Chinese literature is jointly created by 56 nationalities.Apart from Han nationality, the minorities also have their long and glorious history. The literature created by Chinese minoritiescan compare with Han nationality in quantity and quality. TheChinese ethnic minority literature is a general term for the litera-ture of all the minorities except Han nationality within China.
Endowed with a long history, the origin of the traditional sports of China's EthnicGroups can be principally summarized as follows: daily production and labor, militarytraining, hunting, religious ceremonies, and recreational activities.
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People Yiand Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living inChina to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette andinterpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai they readseveral guide books and thought they were pre-pared.But dozens ofsmall yet significant cultural differences caught them bysurprise! Three years(and numerous faux pass misunderstandings andmisinterpretations)later,they have written this book to helpreaders benefit from their experiences.Their stories explain boththe“what’s”and the“why’s”of Chinese customs,So that readers canbetter understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking andliving.Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfectsense if you see it from a Chinese perspective.Yi and Bryan haveenjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readerswill enjoy this journey of discovery as well.
中国店铺的招牌和幌子分别是店铺和行业的标志,统称招幌,是中国商业习俗的表现形式之一。中国招幌随商品交易出现而产生,在商品经济发展中不断汰旧推新,生生灭灭,历久传承。 本书收集19世纪与20世纪之交流行于市面上的各业招幌图式约百种,并配以相应的表现店铺、作坊、市街景象的绘画、摄影作品。旨在重现沉没于历史岁月中的市井商情和街市景观,读者借着这些静态和动态的图像,结合书中文字,或可对中国招幌的产生、发展、演变及其中蕴蓄的民俗文化,以及与之相关的古人、古事和商品知识有约略的了解。
中国店铺的招牌和幌子分别是店铺和行业的标志,统称招幌,是中国商业习俗的表现形式之一。中国招幌随商品交易出现而产生,在商品经济发展中不断汰旧推新,生生灭灭,历久传承。 本书收集19世纪与20世纪之交流行于市面上的各业招幌图式约百种,并配以相应的表现店铺、作坊、市街景象的绘画、摄影作品。旨在重现沉没于历史岁月中的市井商情和街市景观,读者借着这些静态和动态的图像,结合书中文字,或可对中国招幌的产生、发展、演变及其中蕴蓄的民俗文化,以及与之相关的古人、古事和商品知识有约略的了解。
中国店铺的招牌和幌子分别是店铺和行业的标志,统称招幌,是中国商业习俗的表现形式之一。中国招幌随商品交易出现而产生,在商品经济发展中不断汰旧推新,生生灭灭,历久传承。 本书收集19世纪与20世纪之交流行于市面上的各业招幌图式约百种,并配以相应的表现店铺、作坊、市街景象的绘画、摄影作品。旨在重现沉没于历史岁月中的市井商情和街市景观,读者借着这些静态和动态的图像,结合书中文字,或可对中国招幌的产生、发展、演变及其中蕴蓄的民俗文化,以及与之相关的古人、古事和商品知识有约略的了解。
China has a long history of agriculture, so in the earliest stages its festivals were intimately tied up with farming. Today, the Chinese continue to celebrate these festivals, bringing them even closer to their ancestors, creators of a splendid culture.
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet significant
中国店铺的招牌和幌子分别是店铺和行业的标志,统称招幌,是中国商业习俗的表现形式之一。中国招幌随商品交易出现而产生,在商品经济发展中不断汰旧推新,生生灭灭,历久传承。 本书收集19世纪与20世纪之交流行于市面上的各业招幌图式约百种,并配以相应的表现店铺、作坊、市街景象的绘画、摄影作品。旨在重现沉没于历史岁月中的市井商情和街市景观,读者借着这些静态和动态的图像,结合书中文字,或可对中国招幌的产生、发展、演变及其中蕴蓄的民俗文化,以及与之相关的古人、古事和商品知识有约略的了解。