Beijing drew the whole world's attention with the 2008 Olympics. But it is also an ancient city that has been the nation's capital for 850 years in its total history of more than 3,000 years. It is a great city with the magnitude of a vast country and the hustle and bustle of a thriving cosmopolis. It is home to the humorous Beijingers, who take immense pride in world-known landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The long, glorious history has brought Beijing an air that is elegant, unconventional, yet reserved; the fast-developing economy and culture have never stopped making facelifts to the old city. The interesting and amazing contrast between the old and new has enticed numerous people to admire and experience the city's unique charm.
China's first tour guide book presented in the form of cartoons.Wang Qicheng has spent 10 years putting it together. This book,full of knowledge and humor,will be a good companion on your wonderful journey. 作者简介: Wahg Qicheng Known as a“Cartoon Knight”. Born into a revolutionary army man's family. Graduated from the PLA Military and Economic Institute. Loves life,cartoons and travel. Travelled alone throughout China,covering close to 100,000 km. Previously published Colorful Expressions,and Happy Invitation as well as a number of other works in the form of cartoons. Once served as Deputy Secretary-General of the World Cartoon Conference,and has subsequently maintained close contacts with many noted cartoon masters worldwide. Joined the PLA at 17 and,when asked what had been learned from 10 years of army life,replied: Honor,responsibility,and never giving up. Loves everything beautiful in the world and enjoys tal
上海是中国四个中央直辖市之一,是中国大陆的经济、金融、贸易和航运中心。至2008年末,上海常住人口达1888.46万人,全市土地面积为6340.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里;境内辖有18个区、1个县,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿,其中崇明岛是我国的第三大岛。 上海是中国面向世界、迎接世界的窗口,同时担负着服务全国、带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济新飞跃的重任。今天的上海,正一步步坚实地向着国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心和现代化国际大都市迈进。
《中国的世界遗产》画册,是对中国的世界遗产的全面、集中展示。它以600多幅高清、精美的图片,从不同视角方位展示了中国世界遗产的独特魅力,并以生动的文字,讲述这些遗产背后的历史、文化、自然、地理知识,揭示它们不可替代和无法再造的独特价值。 Альбом Китайское мировое наследство всеобъемлющий витрина. Это HD 600 штук, красивые фотографии, с другой точки зрения ориентации показывают уникальное очарование китайского всемирного наследия и живой текст, об истории, культуре, природе, географии наследия позади, они не могут быть заменены, и не может быть раскрыта реинжиниринг уникальное значение.
TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.
Schon im 4. Jahrhundert v. u. Z. befand sich an der Stelle des heutigen Beijing die Hauptstadt des Staates Yan. Nachdem Kublai Khan im 13. Jahrhundert ganz China erobert hatte, lielB er hier die prachtige Hauptstadt der Yuan-Dynastie errichten. Bis heute gibt es in Beijing unzahlige Tempel und Gotteshauser verschiedener Religionen. Dieser Band stellt einige grol3e und beruhmte Tempel von Beijing vor, sowie eine Reihe kleiner Tempel abseits der Touristenstrome.
你知道有个叫八台子的地方,长城与教堂相依偎吗?你知道在老牛湾,长城与中华民族的母亲河 黄河相交融吗?你知道西水峪水长城上,春天的美景宛如桃花源吗?烽两位作者将历史与现实、人文与风光、正史与传说、资料与实践结合在一起,用风趣的语言、精美的图片、独特的立意,向我们展示了一个不一样的长城,一个更加生动的、有血有肉的长城。With a total length of 21196.18 kilometers (including 6,259.6 kilometers of artificial walls), the Great Wall represents the wisdom of the Chinese nation developed since ancient times. It has been a mute witness of Chinese history stretching back more than two millennia. It is the largest ancient defense pro- ject constructed over the longest span of time. Since there was a historical record of the two Chinese characters Chang Cheng (Great Wall) in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BCE), the work of building and maintaining it has been a co
Thirty years ago, China took to the road of reform and opening up to the outside world under the guidance of its chief architect Deng Xiaoping. The development and opening of Pudong in Shanghai is one of the outstanding achievements of Deng's theory on building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Former President Jiang Zemin once described it as "the symbol of China's reform and opening up." Those who are engaged in the study of Chinese economy in general and China's reform and opening up program in particular may well use it for case study and as a window for observation. This book reviews the progress of Pudong's development. At the same time, it reveals the key concepts and basic views formed by the leaders of Shanghai and participants in Pudong's development in the course of their exploration.
迹罕至的荒山高崖上如何会有名前岩画?数千年前的陶罐碎片隐藏着什么故事?古代干尸又是怎样变身为楼兰美女的呢?丝路双城的残垣断壁扮演着怎样的角色?和田玉为何如此珍贵?格兰姆真是天神传授的地毯吗?草原上沉默的石人缘何能历千年而不倒?世上惟一的野马还能在它们祖先的土地上驰骋吗?葡萄树王隐藏在哪里?中国的西部边陲怎么会有一座八卦城呢?君王的爱妃为何会有一身异香?她又魂归何处呢 让我们打开《新疆密码》,寻找答案。 Why did the prehistoric rock carvings appear on the desolate cliffs? What stories lie buried among the fragments of pottery jars from thousands of years ago? How did an ancient woman dead for centuries come to be known as the Belle of Loulan? What role have the twin cities on the Silk Road played in history? Why is Hotan jade so precious? Is the Gelanmu carpet really a gift from Heaven? How have the silent stone st
在甘肃省的版图上,位于黄河以西、祁连山脉与蒙古高原南缘隆起的北山之间,有一条长约一千公里,宽约数十里至百里的狭长地带,这就是著名的“河西走廊”。从这里往西,经过中亚,可以和南亚、西亚乃至整个欧洲联系起来。历史上,它曾是中西贸易主要的通道,这条通道,被称为“丝绸之路”,它对世界文明的发展作出过重大贡献。敦煌,就处在河西走廊西端。 1900年,一个偶然的机会,有一个叫王圆篆的道士,在敦煌莫高窟的一个洞窟里发现了数万卷经卷及文书。这位道士根本没有想到,他的这一发现,使敦煌这个从13世纪以后逐渐衰落的文明都市,再度引起全世界的广泛瞩目。
Les grandes salles, temoins de I'histoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par I'empereur La vie de I'empereur comme un homme ordinaire La salle d'etude de I'empereur Les absurdites des empereurs Les amis etrangers des empereurs Les intrigues et les amours du palais desconcubines Les imperatrices douairieres Les jardins de la Cite interdite - lieux de divertissement pour les concubines Le Palais d'Ete - deuxieme palais de I'imperatrice douairiere Cixi Le Yuanmingyuan - le jardin des jardins- ravage par les agresseurs etrangers Les mOrts des empereurs Les tombes imperiales
With the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic on October 1, 2009, China has presented a new face to the world. Over the past 60 years, Chinese society has undergone significant changes that are clearly reflected in literature, painting, film, drama and other literary and artistic works. In China, both the rich and the poor, the elite and the working class all celebrate the Spring Festival. Paintings depicting Spring Festival entertainments are one of the most popular and inexpensive consumables of the season. Before TV sets and internet became as popular as today, Chinese New Year paintings (including publicity paintings) were one of the most direct and biggest media for observations of China, which were able to reach millions of households throughout the country. This book is composed of 200 carefully chosen Chinese New Year paintings from 1949 on, and is divided into threetime periods: 1949-1965. 1966-1978, and 1979-2009. These paintings tell of the major events in China f
The GDP of Tibet in 2007 stood at 34.219 billion yuan, nearly three times the 11.75 billion yuan in 2000. Compared with the region’s GDP in 1959 (174 million yuan), it had increased by some 59 times if calculated at comparable prices, with an annual growth rate of 8.9 percent.
《中国的世界遗产》画册,是对中国的世界遗产的全面、集中展示。它以600多幅高清、精美的图片,从不同视角方位展示了中国世界遗产的独特魅力,并以生动的文字,讲述这些遗产背后的历史、文化、自然、地理知识的独特价值。揭示它们不可替代和无法再造的独特价值。 Album es una herencia de mundo amplio escaparate chino. Es la HD 600 piezas, bellas im genes, desde un diferentes orientaciones perspectiva muestran el encanto nico de la herencia de mundo china, y el texto animado, sobre la historia, la cultura, la naturaleza, el patrimonio geograf a detr s, que no pueden ser sustituidos y no puede ser revelada reingenier a de valor nico.