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    • The Travels of Marco Polo ISBN=9780451529510
    •   ( 87 条评论 )
    • Marco Polo 著 /2004-10-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Book De*ion Marco Polo?s account of his journey throughout the East in thethirteenth century was one of the earliest European travelnarratives, and it remains the most important. Themerchant-traveler from Venice, the first to cross the entirecontinent of Asia, provided us with accurate de*ions of lifein China, Tibet, India, and a hundred other lands, and recordedcustoms, natural history, strange sights, historical legends, andmuch more. From the dazzling courts of Kublai Khan to the perilousdeserts of Persia, no book contains a richer magazine of marvelsthan the Travels. This edition, selected and edited by the great scholar ManuelKomroff, also features the classic and stylistically brilliantMarsden translation, revised and corrected, as well as Komroff?sIntroduction to the 1926 edition. Book Dimension length: (cm)19.7 width:(cm)12.8

    • ¥10.8 折扣:5.4折
    • 北欧海盗Vikings (Cultures of the Past)
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    • Kathryn Hinds 著 /1998-01-01/
    • Gr 9 Up-To read this title is to alter forever mythical perceptions of Viking heroes. The clearly written text avoids romanticizing, yet presents an engrossing, if not glamorous, picture of the Viking era. Hence, while readers may be impressed by the artistic skill, bravery, and determination of Norsemen adventurers, they also see their undeniable brutality. The volume presents not just facts, but riveting accounts of scientific discoveries and historic breakthroughs that have led to the determination of these facts. Thus, the painstaking work of salvaging ships and excavating burial mounds is clearly detailed, and full explanations are given when conclusions can be drawn from discoveries. Text and excellent-quality photographs display how a 10th-century skull, combined with 20th-century laser and computer technology, can bring us face to face with the eerie likeness of a man dead a thousand years. A heavily noted timeline, an extensive bibliography, and a full index add to the overall appeal.-Anita Palladino

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • MAGNIFICENT BASTARDS, THE(ISBN=9780891418610) 英文原版
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    • Keith Nolan 著 /2007-11-01/ Random House US
    • On April 29, 1968, the North Vietnamese Army is spotted lessthan four miles from the U.S. Marines’ Dong Ha Combat Base. Intensefighting develops in nearby Dai Do as the 2d Battalion, 4thMarines, known as “the Magnificent Bastards,” struggles to ejectNVA forces from this strategic position. Yet the BLT 2/4 Marines defy the brutal onslaught. Pressingforward, America’s finest warriors rout the NVA from theirfortress-hamlets–often in deadly hand-to-hand combat. At the end oftwo weeks of desperate, grinding battles, the Marines and theinfantry battalion supporting them are torn to shreds. But againstall odds, they beat back their savage adversary. The MagnificentBastards captures that gripping conflict in all its horror, hell,and heroism. “Superb . . . among the best writing on the Vietnam War . . .Nolan has skillfully woven operational records and oral historyinto a fascinating narrative that puts the reader in the thick ofthe action.” –Jon T. Hoffman, author of Chesty “

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • XIN LOI, VIET NAM(ISBN=9780891418566) 英文原版
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    • Al Sever 著 /2005-03-01/ Random House US
    • No one in Vietnam had to tell door gunner and gunship crewchief Al Sever that the odds didn’t look good. He volunteered forthe job well aware that hanging out of slow-moving choppers overhot LZs blazing with enemy fire was not conducive to a long life.But that wasn’t going to stop Specialist Sever. From Da Nang to Cu Chi and the Mekong Delta, Sever spentthirty-one months in Vietnam, fighting in eleven of the war’ssixteen campaigns. Every morning when his gunship lifted off, oftento the clacking and muzzle flashes of AK-47s hidden in the dawnfog, Sever knew he might not return. This raw, gritty,gut-wrenching firsthand account of American boys fighting and dyingin Vietnam captures all the hell, horror, and heroism of thattragic war.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • FIRST BATTLE, THE(ISBN=9780891418863)
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    • Otto Lehrack 著 /2006-01-01/ Random House US
    • The First Battle is a graphic account of the first major clashof the Vietnam War. On August 18, 1965, regiment fought regiment onthe Van Tuong Peninsula near the new Marine base at Chu Lai. On theAmerican side were three battalions of Marines under the command ofColonel Oscar Peatross, a hero of two previous wars. His opponentwas the 1st Viet Cong Regiment commanded by Nguyen Dinh Trong, aveteran of many fights against the French and the South Vietnamese.Codenamed Operation Starlite, this action was a resounding successfor the Marines and its result was cause for great optimism aboutAmerica's future in Vietnam. Those expecting a book about Americansin battle will not be disappointed by the detailed de*ions ofhow the fight unfolded. Marine participants from private to colonelwere interviewed during the book's research phase. The battle isseen from the mud level, by those who were at the point of thespear. But this is not just another war story told exclusively fromthe American side. In researching the book, t

    • ¥30 折扣:5折
    • 马可波罗Marco Polo
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Struan Reid 著 /2001-03-01/
    • The Groundbreakers series examines the lives and work of pioneering men and women whose achievements and discoveries have had a lasting impact on our world. Each book tells us about the experiences that inspired these amazing individuals to think in new ways, and discusses how the environment they lived in affected their work. Information on their supporters, colleagues,and rivals adds to the story. Finally, a look at the person's legacy shows how their achievements and discoveries continue to affect people today.

    • ¥19.8 折扣:4.5折
    • VIETNAM MEDAL OF HONOR HEROES(ISBN=9780345476180) 英文原版
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    • Edward F. Murphy 著 /2005-03-01/ Random House US
    • More than 100 compelling, true stories of personal heroismand valor– in a special expanded edition honoring courage in theface of war Here are dramatic accounts of the fearless actions thatearned American soldiers in Vietnam our highest militarydistinction–the Medal of Honor. Edward F. Murphy, head of the Medalof Honor Historical Society, re-creates the heroic acts ofindividual soldiers from official documents, Medal of Honorcitations, contemporary accounts, and, where possible, interviewswith survivors. Complete with a list of all Vietnam Medal of Honor recipients, thisbook offers a unique perspective on the war–from the early days ofU.S. involvement through the return home of the last soldiers. Itpays a fitting tribute to these patriotic, selfless souls.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
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    • 王家伟尼玛坚 赞著 /2000-12-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have compiled this book based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relations between the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber has been a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.

    • ¥22.1 折扣:6.9折
    • 阿之特克人的帝国Aztec Empire (Cultures of the Past)
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    • R. Conrad Stein 著 /1996-06-01/
    • "These four slim volumes offer new insight into the particular age by means of a highly readable text interspersed with color photos of classical art, architecture, and maps...These titles promise to be useful to students needing research materials but may also appeal to casual readers. Highly Recommended." -- Book Report, May/June 1999 --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    • ¥21.6 折扣:4.5折
    • (古代世界:从荷马到君士坦丁大帝)Ancient World: From Homer to Constantine th
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Andreas Kellerman 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Just what you've always wanted: history at a glance-clearly and understandably presented. A diagram of knowledge It happens to all of us: we come across a term, a name, an epoch. We have already heard it before, but do not know exactly how or where to place it. This is where a flipguide comes in handy: by providing a detailed overview, it enables us to see connections clearly and to grasp the movement of entire epochs. Back to the basics-without losing sight of the whole:The concept is simple: a flip guide organizes important events, epochs, works of art and architecture chronologically and thus illustrates important historical relationships. It creates a whole new world of insight and enables the readers to understand causes and effects,transitions and parallel developments in art and history as never before.

    • ¥22 折扣:8.8折