Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking competition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道*代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有完全配套的步骤分解图片,更特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 "Talking Chinese Dishes" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in "Talking Chinese Dishes" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。 该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道 代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有 配套的步骤分解图片, 特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in \\\\\\\"Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.
本书于1997年首次出版时,叫做《看不见的共和国:鲍勃·迪伦的地下录音带》。那是因为最初的美国与英国的出版商们都不喜欢我自己选定的书名:“古老而奇异的美国”(此为原书名直译。一译者);它也是本书其中一章的标题。我试图在书中寻找标题,而不是另起一个,但我也试着去遵从这样的规则:当一本书的作者最终完成书稿的时候,——毕竟是他或她要对此负责一出版商必须卖掉它,并决定书名,如果作者可以忍受的话。既然如此,我就在一张纸上写了十五到十个书名,寄给了两位出版商,结果他们俩都选择了上面那个名字。 书出版前,一切都很好。但稍后就出现了书名音节太多的问题。不够协调,言之无物,无法引人联想。结果是没有人能记住那个书名(“看不见的国度”?“看不见的音乐”?“看得见的共和国”?)一而几乎所有书评都用了“
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。 该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道 代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有 配套的步骤分解图片, 特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in \\\\\\\"Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.
作为中国文化的一部分,中国菜是 为贴近平民色彩的元素,也因此受到了越来越多外国人的钟爱。本系列包括《家常菜》《素食》《药膳》,由新加坡引进出版,地道的英文表达, 化的装帧设计,传达出中华饮食文化的魅力, 符合国外读者的阅读品味。来中国旅居的外国人,特别是带家属来的,一般需要学习做一些中国菜,那么就需要中国菜谱。本书以健康为主题,涵盖中国 家常菜肴,图文并茂,版式具有 化风格,具有很强的实用性。 Book health, covering China''s famous homemade dishes, illustrations, typography, international style, and highly practical.
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。 该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道 代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有 配套的步骤分解图片, 特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in \\\\\\\"Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.
作为中国文化的一部分,中国菜是 为贴近平民色彩的元素,也因此受到了越来越多外国人的钟爱。本系列包括《家常菜》《素食》《药膳》,由新加坡引进出版,地道的英文表达, 化的装帧设计,传达出中华饮食文化的魅力, 符合国外读者的阅读品味。来中国旅居的外国人,特别是带家属来的,一般需要学习做一些中国菜,那么就需要中国菜谱。本书以健康为主题,涵盖中国 家常菜肴,图文并茂,版式具有 化风格,具有很强的实用性。 Book health, covering China''s famous homemade dishes, illustrations, typography, international style, and highly practical.
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。 该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道 代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有 配套的步骤分解图片, 特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in \\\\\\\"Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.
作为中国文化的一部分,中国菜是 为贴近平民色彩的元素,也因此受到了越来越多外国人的钟爱。本系列包括《家常菜》《素食》《药膳》,由新加坡引进出版,地道的英文表达, 化的装帧设计,传达出中华饮食文化的魅力, 符合国外读者的阅读品味。来中国旅居的外国人,特别是带家属来的,一般需要学习做一些中国菜,那么就需要中国菜谱。本书以健康为主题,涵盖中国 家常菜肴,图文并茂,版式具有 化风格,具有很强的实用性。 Book health, covering China''s famous homemade dishes, illustrations, typography, international style, and highly practical.
Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking petition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.
来中国旅居的外国人,特别是带家属来的,一般需要学习做一些中国菜,那么就需要中国菜谱。当下人们日益关注自身的健康,素食日渐风行。本书以健康为主题,向外国人介绍中 常素食,图文并茂,版式具有 化风格,具有很强的实用性。Book health to foreigners about the Chinese homemade vegetarian, illustrations, typography, international style, and highly practical.
This book contains 60 quick and easy recipes for today's busyyet healthy lifestyle. Unlike many traditional Chinese vegetariandishes which use highly processed wheat gluten to replace meats,the emphasis here is on natural ingredients such as mushrooms andbean curd, with fresh vegetables. Written in a step-by-step formatwith additional tips on the side, the tasty yet healthy dishesrange from hearty soups, to steamed dishes and quick stir-fries andare a delight to create. Measurements are given in Metric, Imperialand American units for further convenience, and a fully illustratedglossary of ingredients provides practical information aboutpopular ingredients found in Chinese vegetarian dishes.
随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中餐越来越受到外国人的青睐。《会说话的中国菜》为喜爱中餐的外国朋友提供了一个自己动手的好机会。 该书根据外国朋友口味,精选100道 代表性的中国菜,所选菜例材料易得,做法详细易懂。书中既有简洁准确的文字说明,又有 配套的步骤分解图片, 特别的是,每一道菜都带有一个二维码,扫描即可同步观看英文解说的做菜视频。 Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is the first book specializing in Chinese culinary arts published for a foreign audience, and contains an interactive QR code. Each recipe in \\\\\\\"Talking Chinese Dishes\\\\\\\" is accompanied by an interactive QR-code. Scan this code to watch an interactive video where Chef Gan Zhirong will walk you through the recipe step-by-step. This helps our readers to learn directly from the master chef and cook alongside him, in the comfort of your home kitchen.