Mike May spent his life crashing through. Blinded at agethree, he defied expectations by breaking world records in downhillspeed skiing, joining the CIA, and becoming a successful inventor,entrepreneur, and family man. He had never yearned for vision.Then, in 1999, a chance encounter brought startling news: arevolutionary stem cell transplant surgery could restore May’svision. It would allow him to drive, to read, to see his children’sfaces. But the procedure was filled with gambles, some of themdeadly, others beyond May’s wildest dreams. Beautifully written andthrillingly told, Crashing Through is a journey of suspense,daring, romance, and insight into the mysteries of vision and thebrain. Robert Kurson gives us a fascinating account of one man’schoice to explore what it means to see–and to truly live.NAMED ONEOF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE
Before September 11, 2001, one terrorist group had killed moreAmericans than any other: Hezbollah, the “Party of God.” Today itremains potentially more dangerous than even al Qaeda. Yet littlehas been known about its inner workings, past successes, and futureplans–until now. Written by an accomplished journalist and a law-enforcementexpert, Lightning Out of Lebanon is a chilling and essentialaddition to our understanding of the external and internal threatsto America. In disturbing detail, it portrays the degree to whichHezbollah has infiltrated this country and the extent to which itintends to do us harm. Formed in Lebanon by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in 1982,Hezbollah is fueled by hatred of Israel and the United States. Its1983 truck-bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirutkilled 241 soldiers–the largest peacetime loss ever for the U.S.military–and caused President Reagan to withdraw all troops fromLebanon. Since then, among other atrocities, Hezbollah has mu
“Uttering lines that send liberals into paroxysms of rage,otherwise known as ‘citing facts,’ is the spice of life. When I seethe hot spittle flying from their mouths and the veins bulging andpulsing above their eyes, well, that’s when I feel trulyalive.” So begins If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans, AnnCoulter’s funniest, most devastating, and, yes, most outrageousbook to date. Coulter has become the brightest star in the conservativefirmament thanks to her razor-sharp reasoning and biting wit. Ofcourse, practically any time she opens her mouth, liberal elitesdenounce Ann, insisting that “She’s gone too far!” and hopefullypredicting that this time it will bring a crashing end to hercareer. Now you can read all the quotes that have so outraged her enemiesand so delighted her legions of fans. More than just the definitivecollection of Coulterisms, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d BeRepublicans includes dozens of brand-new commentaries written byC
“Saudi Arabia is more and more an irrational state—a place thatspawns global terrorism even as it succumbs to an ancient anddeeply seated isolationism, a kingdom led by a royal family thatcan’t get out of the way of its own greed. Is this the fulcrum wewant the global economy to balance on?” In his explosive New York Times bestseller, See No Evil ,former CIA operative Robert Baer exposed how Washington politicsdrastically compromised the CIA’s efforts to fight globalterrorism. Now in his powerful new book, Sleeping with the Devil,Baer turns his attention to Saudi Arabia, revealing how ourgovernment’s cynical relationship with our Middle Eastern ally andAmerica’ s dependence on Saudi oil make us increasingly vulnerableto economic disaster and put us at risk for further acts ofterrorism. For decades, the United States and Saudi Arabia have been locked ina “harmony of interests.” America counted on the Saudis for cheapoil, political stability in the Middle East, and lucrative businessrelati
Using information and techniques gathered by the InternationalSpy Museum and an ex-CIA agent, this book shows how the tricks andmethods used by spies can be incorporated into everyday life, suchas how to hide valuables in your home or how to avoid carjacking orpickpockets.
Commemorating the 200th anniversary of Lincoln s birth, hereis his extraordinary story as only the Smithsonian could tell it,featuring the unpublished Lincoln collections at the NationalMuseum of American History. For the first time, the Smithsonian is publishing its unparalleledLincoln collection. Its many historical treasures include: Lincolns top hat, his gold pocket watch from his days as a Springfieldlawyer, the inkstand he used to draft the EmancipationProclamation, his patent model for lifting boats, one of MaryLincoln s White House gowns and jewelry, and prison hoods andshackles worn by the Lincoln conspirators. With more than 125 colorphotographs, Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life tells a new andintimate story of the life and legacy of this remarkable Americanicon.
In The Fatal Englishman, his first work of nonfiction,Sebastian Faulks explores the lives of three remarkable men. Eachhad the seeds of greatness; each was a beacon to his generation andleft something of value behind; yet each one died tragicallyyoung. Christopher Wood, only twenty-nine when he killed himself, was apainter who lived most of his short life in the beau monde of 1920sParis, where his charm, good looks, and the dissolute life thatfollowed them sometimes frustrated his ambition and achievement asan artist. Richard Hillary was a WWII fighter pilot who wrote a classicaccount of his experiences, The Last Enemy, but died in a mysterious trainingaccident while defying doctor’s orders to stay grounded afterhorrific burn injuries; he was twenty-three. Jeremy Wolfenden, hailed by his contemporaries as the brightestEnglishman of his generation, rejected the call of academia to become a hackjournalist in Cold War Moscow. A spy, alcoholic, and openhomosexual at a time when su
The complete American presidential inaugural addressesfeaturing historical background by a National Book Awardwinner A testament to the power of oratory, this stirring and oftensurprising collection includes all fifty-five United Statespresidential inaugural addresses, as well as a general introductionand commentary that provides historical context for each speech.Marking pivotal moments in American history, readers willlearn: ? How George Washington came to ad-lib “So help me, God” at theend of his first inaugural address ? Why Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address is consideredone of the finest ever delivered ? The historical background behind Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Theonly thing we have to fear is fear itself” and John F. Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what youcan do for your country.”
This definitive edition of the original "Robert's" presentsrules of order, motions, debate, conduct of business, andadjournment. All problems of conducting a successful meetingsmoothly and fairly are resolved.
In the annals of presidential elections, the hotly contested1876 race between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden was inmany ways as remarkable in its time as Bush versus Gore was inours. Chief Justice William Rehnquist offers readers a colorful andpeerlessly researched chronicle of the post—Civil War years, whenthe presidency of Ulysses S. Grant was marked by misjudgment andscandal, and Hayes, Republican governor of Ohio, vied with Tilden,a wealthy Democratic lawyer and successful corruption buster, tosucceed Grant as America’s chief executive. The upshot was a veryclose popular vote (in favor of Tilden) that an irremediablydeadlocked Congress was unable to resolve. In the pitched battlethat ensued along party lines, the ultimate decision of who wouldbe President rested with a commission that included five SupremeCourt justices, as well as five congressional members from eachparty. With a firm understanding of the energies that motivated theera’s movers and shakers, and no shortage of insig
If you follow politics or the news, America is a country ofculture wars and great divides, a partisan place of red states andblue states, of us against them. From pundits to politicians itseems that anyone with an audience sees a polarized country - acountry at war with itself. In a radical departure from this "conventional wisdom," CarlAnderson explores what the talking heads have missed: anoverwhelming American consensus on many of the country's seeminglymost divisive issues. If the debates are shrill in public, he says,there is a quiet consensus in private - one that America'sinstitutions ignore at their peril. From health care, to the roleof religion in America, to abortion, to the importance oftraditional ethics in business and society, Anderson uses freshpolling data and keen insight in BEYOND A HOUSE DIVIDED toshow that a surprising consensus has emerged despite these debates.He sheds light on what's been missing in the public and politicaldebates of the last several years: the consensus that isn't ha
It’s not an exaggeration to say that middle-class Americansare an endangered species and that the American Dream of a secure,comfortable standard of living has become as outdated as an Edselwith an eight-track player. That the United States of Americais in danger of becoming a third world nation. The evidence is all around us: Our industrial base is vanishing, taking with it the kind of jobsthat have formed the backbone of our economy for more than acentury; our education system is in shambles, making it harder fortomorrow’s workforce to acquire the information and training itneeds to land good twenty-first century jobs; ourinfrastructure—our roads, our bridges, our sewage and water, ourtransportation and electrical systems—is crumbling; our economicsystem has been reduced to recurring episodes of Corporations GoneWild; our political system is broken, in thrall to a smallfinancial elite using the power of the checkbook to control bothparties. And America’s middle class, the
“This is a thriller, a page-turner, a probing look into theinner workings of the assassination squads that Israel mobilizedafter the Munich massacre.” –David K. Shipler, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Arab andJew “Gratitude is due to Mr. Klein for his painstaking . . . book, thebest one could possibly hope for.” –Walter Lacquer, The Wall Street Journal Award-winning journalist Aaron J. Klein tells, for the firsttime, the complete story of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre andthe Israeli counterterrorism operation it spawned. Withunprecedented access to Mossad agents and an nparalleled knowledgeof Israeli intelligence, Klein peels back the layers of myth andmisinformation that have permeated previous books, films, andmagazine articles about the “shadow war” against Black Septemberand other related terrorist groups. In this riveting account,long-held secrets are finally revealed, including who was killedand who was not, how it was done, which targets were hit and whichwere m
In this provocative and timely book, Middle East expert LeeSmith overturns long-held Western myths and assumptions about theArab world, offering advice for America’s future success in theregion. Seeking the motivation behind the September 11 attacks, Smithmoved to Cairo, where he discovered that the standard explanation—aclash of East and West—was simply not the case. Middle Eastconflicts have little to do with Israel, the United States, or theWest in general, but are endemic to the region. According toSmith’s “Strong Horse Doctrine,” the Arab world naturally alignsitself with strength, power, and violence. He argues that Americamust be the strong horse in order to reclaim its role there, andthat only by understanding the nature of the region’s ancientconflict can we succeed.
Start your workout today with the US Navy SEALs! The Official United States Navy SEAL Workout presents an accuratedocumentation of the demanding physical training (or P.T., as it'sknown in military circles) that students encounter at BUD/S. Thephysical expectations of BUD/S graduates are awesome...but they areachievable, as this book demonstrates. You'll learn what it's like to be a SEAL in this incredible bookthat brings together the fitness requirements, history, andtraditions of the US Navy SEALs. Whether you're seriously intoexercising or just want to start a personal fitness program, youcan follow this All-American workout to strengthen and tone yourentire body! You'll find: * Workouts you can perform at home, the gym or on the road * Tips on stretching, lower and upper body workouts, andabdominal workouts * Intense photos of SEALs as they prepare for missions around theworld * What it takes to become a Navy SEAL ...and more!
In this groundbreaking book, Joe Scarborough tells RepublicanParty bosses what they don’t want to hear, explains why Democratsare making matters so much worse, and then shows leaders of bothparties the way forward. The Last Best Hope draws on the forgotten genius of conservatismto offer a road map for the movement and the country. Delivering asearing indictment of the political leaders who have led us astray,Scarborough inspires conservatives to reclaim their heritage bydrawing upon the strength of the movement’s rich history.
From its earliest days, America served as an arena for therevolutions in alternative spirituality that eventually swept theglobe. Esoteric philosophies and personas—from Freemasonry toSpiritualism, from Madame H. P. Blavatsky to EdgarCayce—dramatically altered the nation’s culture, politics, andreligion. Yet the mystical roots of our identity are often ignoredor overlooked. Opening a new window on the past, OccultAmerica presents a dramatic, pioneering study of the esotericundercurrents of our history and their profound impact acrossmodern life.
You've heard of the SEALs. . . . now meet their bloodbrothers! The Official United States Air Force Elite Workout: An OfficialFive Star Fitness Guide Featuring: Running ? Swimming ? Weight Training ? O'Course ?Calisthenics ? and much more! Known as the PJ's and the CCT's, the pararescuemen and combatcontrol technicians are the elite forces of the United States AirForce. PJ's, whose motto is "that others may live", routinely go inharm's way to bring back downed pilots and crewmembers. CCT's,"first to fight", are responsible to enter hostile territory aheadof the rest and establish safe landing sites for arrivingforces. Their self-sacrificing efforts are heroic. Their training isintense, exciting, and before this book, little known. Now for thevery first time, their powerful training techniques are brought tolight in this profusely illustrated and documentedpresentation. Includes sections on: stretching, weight training, calisthenics,running, swimming, rope climbing, e