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    • 余太山 /2021-07-01/ 商务印书馆
    • THE EARLIEST TOCHARIANS IN CHINA: A HYPOTHESIS是同作者《古族新考》一书的英文版。《古族新考》曾于2000年由中华书局出版,2012年由商务印书馆再版。该部部分在国外的具体发表信息如下: The Earliest Tocharians in China , Sino-Platonic Papers Number 204, June, 2010, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2 78 pp。 吐火罗语文书的发现和对吐火罗语以及有关历史地理问题的研究,既是比较历史语言学界的大事,也是中亚学界的大事。盖自十九世纪末到二十世纪初,在我国西北地区出土的古文书残卷中,有若干以当时未知语言写成,其一即吐火罗语。给语言学家和历史学家提出了一系列需要解释的问题。特别是要先解释清楚:不管操吐火罗语的族群起源于何处,既然它很早就来到中国,应在中国史籍中留下足迹。换言之,他们究竟是以什么名称出现在中国史籍中

    • ¥167.3 ¥198 折扣:8.4折
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    • 余太山 /2021-07-01/ 商务印书馆
    • A STUDY OF THE EARLY LITERATURES ON THE SILK ROAD是同作者《早期丝绸之路文献研究》一书的英文版,是作者对早期丝绸之路考证研究的专着。 《早期丝绸之路文献研究》对东方和西方的有关丝绸之路的古代文献资料进行了细致的考证、研究,求得不同语种文献的相互印证,从而确认古代东西交流的史实。全书分上卷、下卷、附卷三部分,对于《穆天子传》、《西域图记》、《历史》、《地理志》等中外古籍均有详实的考证和独到的比较研究。

    • ¥209.5 ¥248 折扣:8.4折
    • The Burma Chronicles(Scale Out) 缅甸历代记
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    • Guy Delisle 著 /2008-09-01/
    • A timely and incisive portrait of a country on the tipping point After developing his acclaimed style of firsthand reporting with his bestselling graphic novels Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea and Shenzhen: A Travelogue from China, Guy Delisle is back with The Burma Chronicles. In this country notorious for its use of concealment and isolation as social control—where scissors-wielding censors monitor the papers, the de facto leader of the opposition has been under decade-long house arrest, insurgent-controlled regions are effectively cut off from the world, and rumor is the most reliable source of current information—he turns his gaze to the everyday for a sense of the big picture. Delisle’s deft and recognizable renderings take note of almsgiving rituals, daylong power outages, and rampant heroin use in outlying regions, in this place where catastrophic mismanagement and ironhanded rule come up against profound resilience of spirit, expatriate life ambles along, and nongovernmental organizat

    • ¥118.8 折扣:8.8折
    • History of Western Philosophy 西方哲学史(英国版-平装)
    •   ( 151 条评论 )
    • 伯特兰·罗素 (Bertrand Russell) 著 /2004-03-01/ Taylor and Francis
    • First published in 1946, History of Western Philosophy went onto become the best-selling philosophy book of the twentiethcentury. A dazzlingly ambitious project, it remains unchallenged tothis day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy.Providing a sophisticated overview of the ideas that have perplexedpeople from time immemorial, Russell's History of WesternPhilosophy offered a cogent précis of its subject. Of course thiscannot be the only reason it ended up the best selling philosophybook of the twentieth century. Russell's book was 'long on wit,intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism', as the New York Timesnoted, and it is this, coupled with the sheer brilliance of itsscholarship, that has made Russell's History of Western Philosophyone of the most important philosophical works of all time.

    • ¥137.4 折扣:6折
    • Yoshiwara geishas, courtesans,and the pleasure quarters of o
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    • Stephen Longstreet 等著 /2009-10-01/ Berkley Books
    • For centuries, Yoshiwara was the famed pleasure center ofTokyo. An erotic world unmatched by the West was created bybeautiful courtesans, geishas, dancers, actors and artists. To this'floating world' came the hedonists and the sensual pleasurehunters of old Japan. A hotbed of art and creativity, it also sawthe enslavement of countless women, sold or driven into the sextrade. "Yoshiwara" traces the rise and fall of this city within acity, a sanctioned preserve of teahouses and brothels that was notabolished until 1958, sketching a vivid portrait of social andsexual mores in Japan's capital.

    • ¥158.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 格瓦拉日记【达额立减】
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    • 陈皓译 /2016-01-01/ 译林出版社
    • 《格瓦拉日记》是格瓦拉以古巴现实,文化,特性和政治现实为基础而慢慢写就的手资料。虽然这些在时间写下的文字只是主观而不完整的记述,无法展现那段历史的全景,但切对诸多历史事件和历史人物的描写,却无比真实的反映出他在古巴人民争取自由的斗争中所肩负的责任和付出的努力。

    • ¥173.8 ¥386.4 折扣:4.5折
    • The Chinese Neolithic: Trajectories to Early States 中国新石器时代
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    • Li Liu 著 /2007-09-01/
    • The Yellow River valley of China, during the period ca. 7000-1500, saw the transformation of egalitarian societies into stratified chiefdoms giving rise to early states. This book examines that transformation, emphasising the interplay of many factors affecting these processes, such as climatic fluctuation, population movements, inter-group competition, warfare, and long-distance exchange of valuables. This book contains detailed archaeological data and general theoretical paradigms. It offers a comprehensive reconstruction of developmental trajectories toward social complexity during the Neolithic period, and locates prehistoric China within a global framework of social evolution.

    • ¥437.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Weber, Habermas and Transformations of the European State韦伯、
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    • John P. McCormick 著 /2007-04-01/
    • This book draws on the writings of Max Weber and Jürgen Habermas to trace the relationship of law and democracy in three configurations of the European state: the liberal state(or Rechtsstaat), the welfare state(Sozialstaat), and the emerging supranational polity represented by the European Union. John P. McCormick exposes the tendency of social and political theorists to reach back unreflectively to the past and outlines a new, more appropriate normative-empirical model, the supranational Sektoralstaat, for evaluating prospects for constitutional and social democracy in the EU.

    • ¥763 折扣:8.8折
    • Americans Remember the Homefront(ISBN=9780425186640)
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    • Roy Hoopes 著 /2002-05-01/ Penguin
    • "Compelling." (New York Times) "Impressive and moving." (Los Angeles Times) From the first surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to the emotionalaftermath of World War II's final victory, this rich and powerfultapestry of voices offers firsthand memories of a nationunited... "[An] endlessly surprising personal history." (United PressInternational) "Hoopes interviewed nearly 200 Americans for this oral history ofthe home front. Many of them speak wonderingly of an almostinnocent exhilaration triggered by World War II [that] showedAmericans something larger than themselves. This collection ofmemories ranges over wartime Washington, the transformation ofindustries, the families stumbling around in blacked-outhouses...hundreds of nostalgic oddments...Such a collage has aneffect of Whitmanesque tenderness." (Time Magazine)

    • ¥115.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Guinness World Records 2011 吉尼斯世界纪录大全2011
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    • 本社 编 /2011-02-01/ Macmillan
    • With a flaming holographic cover, the new GWR 2011 edition explodes with new and updated records. There's 100% new photography and hot new categories and features including TV's 75th anniversary, eye popping 3-D cinema, the historic Space Shuttle and a 270 city record-breaking GPS World Tour.

    • ¥186 折扣:7.5折
    • Heroes and martyrs of Palestine巴勒斯坦的英雄和烈士
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    • Laleh Khalili 著 /2007-04-30/
    • The history of the Palestinians over the last half century has been one of turmoil, a people living under occupation or exiled from their homeland. Theirs has been at times a tragic story, but also one of resistance, heroism and nationalist aspiration. Laleh Khalili's book is based on her experiences in the Lebanese refugee camps, where commemorations of key moments in the history of the struggle have helped forge a sense of nationhood. She also observes how, as discourses of liberation have evolved in recent years within the international community, there has been a shift in the representation of Palestinian nationalism from the heroic to the tragic mode. This trend is exemplified through the elevation of martyrs to iconic figures in the Palestinian collective memory. This book will appeal to students and scholars of the Middle East, and to those interested in the politics of nationalism, commemoration and conflict.

    • ¥724.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 骑士与城堡史图集(附140幅图片)The Historical Atlas of Knights and Castles
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    • DR.IAN BARNES 著 /2007-12-01/ Quantum Books
    • From the end of the Roman Empire the knight emerged to rule the battlefield for almost 1,000 years. Only in the early 1500s, with the development of firearms, did the knight cease to play such a central military role. But despite being extinct for around 500 years, the legacy of the knight survives to this day. The idea of chivalry, which was so central to the concept of knighthood, lives on; the honour of knighthood still exists in military orders; and the tradition of bravery and sacrifice are still held in high regard in the 21 st century. In addition to the enduring principles of knighthood, we have also inherited a stunning architectural legacy from the knights of past centuries, with castles surviving in fields, villages and cities throughout Europe. With over 140 stunning, high-quality maps and illustrations The Historical Atlas of Knights and Castles brings the subject to life, revealing all aspects of knights and castles, mapping the spread of the Norman influence, the crusades and other imp

    • ¥347.6 折扣:8.8折
    • The History of Western Philosophy(ISBN=9780671201586)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 伯特兰·罗素 (Bertrand Russell) 著 /1970-01-01/ Tor Books
    • Since its first publication in 1945? Lord Russell's AHistory of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed asthe outstanding one-volume work on the subject -- unparalleled inits comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace andwit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise ofGreek civilization to the emergence of logical analysis in thetwentieth century. Among the philosophers considered are:Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, theAtomists, Protagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Cynics, theSceptics, the Epicureans, the Stoics, Plotinus, Ambrose, Jerome,Augustine, Benedict, Gregory the Great, John the Scot, Aquinas,Duns Scotus, William of Occam, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More, Bacon,Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume,Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, the Utilitarians,Marx, Bergson, James, Dewey, and lastly the philosophers with whomLord Russell himself is most closely associated -- Cantor, Frege,and Whiteh

    • ¥169.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Make
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    • Douglas FarahStephen Braun 著 /2008-04-01/
    • A Washington Post Best Book Of The Year "A riveting investigation of the world's most notorious weapons dealer, Viktor Bout, whose post–Cold War arms network has stoked violence worldwide." —THE WASHINGTON POST "A page-turner that digs deep into the amazing, murky story of Viktor Bout. Farah and Braun have exposed the inner workings of one of the world's most secretive businesses—the international arms trade." —Peter Bergen, author of The Osama bin Laden I Know "Braun and Farah have crafted an impressive and damning dossier on this mysterious figure, a raw capitalist at work in an anarchical world." —Mark Bowden, author of Guests of the Ayatollah "Viktor Bout is like Osama bin Laden: a major target of U.S. intelligence officials who time and again gets away. Farah and Braun have skillfully documented how this noto

    • ¥118.8 折扣:8.8折
    • CliffsNotes AP U.S. History,3rd ed.CliffsNotes AP:美国历史,第3版
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    • Paul Soifer 著 /2009-01-01/
    • The book itself includes subject review chapters that address the topics covered on the exam, plus it includes 4 full-length practice exams with detailed answer explanations. Your complete guide to a higher score on the * AP U.S. History exam CliffsNotes are fast, effective, and interactive! Bonus CD-ROM includes: Searchable PDFs of the book's content Exams in timed and untimed modes Number-correct score and number-incorrect score Complete answers and explanations About the Book: Introduction Reviews of the AP exam format and scoring Proven strategies for answering multiple-choice questions Hints for tackling the essay questions Part I: Subject Area Reviews Covers all subject areas you'll be tested on Includes sample questions and answers for each subject Part II: AP U.S. History Practice Tests 4 full-length practice tests that simulate the actual test Answers and complete explanations

    • ¥204.2 折扣:8.8折