《中国文化读本》分为 智慧与信仰 创造与交流 艺术与美感 民俗与风情 四大部分。 智慧与信仰 部分包括:孔子的天人之学、自然无为的老子哲学、强调变易的《周易》思想、中国传统文化中的生态意识等中国传统思想; 创造与交流 部分包括:诗意的符号 汉字、影响文明进程的四大发明、文明流通的动脉 丝绸之路、寻求整体平衡的中医、大唐盛世的开放气象、祈求和平的万里长城等文明创造和对外交流的历程; 艺术与美感 讲述了音乐 以乐治国与以琴养心、书法 飞舞的线条、唐诗 中国人的千古绝唱、明清小说 在艺术享受中品味人生、烟雨迷离中的江南园林、绚烂多姿的民间艺术等中国传统艺术; 民俗与风情 部分包括:《清明上河图》中的城市风情、茶香四溢的人生、深巷中的民居、功夫与蹴鞠、围棋 智慧的游戏等中国传统民俗和生活中的文化与艺
《*中医启蒙》是李辛医师在2014年9月讲授中医启蒙课程的基础上进行改编而成。 本书通过对12组*中医概念 *、气、形、*,*魂志意魄,三焦、气机与开阖,病机与邪正,经络与穴位等的的*辟阐释,系统讲述了中医的整体思维和学习方法,引导读者对日常生活、工作、人际交往等周围的*切进行感受、观察和理解,培养学中医乃*各门学科*基本的感知**。 此外,李辛医师分享的中医临证经验与看法,对*业的医师也有所启发。本书内容浅显易懂,讲解活泼生动,还配有生活气息的彩图,对于普通读者是*本了解传统中医和传统文化的启蒙读物。
在中国的历史长河中,经典著述对国家的形成、人民日常生活的影响起到了至关重要的作用。本书每篇短文介绍一本经典著述,时间跨度3000余年,内容包含了医学、数学、军事谋略、宗教、文学以及艺术、游记等。 Throughout China s long history, classic texts have played a vital role in shaping the country and influencing the daily lives of its people. In this series of short articles, we introduce classic texts spanning more than 3,000 years and covering everything from medicine, mathematics and military strategy to religion, literature, arts and travel.
《中国传统文化创新教学 戏剧化课堂实例》(上下册)是*重点项目 中华思想文化术语传播工程 的研发成果。它以中小学教师为读者,向教师们展示如何以戏剧的方式生动地向青少年阐述思想文化术语(中国传统文化关键词),让思政内容活泼可亲。本书分上下两册,上册内容适合教授小学中高年级学生,下册内容则更加切合初高中年级的学生。 每一章都包含了术语词条、使用说明、教案和剧本等板块,可以让教师轻松上手、直接使用。
虚构或半虚构的故事和现实部分就像阴和阳 中国古代哲学的两大基本原则。本书就为大家呈现了这样两种风格的故事 中国神话 和 三十六计 。这里的 神话故事 描述了人们对自身起源、祖先、历史以及神祗的古老信仰。而 三十六计 则集合了古人在战场上使用的谋略和计策。今天,许多中国人将这些计策运用到政治、商业、体育以及日常生活中去。 Fictional or semi-fictional stories and practical concepts are like yin and yang, the two fundamental principles of ancient Chinese philosophy. In this book, we present just such yin and yang, namely, Chinese Mythology and the "Thirty-Six Stratagems." The mythology here describes ancient beliefs in origins, ancestors, history and deities. On the other hand, the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" were originally a collection of strategies or practical ruses for warfare. But today, many Chinese people apply them to politics, business, sports as well as their d
本书凝结两位中医名家几十年的临床、教学经验和研究成果。系统介绍了全息经络刮痧法的理论基础、机理、优势与临床应用,以及全息经络刮痧的具体方法,重点介绍了114种常见病症的刮痧疗法,并配有彩色图解,简便易学。书中运用生物全息理论,指导刮痧疗法的选区配穴,将刮痧疗法的临床作用细化为诊断、治疗、美容、保健四个系列,并总结出各自的理法方术。书中首次提出减痛舒适的三级刮痧术,倡导精准辨证刮痧,更新了人们对传统刮痧疗法的认知。书中还介绍了保健刮痧法、快速易学的全息经络手诊法,使防病治病更有针对性。 本书为精装版的刮痧百科全书,内容全面具体,文字深入浅出,图片标注清晰,一目了然,便于查找。读者只要找到所患病症的刮拭图文,按图索骥,就能给自己和家人保健治病。
In the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25--220),because of the corruption of the state administrationexacerbatedby years of famine, the ordinary people lived a veryhard life. InJulu county, local man Zhang Jue, together with hisbrothersZhang Liang, and Zhang Bao, managed to enlist some500,000people from today's Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hubei andJiangsuprovinces, into a rebel force and they launched a jointattack upongovernment troops. Several days later, from every sidepeoplejoined the army of the rebel Zhang Jue. The rebel army begantowrap yellow scarves around their heads and this quicklybecametheir signature. As the strength of the rebel army increased,theimperial troops became less and less able to control them.
《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》介绍了38幅国画,从风格、技巧、视角等方面来引导读者领略国画艺术的美,同时也讲述了画家的创作背景和审美理念。 Chinese painting, also known as brush painting or ink-wash painting, is one of the oldest art forms in the world. However, the unique styles, techniques and perspectives of Chinese painting are often unfamiliar to readers and art lovers in other parts of the world. This book aims to expound the aesthetic concepts behind some famous Chinese paintings and tell interesting stories about their creation and their creators. It may serve as a helpful guide in exploring the fabulous yet mysterious treasure house of great Chinese paintings.
China’S 1ast eunuch Sun Yaoting died in December 1996 at age 94.He took with him intimate stories of the last vestiges of Imperial China and was himself the 1ast in the line of eunuchs who had served the royal family for more than 2,000 years.His personal iourney from poor farmboy to revered servant to PU Yi and Wanrong.China’S last emperor and empress,iS an amazing iourney which also chronicles nearly one century of turbulence and upheavalin Chinese history and culture. This engrossing biography by Chinese historian Jia Yinghua fcatures first.hand accounts by Sun Yaoting of his adventures in the Forbidden City.his reunion with Pu Yi in Japanese—held Manchukuo in the 1 930s.his return to“normal”1ifc as a community organizer in the Buddhist temple where he 1ivcd out the rest of his lifc. Beginning in the early 1 900s.Sun’S story follows events in China such as Pu Yi’S abdication of lmperial rule.the Japanese occupation 0f China which ended with the conclusion
The political system covers many fields, and the political systems of different countries vary greatly. The political system of contemporary China includes the form of state structure, the electoral system, the system of people's congresses, the system of the state presidency, the system of administration, the judiciary system, the military system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and the system of grass-roots democracy
Beijing drew the whole world's attention with the 2008 Olympics. But it is also an ancient city that has been the nation's capital for 850 years in its total history of more than 3,000 years. It is a great city with the magnitude of a vast country and the hustle and bustle of a thriving cosmopolis. It is home to the humorous Beijingers, who take immense pride in world-known landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The long, glorious history has brought Beijing an air that is elegant, unconventional, yet reserved; the fast-developing economy and culture have never stopped making facelifts to the old city. The interesting and amazing contrast between the old and new has enticed numerous people to admire and experience the city's unique charm.