china's national defense has always been a topic readers at home and abroad are very interested in. for china, which is a big nation undergoing rapid economic development, what is the current condition of its modernization in national defense? what is its national defense policy? what kind of development path is it following in national defense? what contribution will china's national defense building make to world peace and stability? this book will seek answers through facts, and explain to our readers china's approach to national defense.
《中国环境(英文版)》内容简介:As the developing country with the largest population in the world, China has a vast expanse of territory and complexnatural conditions such as climate and topography Since late 197os,Chinese economy has been developing continuously and fast, and environment and resources have gradually become the importantproblems confronted by China. Meanwhile, China's unique populationproblem and natural conditions push China to the severe challenge of environmental protection. China has always been attaching greatimportance on environmental protection and construction, andestablished it as one basic state policy after the reform and opening-up in 1978. Through a series of important strategic measures, China strengthens environmental protection and construction. Solve the environment problems in China not only conform to the developmentgoals of China, but also greatly embody the common benefits of allhuman beings. Through a series of environment laws and concreteimplementation me
《明清的戏曲》是日本学士院院士、中国文学研究领域的学者田仲一成的代表作。在本书中,他凭借扎实细致的文献研究和田野调查,以明清以来戏曲如何表现江南地区特有的宗族社会的理念为视角,考察明清时期江南的演剧体系及其产生的戏曲作品,一方面试图揭示组织中的演剧空间的形成过程, 另一方面试图揭示成立于这种演剧空间基础上的明清传奇戏曲的特征。 他将戏曲的上演和流行作为明清宗族社会的表象,通过对社会环境和社会阶层的分析,对戏曲的发展做了社会构造论的把握,并在后半部分对代表性的戏曲进行了逐一的概述。此书可谓别具一格的明清戏曲断代史。从人类学和社会心理学角度鸟瞰明清戏曲的研究方法,也是对中国戏剧史研究具有启发性的“他山之石”。
fully illustrated with color photos. why is tea the national drink of china? why is tea regarded as symbolizing the harmony and myterious unity of the universe? why is the loose-leaf chinese tea more beneficial than the tea bags? how many types of chinese tea are available? how to make the best cup of chinese tea? ... a visitor to the home of tea has so many questions. understanding them will bring you closer to the history and mystery of tea. apprecicating chinese tea will lead you, step by step, to the wonderful world of tea.