古代帝后陵墓不仅是当时墓葬的等级形式,而且也是当时政治制度、宫廷礼俗,以及建筑、艺术诸领域的综合反映。就如上意义而言,一部帝王的墓葬文化史,实则即是一部浓缩了的社会发展史。 明朝,处于中国封建社会的晚期。从明太祖朱元璋扫平群雄,于公元1368年称帝南京,继而推翻元朝统治,到李自成农民起义军于公元1644年攻破北京城,崇祯皇帝朱由检自缢煤山,其统治时间长达277年,先后有16位皇帝君临天下。在这16位皇帝中,除建文帝朱允炆因“靖难之役”,南京城破,宫中起火,下落不明,没有留下陵墓外,其余15帝或生前,或死后均建有陵墓并保存至今。 本书对明朝帝王后宫王妃陵的墓主、陵寝制度、历史沿革变迁及轶闻趣事进行介绍,资料详实、图文并茂,融学术性、知识性和趣味性于一体。对弘扬祖国文化,读者全面了解明陵历史具有重要
It is quite possible that the number of Westerners who haveheard of Shanghai is matched by the number who have not heard ofthe city of Suzhou. It would be understandable that even observerswith a passing knowledge of China might think of Suzhou as no morethan a satellite of its larger and more populous neighbor. The truth is that Suzhou, a former capital of China,has a2,500-year history that is much longer and more illustrious thanShanghai's, featuring astonishing achievements in almost everyfield of human endeavor - including politics, the military, thearts, culture, education, and religion. Its classical privategardens merit their unmatched renown, its old city is one of thebest preserved in China, and its modern history is that of avibrant pioneer that has established itself as one of China'swealthiest cities. Allow yourself to be introduced to Suzhou, thefinest of Jiangsu Province's water cities, and savor the essence ofthe old and the new in this book by author Davi
Many friends have assisted with the information in this book, fartoo many to list here, and I thank them all. However much help I've had,the errors are all mine. iSpecial thanks to Sun Weihua, Dr. 'Kevin Stuart, Litaiji, TillieSctuton, Dana Pope, Alix Fortson, Shelly Sutton, my late sister Betty Richardson, Cai Zisheng, Lun Xin, Lobsang Tsering, Prof. Yingting Zhang, Ilse Huntley, Marv Vickers, Frans Hoenderken, Dave Zeretzke,Gretchen Wagner, Tan Jingyun, Dr. Stan W~lliams, Prof. Tao Renchuan, Carson Sprenger, Millie Thorson, Ollie Wilgress, Jim Lovering, Anita Anderson, Gerald Roche, Josie Scruton, Mark Minlder, Anthony Robinson, Sam and Sally Green, Sybil , Jared Roach, Nurse Yan Aili, Niu Xiaojun, and many, many more.
TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.
北京建城已有3000多年的历史,作为都城已逾800年之久。在公元前11世纪时称为“蓟”,公元938年,蓟城成为辽的陪都,改称南京,又称为燕京。一个多世纪 以后,金朝建立,建都于燕京,改名中都。1267年,元朝也建都于此.称为元大都,从此,北京取代了长安、洛阳、汴梁等古都的地位,成为中国政治文化的中心,并一直延续到明、清时期。北京在历史上曾是辽、金、元、明、清五朝的帝都。从各朝在京建都的历史中,古城北京遗留下了大量的文物古迹。北京是一座天子之城,一座举世闻名的文化古城。