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    • The Reformation(ISBN=9780143035381)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Diarmaid MacCulloch 著 /2005-01-01/ Penguin
    • Many standard histories of Christianity chronicle theReformation as a single, momentous period in the history of theChurch. According to those accounts, a number of competing groupsof reformers challenged a monolithic and corrupt Roman Catholicismover issues ranging from authority and the role of the priests tothe interpretation of the Eucharist and the use of the Bible inchurch. In this wide-ranging, richly layered and captivating studyof the Reformation, MacCulloch challenges traditionalinterpretations, arguing instead that there were many reformations.Arranging his history in chronological fashion, MacCulloch providesin-depth studies of reform movements in central, northern andsouthern Europe and examines the influences that politics andgeography had on such groups. He challenges common assumptionsabout the relationships between Catholic priests and laity, arguingthat in some cases Protestantism actually took away religiousauthority from laypeople rather than putting it in their hands. Inaddition, h

    • ¥111.4 折扣:7.9折
    • Conveisations: The Message Bible With Its Translator圣经对话录
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Eugene H. Peterson 著 /2007-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • From The Message comes an entirely new way to experience God's Word. The Message with Its Translator is a special annotated edition that features commentary from Eugene Peterson, one of today's most influential pastors and teachers. Filled with a wealth of insights, this study Bible enriches the text with notes from Peterson's own studies and sermons. Peterson's personal style will engage readers as he guides them through Scripture and encourages contemplative study. Features * Presented in the beloved Message translation * Companion commentary from one of today's most valued pastors * A personalized approach to studying Scripture * Notes and insights from Peterson's own sermons and studies * A fresh approach to studying God's Word

    • ¥166.3 折扣:8.8折
    • The Evolution of God ISBN=9780316054874
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Robert Wright 著 /2009-06-01/
    • In this sweeping narrative that takes us from the Stone Age tothe Information Age, Robert Wright unveils an astonishingdiscovery: there is a hidden pattern that the great monotheisticfaiths have followed as they have evolved. Through the prisms ofarcheology, theology, and evolutionary psychology, Wright'sfindings overturn basic assumptions about Judaism, Christianity,and Islam, and are sure to cause controversy. He explains whyspirituality has a role today, and why science, contrary toconventional wisdom, affirms the validity of the religious quest.And this previously unrecognized evolutionary logic points nottoward continued religious extremism, but future harmony. Nearly a decade in the making, THE EVOLUTION OF GOD is abreathtaking re-examination of the past, and a visionary lookforward.

    • ¥102.3 折扣:8.7折
    • Jerusalem, Jerusalem(ISBN=9780547195612) 英文原版
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • James Carroll 著 /2011-08-01/
    • In Carroll's provocative reading of the deep past, the Bible'sbrutality responded to the violence that threatened Jerusalem fromthe start. Centuries later, the mounting European fixation on aheavenly Jerusalem sparked both anti-Semitism and racist colonialcontempt. The holy wars of the Knights Templar burned apocalypticmayhem into the Western mind. Carroll's brilliant and original leapis to show how, as Christopher Columbus carried his own Jerusalemcentric worldview to the West, America too was powerfully shaped bythe dream of the City on a Hill - from Governor Winthrop to AbrahamLincoln to Woodrow Wilson to Ronald Reagan. The nuclearbrinksmanship of the 1973 Yom Kippur War helps prove his point:religion and violence fuel each other, with Jerusalem the groundzero of the heat.

    • ¥145.2 折扣:6折
    • The Courage To Teach: Exploring The Inner Landscape Of A Tea
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Parker J. Palmer ,(帕克·J.帕尔默) 著 /2007-09-01/ Wiley
    • For many years, Parker Palmer has worked on behalf of teachers and others who choose their vocations for reasons of the heart but may lose heart because of the troubled, sometimes toxic systems in which they work. Hundreds of thousands of readers have benefited from his approach in The Courage to Teach , which takes teachers on an inner journey toward reconnecting with themselves, their students, their colleagues, and their vocations, and reclaiming their passion for one of the most challenging and important of human endeavors.This book builds on a simple premise: good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teaching takes myriad forms but good teachers share one trait: they are authentically present in the classroom, in community with their students and their subject. They possess 'a capacity for connectedness' and are able to weave a complex web of connections between themselves, their subjects, and their students, helping their student

    • ¥166.3 折扣:6.9折
    • TheLife Connecting Bible 生活圣经
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    • Thomas Nelson 著 /2005-10-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Is a two thousand-year-old Book relevant to life in the 21st century? Nearly every issue we face today is addressed somewhere in the Bible. From social issues (like war, poverty, and government) to interpersonal concerns (like communication, marriage, and friendship), the Bible offers wisdom and guidance you can put to use in your daily life. The Life Connecting Bible's more than 1,100 sidebars and the New Century Version present the Bible's message for modern readers in a way that is fresh, inviting, and easy to understand.

    • ¥129.4 折扣:8.8折
    • The Holman Illustrated Study Bible霍尔曼插图圣经
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2005-02-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Like no other resource, The Holman Illustrated Bible takes you there. Using over 1,000 color graphics, maps, photographs, reconstructions, and charts to enliven the Bible world, this special Bible edition enlightens readers to the contextual details of every major character and moment. In addition, helpful introductions list the author, date, original audience, and purpose of each book; give a key text and term; show Christ in each book; and place each book in the overall story of Scripture.

    • ¥147.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Scofield Study Bible NIV 斯科菲尔学习圣经
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • 本社 主编 /2005-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • This edition combines the renowned ScofieldRG notes and reference system with the New International Version, one of the most popular modern Bible translations. But that's not all: The fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection upon the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) to make the ideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. Enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes broaden the context of the reader's understanding. Everything about this edition has been designed to encourage serious Bible study. First-time students and seasoned believers alike will find this volume to be a trustworthy guide to the panorama of God's plan of salvation.

    • ¥184.8 折扣:8.8折
    • The Scofield Study Bible III斯科菲尔学习圣经
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    • Oxford University Press 著 /2005-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Here the well-received augmentation of the ScofieldRG study notes and reference system is combined with a modern version of the Bible. The New American Standard Bible is celebrated for accurately communicating the meaning of the original texts to today's readers. It is an excellent guide for those seeking a contemporary English translation with a high degree of fidelity to the Hebrew and Greek of the Bible. The NASB translation is accompanied by a wealth of features that clarify the ideas underlying the Scofield's annotations for modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. In addition, there are enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes.

    • ¥129.4 折扣:8.8折
    • The Scofield Study Bible III, NASB: New American Standard Bi
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2009-05-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Here the well-received augmentation of the ScofieldRG study notes and reference system is combined with a modern version of the Bible. The New American Standard Bible is celebrated for accurately communicating the meaning of the original texts to today's readers. It is an excellent guide for those seeking a contemporary English translation with a high degree of fidelity to the Hebrew and Greek of the Bible. The NASB translation is accompanied by a wealth of features that clarify the ideas underlying the Scofield's annotations for modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. In addition, there are enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes.

    • ¥184.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Jerusalem(ISBN=9781585674091)
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    • Michael Avi-Yonah 著 /2010-07-01/ Penguin
    • Jerusalem: The Saga of the Holy City is for lovers ofancient maps and world history. Jerusalem is among the most ancientof cities, a city of sanctity and refuge that the world's majorreligions venerate. Jerusalem is the city of faith. In 1954 threeeminent Israeli archaeological scholars from the Hebrew Universitypublished an encyclopedic compendium of Jerusalem's history andgeography, from prehistoric times to 1947. Now, Overlook presents this richly linen bound book with fullcolor illustrations and a slipcase. Jerusalem: The Saga of theHoly City chronicles the rich history of this city in concise,straightforward segments. The ten color plates of maps that depictthe city through the centuries are extraordinary works of art,dazzling in their detail. Two additional freestanding maps arepocketed in the back. One is a large map of the Old City, the othera map showing the city's principal Jewish, Christian, and Moslemholy places.

    • ¥520 折扣:6.5折
    • The Book of Mah Jong: An Illustrated Guide 麻将解读 (ISBN 978080
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Amy Lo 著 /2001-05-01/ Tuttle Publishing
    • Until now, a comprehensive book on Chinese mahjong forEnglish-speaking readers did not exist. Finally, The Book ofMahjong meets that long-sought need, as author Amy Lo, inconsultation with many master players of different forms ofmahjong, offers the most complete mahjong guide ever. Itincludes: * Over 160 full-color instructive photographs * Instruction on authentic Chinese mahjong, as well as theCantonese, Shanghai, and 12-tile versions of the game * An explanation of rituals and rules only the most experiencedplayers know * A mahjong guide for all skill levels, from beginners to pros

    • ¥155.8 折扣:8.8折
    • What I Believe 我相信的
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Bertrand Russell 著 /2004-02-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • Nothing is sacred. Sex, morality, politics, society - all are fair game for Bertrand Russell's acerbic wit and keen eye. With What I Believe first published in 1925, Russell took on organized religion. Along with Why I Am Not a Christian, this essay must rank as the most articulate example of Russell's famed atheism. It is also one of the most notorious. Used as evidence in a 1940 court case in which Russell was declared unfit to teach college-level philosophy, What I Believe was to become one of his most defining works. The ideas contained within were and are controversial, contentious and - to the religious - downright blasphemous. More than three-quarters of a century after it was written, the arguments within this essay continue to challenge one's faith and assumptions. A remarkable work, it remains the best concise introduction to Russell's thought.

    • ¥124.8 折扣:7.9折
    • The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism 新教徒伦理学与资本
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Max Weber 著 /2001-05-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • Max Weber's best-known and most controversial work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1904, remains to this day a powerful and fascinating read. Weber's highly accessible style is just one of many reasons for his continuing popularity. The book contends that the Protestant ethic made possible and encouraged the development of capitalism in the West.

    • ¥100 折扣:5.4折
    • A History of God神的历史(ISBN=9780345384560)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Karen Armstrong 著 /1994-08-01/
    • Armstrong, a British journalist and former nun, guides us alongone of the most elusive and fascinating quests of all time--thesearch for God. Like all beloved historians, Armstrong entertainsus with deft storytelling, astounding research, and makes us feel agreater appreciation for the present because we better understandour past. Be warned: A History of God is not a tidy linearhistory. Rather, we learn that the definition of God is constantlybeing repeated, altered, discarded, and resurrected through theages, responding to its followers' practical concerns rather thanto mystical mandates. Armstrong also shows us how Judaism,Christianity, and Islam have overlapped and influenced one another,gently challenging the secularist history of each of thesereligions. --Gail Hudson

    • ¥105.6 折扣:8.8折
    • The Scientific Outlook 科学展望
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Bertrand Russell 著 /2009-04-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth. –Bertrand Russell --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. xploring the nature and scope of scientific knowledge, the increased power of nature that science affords and the changes in the lives of human beings that result from new forms of science, this is an insightful and accessible work that sees Russell at his very best. 作者简介: Bertrand Russell's many books include his Autobiography (2000) and Sceptical Essays (1998), both available from Routledge.

    • ¥135.9 折扣:7.9折