strategies with a focus on everything beyond vanilla options, dealing with these products in a literate yet accessible manner, giving practical applications and case studies. A special emphasis on how the client uses the products, with interviews and de*ions of real-life deals means that it will be possible to see how the products are applied in day-to-day situations – the theory is translated into practice. 作者简介: UWE WYSTUP is CEO of www.mathfinance.com, a global network of quants specializing in modeling and implementing Foreign Exchange Exotics. H
China is positioned to rule the economic world in the coming decades.Western producers find it impossible to compete with China's 60-cents-per-hour average labor costs,and its manufacturing sectors continue to grow exponentially.Export markets are flooded with high-quality,brand-name consumer goods produced in China.In addition to fueling China's dynamic growth curve,this exploding industrial sector has created a new class of worker with unprecedented disposable income and the desire to spend it on,of course,Chinese-produced goods. It's an investment opportunity that,on this immense scale,you most likely won't see again in your lifetime.But how can you cut across cultural,language,and geographical barriers to put your investment dollars to work in China,today? From Wall Street to the Great Wall shows you how to identify opportunities and invest safely and profitably in the expanding Chinese economy.Researched and written by executives with Mergent,Inc.—the most authoritative global resource for Chines
The Warren Buffett Way provided the first look into thestrategies that the master uses to pick stocks. A New York Timesbestseller, it is a valuable and practical primer on the principlesbehind the remarkable investment run of the famed oracle of Omaha.In this much-awaited companion to that book, author Robert Hagstromtakes the next logical step, revealing how to profitably managestocks once you select them. THE WARREN BUFFETT PORTFOLIO will helpyou through the process of building a superior portfolio andmanaging the stocks going forward. Building a concentratedportfolio is critical for investment success. THE WARREN BUFFETTPORTFOLIO introduces the next wave of investment strategy, calledfocus investing. A comprehensive investment strategy used withspectacular results by Buffett, focus investing directs investorsto select a concentrated group of businesses by examining theirmanagement and financial positions as compared to their stockprices. A strategy that has historically outperformed the market,focus
Today millions of people depend on their 401 (k) plans for their retirement income.Yet when 401(k) and similar programs first became popular over two decades ago, Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad warned that these plans will cause one of the biggest stock market crashes in history...a crash that will financially destroy the unprepared. Now in the new millennium, rich dad's. prophecy is coming true. On April 3, 2000, the U.S. NASDAQ exchange recorded its biggest ever one-day fall.Then Enron and WorldCom declared two of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history. Exposing the reasons behind the impending crash, RICH DAD'S PROPHECY reveals not only the best ways to safeguard wealth but how to actually prosper from the events to come. Learn: How the fears, dreams, and actions of millions of baby boomers will control the economic future Why the old advice "Buy, hold, and diversify" can lead to f'mancial disaster How another stock market boom is on the horizon before the big bust and when
You know what happened during the financial crisis … now it istime to understand why the financial system came so close tofalling over the edge of the abyss and why it could happen again.Wall Street has been saved, but it hasn’t been reformed. What isthe problem? Suzanne McGee provides a penetrating look at the forces thattransformed Wall Street from its traditional role as acapital-generating and economy-boosting engine into a behemothoperating with only its own short-term interests in mind and withreckless disregard for the broader financial system and those whorelied on that system for their well being and prosperity. Primary among these influences was “Goldman Sachs envy”: theself-delusion on the part of Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers,Stanley O’Neil of Merrill Lynch, and other power brokers (egged onby their shareholders) that taking more risk would enable theircompanies to make even more money than Goldman Sachs. Thathubris—and that narrow-minded focus on maximizing their
Janet Tavakoli takes you into the world of Warren Buffett by way of the recent mortgage meltdown. In correspondence and discussion with him over 2 years, they both saw the writing on the wall, made clear by the implosion of Bear Stearns. Tavakoli, in clear and engaging prose, explains how the credit mess happened beginning with the mortgage lending Ponzi schemes funded by investment banks, the Fed bailout and its impact on the dollar. Through her narrative, we hear from Warren Buffett and learn how his enduring principles caused him to see the mess that was coming well in advance and kept him and his investors well out of the way.
In The Little Book of Bull Moves , popular author andeconomic advisor, Peter Schiff, takes a new look at America's bullmarkets of the 1920's, 1960's, and 1990's, and the bear marketsthat followed. Analyzing similarities and differences from both aneconomic and political perspective, Schiff discusses investmentstrategies that worked then and explains how those sameconservative approaches to investing can be applied in today'smarket. Provides detailed advice on the techniques and strategies thatcan help investors maintain and even build wealth now and in theturbulent times that lie just ahead Filled with insightful commentary, inventive metaphors, andpre*ive advice Other titles by Schiff: Crash Proof: How to Profit From theComing Economic Collapse, and The Little Book of Bull Movesin Bear Markets Written by a seasoned Wall Street prognosticator, TheLittle Book of Bull Moves shows readers how to make money underadverse market conditions by using conservative, nontraditionalinvestment
This book is dedicated to my wonderful wife, Laura, and my high-spirited boys, Kyle and Kade. Thank you all for your constant sup-port and understanding as this book was being written. I would like to thank Kathy Heasley, who was instrumental in ex-tracting fifteen years of my investment real estate and property management knowledge and wonderfully organizing it into each chapter of this book (www.imsbreakthrough.com.). Special thanks are also extended to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and to Sharon Lechter for allowing me to participate as a Rich Dad's Advisor, and of course to my partner, Ross McCallister, for never saying anything other than encouraging words as I took on this venture.