This book deals with the 13-Step Taiji Exercise for Health and the Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness. The l 3-Step Taiji Exercise for Health is a simplified form of the 248-Step Taiji Internal-power Exercise for Health, This simplified approach uses fewer movements, and is thus well-suited to beginners. The ten forms of fitness-related Taijiquan, integrating meditation and exercise, were developed by Guan Yongnian on the basis of theTaiji Exercise Manuals' written by Taiji master Zhao Zhongdao who lived to the age of 119. The Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness is easy to learn and helps to boost energy and prevent illness.
Acupuncture and moxibustion are two distinctive fields of traditional.Chinese medicine that have no known paraUel,in the West.Acupuncture treats diseases by puncturing certain points on the body cal,l,ed acupoints with tong metal.needl,es and inducing stimul.ation by various manipulation methods.Moxibustion invol,ves the sl,ow burning of moxa or other material.s to heat or steam the diseased area or acupoints.To achieve the desired therapeutic effect the significance of[ocating acupoints accurately cannot be overemphasized.Dr Yang Jiasan.associate professor and head of the Acupuncture Department at Dongzhimen Hospital.has been both a teacher and a cl,inician for decades.Through practice as wel,[as study of acupuncture l,iterature both ancient and modern.he has developed a method of l,ocating points that those tacking knowledge of traditional,Chinese medical.theory find easy to grasp because it uses modern anatomical.landmarks as much as possible.Its efficiency has been appreciated by students as wel,l,as pati
《徐书屡用屡效方(徐书中医传承全集)/中医师承学堂》介绍了徐书教授临床经常应用并验之效确的50种专病专方。其中,“临证心悟”介绍了作者对该病的心得体悟,突出了治疗思路及辨证要点。“验案集粹”是作者行医多年来运用辨证论治取效的一些典型案例。全书理、法、方、药一线贯穿,临床验之效确,为作者三十余年临证之精华。如作者认为过敏性紫癜为离经之瘀血所致,故以加味承气汤治之;青光眼发病多伴有头痛、恶心呕吐等厥阴虚寒证候,与吴茱萸汤的病机 相似,故可用加味吴茱萸汤治疗;以“温’肾”“疏肝”“软坚”排石三法治疗泌尿系结石,总结出四逆散合大黄附子细辛汤等,皆具有较高的临床意义及学术价值,值得参考借鉴。
Ailments from computer use are on the increase as a result of the explosion in the use of computers throughout the world. What I have endeavoured to do in this book is to concentrate various methods from several Chinese sources to assist in the cure and prevention of ailments from computer use by natural self-help methods. This book brings information to you, the reader, of alternative health remedies to those that you may already be aware of. Although the author does not have any medical training or qualifications, he feels that the information provided in this book will be of positive benefit to those who accept it in the spirit with which it is given. As a gift handed down by the Chinese Qi Gong masters from ancient times. If in doubt as to whether you should use the methods described here, it is recommended that you consult your physician before trying any of the contents of this book. The author and the publisher specifically disclaim liability for any loss or risk incurred by the use or appl
《来华留学生专业汉语学习丛书·中医汉语系列:中医汉语综合教程》是“来华留学生专业汉语丛书。中医汉语系列”的主干教材,《中医汉语阅读教程》、《中医汉语听说教程》等同系列教材皆围绕此书内容展开。 《来华留学生专业汉语学习丛书·中医汉语系列:中医汉语综合教程》在选材上既注重中医文献的严谨性,又兼顾汉语作为第二语言教学的特殊性,在课文编写时特别注意整理归纳常见的中医词汇、句式、知识,弥补普通汉语教学及教材中医药相关专业词汇及知识的教学盲点,没有中医知识背景的留学生也可以由浅入深地学习使用。
The New TCM Anti-Flu Therapy is an economic,non-drugapproach to flu prevention and treatment.Conforming to life scienceprinciples,it cou]d be especiallY valuable in the context of a seriousglobal flu epidemic and the rapid mutation of flu viruses.The outcome of 30 years of clinical observation and practice,and in line with the holistic New Century Medical Model,thiseasy,effective and scientific method stresses the patient’S activeinvolvement,activating the body’S innate flu defenses throughclearly described and illustrated self-massage and other techniques.It is readily adaptable to the patient’S individual circumstances.
邵兰荪(1864-1922),浙江绍兴人,世居杨汛桥,幼年时从钱清王馥原习医。其人素喜叶天士《临证指南医案》及程国彭《医学心悟》,处方用药亦多以此二书中方加减化裁,对于温暑时症、虚劳、妇女经带等病症颇具心得,在当地医名颇盛,求诊者摩肩接踵。如曹炳章云:“每日应诊,户限为穿。” 因邵兰荪日常诊疗较为繁忙,无暇安心著作,又“饮佩邵氏者,不乏其人”,故曹炳章替其征求绍兴城乡各病家治愈留存处方,历十余年方汇集成册,编成《邵兰荪医案》四卷。全书将曹氏所搜集医案210则,按病症的不同分为风、暑、湿、燥、温热、咽喉、耳目口齿、咳嗽、咳血、喘、胸痹、虚劳、不寐、心悸健忘、肝风、呕吐噎格、脘痛、腹痛、泄泻、痢、疟、肿胀、遗精、遗尿、淋浊、疝气、疮疡、调经、带下、胎前、产后等三十一个门类,并延请同乡史介生加以
董氏正经奇穴为山东平度董景昌先生家传绝学,至董公在台湾行医,始课徒授学,发扬光大。本书为《董氏奇穴实用手册》(第1版)之修订版,著者邱雅昌医师系董针第三代传承代表人物之一。本书内容忠于董景昌先生的 董氏正经奇穴 ,紧密结合临床需要,生动活泼地诠释董针,介绍了作者本人及师长、门人应用董针扎实具体的宝贵经验,图文并茂,并附29段穴位讲解与操作演示视频,对中医临床工作者具有重要参考价值。
本版高职高专教材是第四轮全国中医药高职高专教材, 卫生计生委“十三五”规划教材,本版对上版教材进行修订。再版立足于农村基层医院与社区医疗服务,,编写模块增添了导学、知识链接、复习思考题,较上版增编了二维码数字内容,调整了基础理论,以适应全国中医药专科教育的需要。