Where are you planning to go after visiting many tourist sitesin Beijing? Hutongs (small alleys) are the places that you shouldnever miss in which there are the true history, culture andlifestyle of this old yet modern city. The book introduces 16 unique walks, discovered by the authorpersonally. Walking through old Beijing hutongs, you will pass orvisit many sites that you cannot find in any other tourist guidebooks, such as the last emperor's mansion, princes palaces,residences of famous historical figures, temples and churches, oldEmbassy Row, imperial government offices, famous commercial streetswith old shops, as well as mysteries and stories behind thewalls... Pictures and maps are also provided to guide you in eachwalk. Background information enriches your knowledge about theevents and stories once happened in this imperial capital. Enjoyyour walking exploration in Beijing, like a flying feather inbreeze through the hutongs.
Many travel books tell about the spectacular snow mountains and rivers in Tibet, but different areas of Tibet are entirely different, with diverse geographical features and landscapes. This book will guide you to the most memorable sights. Having evaluated the many warnings on altitude sickness, the author tells you how the high altitude can affect you personally. It also has a list of questions to determine if you are physically fit for Tibet travel. And it lists many important safety rules for sightseeing in the region. This book, unlike other travel books, explains the most cost-effective means of transportation, and how to plan time-saving travel packages to the most beautiful scenic areas and places where traditional customs are emphasized. Advice on how to get the deepest understanding of Tibetan traditions and festivals, and etiquette tips for honoring local customs are included, e.g., the correct side of the street to stroll on when shopping, and how to react to gestures and rituals that m
Millions of travelers visit Beijing of them are ableto see the real every year, but how many Beijing? How many will start their day walking through a traditional hutong, meander through a hip art gallery in the afternoon and dance the night away at the hottest club? In this guide, you will be able to experience Beijing like a Local ! Here's how you can save... Save with our budget tips, and detailed transportation guide. Save time by visiting 21 things not to be missed and eating at our favorite restaurants. Save face by not getting lost using our large English/Chinese fold-out maps. Save your stomach by using our bilingual menu guide with pictures.
在甘肃省的版图上,位于黄河以西、祁连山脉与蒙古高原南缘隆起的北山之间,有一条长约一千公里,宽约数十里至百里的狭长地带,这就是著名的“河西走廊”。从这里往西,经过中亚,可以和南亚、西亚乃至整个欧洲联系起来。历史上,它曾是中西贸易主要的通道,这条通道,被称为“丝绸之路”,它对世界文明的发展作出过重大贡献。敦煌,就处在河西走廊西端。 1900年,一个偶然的机会,有一个叫王圆篆的道士,在敦煌莫高窟的一个洞窟里发现了数万卷经卷及文书。这位道士根本没有想到,他的这一发现,使敦煌这个从13世纪以后逐渐衰落的文明都市,再度引起全世界的广泛瞩目。
In such an era of cultural assimilation, when bulldozers nudge their way toward the increasingly fewer Beijing hutong and siheyuan, and Shanghai linong, it is not only the old city districts that are declining; the unique Chinese architecture, culture and lifestyle are vanishing with them. Fortunately, the vast territory of China is still dotted with old townscapes dating back thousands of years, carrying on the continuous history and civilization of China. Zhouzhuang, Fenghuang,Hongcun, Tongli, Pingyao, Luodai, Lijiang, Dali ...these old towns enjoy their own tranquility, far from the din of the cities, and exude their own distinctive flavor and delicacy without the pompous magnificence of imperial palaces. Their names are beautiful symbols of China because of their small picturesque bridges, flowing waters and local houses that have long been portrayed in Chinese ink and wash paintings, numerous exquisite brick,stone and wood carvings, arches erected to commemorate chaste widows, a welter of ethnic customs
The I-Pod you Listen to was made in Kunshan; if you have a Cornpaq, Acer, Dell,Toshiba, HP or MSI aptop it was manufactured in Kunshan, almost 20 percent of the world's digital cameras are manufactured in Kunshan; more than 2 bihon dollars worth of bicycles and bicycle parts are manufactured there each year. If you are under 18, chances are you sat in a stroller and car seat designed and manufactured in Kunshan. Everyday something flora Kunshan touches you or someone you know,yet you have never heard of it.In China, Kunshan is just one of over 100 cities with over a million people.Twenty years ago it was a collection of rural towns and villages organized as a township; today it is the No.1 county-level city by GDP in China. How this meteoric transformation occurred is due to two factors, its proximity to Shanghai and the collection of innovative approaches and methods which make up the Kunshan Way.By reading this book, you will hear Kunshan's story from the government and business leaders who have created
With the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic on October 1, 2009, China has presented a new face to the world. Over the past 60 years, Chinese society has undergone significant changes that are clearly reflected in literature, painting, film, drama and other literary and artistic works. In China, both the rich and the poor, the elite and the working class all celebrate the Spring Festival. Paintings depicting Spring Festival entertainments are one of the most popular and inexpensive consumables of the season. Before TV sets and internet became as popular as today, Chinese New Year paintings (including publicity paintings) were one of the most direct and biggest media for observations of China, which were able to reach millions of households throughout the country. This book is composed of 200 carefully chosen Chinese New Year paintings from 1949 on, and is divided into threetime periods: 1949-1965. 1966-1978, and 1979-2009. These paintings tell of the major events in China f
Les grandes salles, temoins de I'histoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par I'empereur La vie de I'empereur comme un homme ordinaire La salle d'etude de I'empereur Les absurdites des empereurs Les amis etrangers des empereurs Les intrigues et les amours du palais desconcubines Les imperatrices douairieres Les jardins de la Cite interdite - lieux de divertissement pour les concubines Le Palais d'Ete - deuxieme palais de I'imperatrice douairiere Cixi Le Yuanmingyuan - le jardin des jardins- ravage par les agresseurs etrangers Les mOrts des empereurs Les tombes imperiales
Nanxun is known in China and abroad as the home of Jiti Silk. Its thriving silk trade helped Nanxun earn the accolade "town of afflu-ence." Its community of wealthy merchants gave rise to beautiful garden residences, such as the Xiaolian Villa, the former residences of Liu Ti and of the Zhangs-all built on a grand scale and delightful to the eye. Particularly unusual is the juxtaposition of Chinese and Western architectural styles of these garden residences: Baroque columns, European fireplaces and French etched glass are blended into traditional Chinese buildings with central halls, skyweUs, and carved brick gatetowers.
About 460,000 years ago, Beijing was merely a primitive settlement. Later it grew into a political center of Yan and Ji, two kingdoms in north China, then the Capital of six feudaldynasties. Today, the capital of the People's Republic of China is an everexpanding international cosmopolis. As a city, Beijing has an uninterrupted history of over 3,000 years, which makes it unique in the world. The cultural antiques and historical artifacts bestowed by each era were passed down from one generation to another, turning the city into a huge museum itself. There are some 130 officially registered museums in Beijing, preserving 3.2 million artifacts in total.
In anekdotischer Form beschreibt Das Leben der Kabervon China den Weg einer Reihe ausgew&hlter Kaiser der Ming-und Qing—Dynastie auf den Thronim Helen vonBeijing Wir erfahren interessante Details oberdie ritueIlenAufgaben der Kaiser und die Kultstatten,die sieregelmig aufzusuchen hatten AberauchiJber die Intrigen in der Umgebung des Thrones und das Afllagsleben der Kaiser und ih rer Familien werden wit in unterhaltsamer Weise informiert Die Relle von Eu ropaern am Kaiserhof.die rege Bautatigkeit der Kaiser,die sich vor allem in derAnlage von prachtvollen SommerDaiasfen ein Denkmal setzte,sind weitere Themen des Bandes Mit derSchilderung desAblebens einigerKaiserund der Beschreibung ihrer ausgedehnten G rabanlagen in der Umge bung vo rl Beijing endet das Buch ganz im Eink rang mit der antiken Erkenntnis yon derVerg&ng richkeit weltlichen Ruhmes.
上海是中国四个中央直辖市之一,是中国大陆的经济、金融、贸易和航运中心。至2008年末,上海常住人口达1888.46万人,全市土地面积为6340.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里;境内辖有18个区、1个县,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿,其中崇明岛是我国的第三大岛。 上海是中国面向世界、迎接世界的窗口,同时担负着服务全国、带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济新飞跃的重任。今天的上海,正一步步坚实地向着国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心和现代化国际大都市迈进。
Zhouzhuang embraces the beauties of all the water towns in China - old bridges, traditional buildings and small streets on the banks of waterways. Its Shuangqiao Bridges (Twin Bridges) became famous worldwide because of the painting Memory of Hometown by weU-known painter Chen Yifei (1946-2005)and its display in a New York gallery in 1984.Another bridge in the town, Fu'an Bridge (Wealth and Peace Bridge), is the only existing structure in southeastern China that perfectly combines a single-arch bridge with abddge tower.
Shanghai, one of today's most developed and prosperous cities in the world, is an attractive spot for tourists worldwide. In fact Shanghai is an 1,000-year-old city as well as a vigorous young metropolis. Shanghai has enjoyed a high reputation for its long history,distinctive Hai Pal culture and art, and excellent service. It is reported that over 2.725 million overseas tourists come to Shanghai annually on average. During the long holiday from 1st to 7th October, 2007, Shanghai ranked No.1among tourist cities of China in receiving visitors. The compilation of this book aims in the main to serve the overseas tourists as well as the 30,000 foreigners or so living and working in this international city. This book consists of four parts: About Shanghai, The Ten Hottest Tourist Spots, Other Tourist Spots in Various Districts and Travelwise. Part One refers to the general information about Shanghai's history, development, culture, architecture, art, people,festivals, etc. In Part Two Shanghai's best-know
Wuzhen is famous for its residences dating from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and the town keeps its ancient ambience, as if time has stood still. Wuzhen is also famous for its traditional craft of "bed-making," exquisite examples of which can be seen in the Museum of Antique Beds. Other attractions include the elaborate painting of 24 filial sons of old times in the Zhu Family House, and depictions of traditional ceremonies, such as those for babies when they were one month old, weddings and the birthdays of the elderly all illustrative of the culture of southeast China.
Ein Journalistcntcam yon Radio China International reiste sieben Wochen lang durch Tibet.Sie legten insgesamt fiber zehntausend Kilonmcter zurfick, z. T. inden entlegensten Regionen des Autonomen Gebietes. Ihrc Eindrfickc schildertcn sic in Reportagen ffir denRadiosender. Gleichzeitig fuhrten sie Tageb/icher. Dieses Buch enthalt sechzig dieser Tagebucheintrage undzahlreiche eindrucksvolle Fotos.