上海是中国四个中央直辖市之一,是中国大陆的经济、金融、贸易和航运中心。至2008年末,上海常住人口达1888.46万人,全市土地面积为6340.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里;境内辖有18个区、1个县,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿,其中崇明岛是我国的第三大岛。 上海是中国面向世界、迎接世界的窗口,同时担负着服务全国、带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济新飞跃的重任。今天的上海,正一步步坚实地向着国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心和现代化国际大都市迈进。
In such an era of cultural assimilation, when bulldozers nudge their way toward the increasingly fewer Beijing hutong and siheyuan, and Shanghai linong, it is not only the old city districts that are declining; the unique Chinese architecture, culture and lifestyle are vanishing with them. Fortunately, the vast territory of China is still dotted with old townscapes dating back thousands of years, carrying on the continuous history and civilization of China. Zhouzhuang, Fenghuang,Hongcun, Tongli, Pingyao, Luodai, Lijiang, Dali ...these old towns enjoy their own tranquility, far from the din of the cities, and exude their own distinctive flavor and delicacy without the pompous magnificence of imperial palaces. Their names are beautiful symbols of China because of their small picturesque bridges, flowing waters and local houses that have long been portrayed in Chinese ink and wash paintings, numerous exquisite brick,stone and wood carvings, arches erected to commemorate chaste widows, a welter of ethnic customs
你知道有个叫八台子的地方,长城与教堂相依偎吗?你知道在老牛湾,长城与中华民族的母亲河 黄河相交融吗?你知道西水峪水长城上,春天的美景宛如桃花源吗?烽两位作者将历史与现实、人文与风光、正史与传说、资料与实践结合在一起,用风趣的语言、精美的图片、独特的立意,向我们展示了一个不一样的长城,一个更加生动的、有血有肉的长城。With a total length of 21196.18 kilometers (including 6,259.6 kilometers of artificial walls), the Great Wall represents the wisdom of the Chinese nation developed since ancient times. It has been a mute witness of Chinese history stretching back more than two millennia. It is the largest ancient defense pro- ject constructed over the longest span of time. Since there was a historical record of the two Chinese characters Chang Cheng (Great Wall) in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BCE), the work of building and maintaining it has been a co
Makye Ame does not attempt to summarize Tibelan culture.Instead,it gives expression to it from deep in our heats ,thereby conveying the Tibetan people's joys and sorrows as well as our desires and aspirations. I often wonder if we could find ways to let more people get a real picture of Tibtan culture in their daily lives rather than just in academic works with,and thus familiar-ize themselves with some of its more intrinsic features and join us in carrying it forward.
在甘肃省的版图上,位于黄河以西、祁连山脉与蒙古高原南缘隆起的北山之间,有一条长约一千公里,宽约数十里至百里的狭长地带,这就是著名的“河西走廊”。从这里往西,经过中亚,可以和南亚、西亚乃至整个欧洲联系起来。历史上,它曾是中西贸易主要的通道,这条通道,被称为“丝绸之路”,它对世界文明的发展作出过重大贡献。敦煌,就处在河西走廊西端。 1900年,一个偶然的机会,有一个叫王圆篆的道士,在敦煌莫高窟的一个洞窟里发现了数万卷经卷及文书。这位道士根本没有想到,他的这一发现,使敦煌这个从13世纪以后逐渐衰落的文明都市,再度引起全世界的广泛瞩目。
Nanxun is known in China and abroad as the home of Jiti Silk. Its thriving silk trade helped Nanxun earn the accolade "town of afflu-ence." Its community of wealthy merchants gave rise to beautiful garden residences, such as the Xiaolian Villa, the former residences of Liu Ti and of the Zhangs-all built on a grand scale and delightful to the eye. Particularly unusual is the juxtaposition of Chinese and Western architectural styles of these garden residences: Baroque columns, European fireplaces and French etched glass are blended into traditional Chinese buildings with central halls, skyweUs, and carved brick gatetowers.
Les grandes salles, temoins de I'histoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par I'empereur La vie de I'empereur comme un homme ordinaire La salle d'etude de I'empereur Les absurdites des empereurs Les amis etrangers des empereurs Les intrigues et les amours du palais desconcubines Les imperatrices douairieres Les jardins de la Cite interdite - lieux de divertissement pour les concubines Le Palais d'Ete - deuxieme palais de I'imperatrice douairiere Cixi Le Yuanmingyuan - le jardin des jardins- ravage par les agresseurs etrangers Les mOrts des empereurs Les tombes imperiales
Ein Journalistcntcam yon Radio China International reiste sieben Wochen lang durch Tibet.Sie legten insgesamt fiber zehntausend Kilonmcter zurfick, z. T. inden entlegensten Regionen des Autonomen Gebietes. Ihrc Eindrfickc schildertcn sic in Reportagen ffir denRadiosender. Gleichzeitig fuhrten sie Tageb/icher. Dieses Buch enthalt sechzig dieser Tagebucheintrage undzahlreiche eindrucksvolle Fotos.
The I-Pod you Listen to was made in Kunshan; if you have a Cornpaq, Acer, Dell,Toshiba, HP or MSI aptop it was manufactured in Kunshan, almost 20 percent of the world's digital cameras are manufactured in Kunshan; more than 2 bihon dollars worth of bicycles and bicycle parts are manufactured there each year. If you are under 18, chances are you sat in a stroller and car seat designed and manufactured in Kunshan. Everyday something flora Kunshan touches you or someone you know,yet you have never heard of it.In China, Kunshan is just one of over 100 cities with over a million people.Twenty years ago it was a collection of rural towns and villages organized as a township; today it is the No.1 county-level city by GDP in China. How this meteoric transformation occurred is due to two factors, its proximity to Shanghai and the collection of innovative approaches and methods which make up the Kunshan Way.By reading this book, you will hear Kunshan's story from the government and business leaders who have created
In anekdotischer Form beschreibt Das Leben der Kabervon China den Weg einer Reihe ausgew&hlter Kaiser der Ming-und Qing—Dynastie auf den Thronim Helen vonBeijing Wir erfahren interessante Details oberdie ritueIlenAufgaben der Kaiser und die Kultstatten,die sieregelmig aufzusuchen hatten AberauchiJber die Intrigen in der Umgebung des Thrones und das Afllagsleben der Kaiser und ih rer Familien werden wit in unterhaltsamer Weise informiert Die Relle von Eu ropaern am Kaiserhof.die rege Bautatigkeit der Kaiser,die sich vor allem in derAnlage von prachtvollen SommerDaiasfen ein Denkmal setzte,sind weitere Themen des Bandes Mit derSchilderung desAblebens einigerKaiserund der Beschreibung ihrer ausgedehnten G rabanlagen in der Umge bung vo rl Beijing endet das Buch ganz im Eink rang mit der antiken Erkenntnis yon derVerg&ng richkeit weltlichen Ruhmes.
About 460,000 years ago, Beijing was merely a primitive settlement. Later it grew into a political center of Yan and Ji, two kingdoms in north China, then the Capital of six feudaldynasties. Today, the capital of the People's Republic of China is an everexpanding international cosmopolis. As a city, Beijing has an uninterrupted history of over 3,000 years, which makes it unique in the world. The cultural antiques and historical artifacts bestowed by each era were passed down from one generation to another, turning the city into a huge museum itself. There are some 130 officially registered museums in Beijing, preserving 3.2 million artifacts in total.
China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents coming to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, this book is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intercommunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.
This book is excellently written.The book included many great details about china and chengdu.For the average reader,it is very descrptive and pretty interesting.There are some entertaining parts such as the story telling and the stories behind the food.The tips section is very useful as tit tells you where to go and how to get there.The links are going to be very useful.The references to actual people's thoughts and feelings about chengdu were very nice.
La richesse du patrimoine culturel d'une ville est generalement liee a sa Iongue histoire. Or depuis la haute antiquite, il y a 4e0 000 ans de cela, le developpement de la region de Beijing a ete continuel, et se poursuit encore de nos jours. Beijing est aujour- d'hui une metropole internationale tournee vers I'avenir. Ses vestiges et ses monuments, representatifs des diverses epoques de son histoire, rassemblent un riche patrimoine, qui fait de la ville un immense musee empli d'inestimables tresors. Ses 130 musees repertories, par leur abondance et leur variete, font le bonheur des touristes. Centre culturel de la Chine, Beijing compte de nombreux musees nationaux dont les collections permettent de decouvrir la quintessence de la culture chinoise. Les musees specialises retracent les progres realises dans les differents domaines. Par ailleurs de nombreuses demeures anciennes ayant appartenu de grandes figures sont autant de petits musees intimes. Les musees municipaux, quanta eux, temoignent de la specificit
The Taihu Lake Basin adjacent to Shanghai has a diversified water system and clamp climate and is rich in produce. The original inhabitants planted rice and bred silkworms, and took advantage of the convenient water trans-portation there to develop trade relations both domestically and overseas.This part of the country is famous for its silk and herbal medicines. Since ancient times, it has witnessed rapid economic growth, and has earned thenicknames "Heaven on Earth" and "Land Flowing with Rice and Fish."Six ancient waterside towns in this area, namely, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi andTongli in Jiangsu Province, and Xitang, Wuzhen and Nanxun in ZhejiangProvince, are the most attractive representatives of age-old towns in south-east China.Waterways have shaped the ancient towns of southeast China, their streets following the contours of the waters and their houses built on riverbanks.Small bridges, smoothly flowing rivers and tranquil residential houses formthe typical natural landscape of these towns. Winding streets a