孔子是中国古代伟大的思想家,名列世界十大历史名人之首,《论语》集中体现了孔子的政治主张、道德观念及教育原则等,是儒家学派的经典著作。 本书译者的翻译有两大追求。其一,双向兼顾,即英译汉与汉译英双管齐下。其二,双语对照,即出版时汉英两个版本同时亮相。后者在本书中体现得尤为明显、充分、精心,不仅包括汉英对照,而且包括文白对照加注释。 译者认为在自己所翻译的渚多书籍中,值得翻译的就是《论语》,因此调动了多年积累的翻译经验,全身心地倾注于本书的适译。 为秉持为读者着想的一贯思想,编排体例以自然段落为单位,文白译注,四位一体,短小精干,直观便利,能为读者提供方便。本书可为古文学习者以及汉英翻译学习者提供参考。
本书是《中国古典小说名著普及版书系》之一,是明朝末年凌濛初编著的拟话本小说集。成书于明朝天启七年,与《二刻拍案惊奇》合称“二拍”。其内容很复杂,思想倾向也不心相同。故事题材虽多出自前代著述,但经过凌氏的再创作,却表现着晚明的社会现实和时代气息,浸含着凌氏本人的思想观念和愤世俗的不平之气。书中主要是描写商人思想行径、命运遭际的作品和描写婚恋的作品,这些作品都具有认识价值和积极意义。 《初刻拍案惊奇》题材内容方面存在的问题主要有两点。其一是露骨的色情描写。许多作品,如《西山观设度亡魂,开封府备棺追活命》、《乔兑换胡子宣淫,显报施卧师入定》、《奇风情村妇捐躯,假天语幕僚断狱》等都有猥亵描写。这类作品表现出市民的庸俗情趣。其二是浓厚的宗教迷信、因果报应、宿命论思想。《王大使威行部
The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on the ancient Chinese fantasy novel Journey to the West, a story rich in tales about demons and monsters who try to stop the Tang Priest Xuanzang from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to fetch Buddhist *ures. The real hero of this novel, loved for four hundred years by Chinese readers, is the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey.
一套经典图书,长销不衰——《中译经典文库·中华传统文化精粹:许渊冲英译王维诗选》是国内早的双语读物,影响了几代英语和中华文化爱好者,深受读者喜爱。 一批重量级翻译家,阵容强大——学贯中西的译界泰斗许渊冲、辜正坤、谢百魁、丁往道、罗志野…… 一家优秀出版社,品质卓越——中国对外翻译出版有限公司为联合国提供翻译服务四十多年,出版了很多优秀的中外文化交流图书。
Mozi wasa Chinese philosopher during the early Warring States Period. Hefounded the school of Mohism and argued strongly againstConfucianism and Taoism. Mozi is also the name of the philosophicaltext compiled by Mohists from Mozi's thought. It is a rich sourceof insight into early Chinese dynastic history and culture. Withthe publication of this bilingual biography, readers will find anaccessible yet informative entrance into Mozi's life andteachings.
《史记》是中国部纪传体通史,它是西汉史学家司马迁的隐忍发愤之作。它记述了上起黄帝,下至汉武帝三千年间的历史。全书共130篇,以人物为中心,通过人物传记勾勒历史发展的进程。它是中国传记文学的开端,被称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”,对后世史学和文学的发展都产生了深远影响。 本书所选31篇是《史记》中故事性强、极代表性的篇目,这些故事描写注重细节,且场面宏大,人物形象跃然纸上。在《史记》五体中,以七十列传的内容为生动丰富,因此,本书所选篇目中,列传有很大比重。 本书由安平秋校勘并译成精炼的白话文,英译采用了杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的经典译本。
"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus is has ever been." With this characterization of the inevitable cycle of Chinese history, the monumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West, this Ming dynasty masterpiece continues to be read and loved throughout China as well as in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The novel offers a startling and unsparing view of how power is wielded, how diplomacy is conducted, and how wars are planned and fought; it has influenced the ways that Chinese think about power, diplomacy, and war even to this day. ThreeKingdomsportrays a fateful moment at the end of the Hart dynasty(206 B.C.-A.D. 220) when the future of the Chinese empire lay in the balance.Writing more than a millennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew on ofen-told tales of this turbulent period to fashion a sophisticated, compelling narrative, whose characters display vivid individuality and epic grandeur. The story begins when the e
《搜神记》是中国古代志怪小说的代表作,它记录了公元二、三世纪前中国早期的神话传说、鬼怪故事、奇闻逸事等,内容丰富,情节离奇。撰集者干宝是当时的史学家,他笃信三命,喜阴阳术数,坚信“神道不诬”,因此基本上采取史家实录的手法撰集记录下这些神灵异事,从而为后世保留了这样一部珍贵的、内容丰富而奇异的志怪文献。 作为早期的志怪小说,《搜神记》的故事及其结构虽显简单,但却真实、典型地反映了早期中国先民们汪洋恣肆、自由无拘的想象力,他们对世界的理解和认识。这些想象力以及故事素材本身,对后世的中国文学、中国小说创作产生了巨大而深远的影响,成为它们重要的艺术源泉。 《搜神记》于公元11世纪传入朝鲜半岛,19世纪传入欧洲。本书为英文全译本,译者为中国当代著名翻译家丁往道。
The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on the ancient Chinese fantasy novel Journey to the West, a story rich in tales about demons and monsters who try to stop the Tang Priest Xuanzang from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to fetch Buddhist *ures. The real hero of this novel, loved for four hundred years by Chinese readers, is the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey.