教育领域随着大数据时代的来临积累了海量数据。本书以中国知网(CNKI)数据库收录的有关 中文教育的期刊文献为样本,采用文献计量分析法,通过Cite Space可视化软件对其研究现状进行分析研究,揭示 中文教育的研究热点及发展趋势,以期为 中文教育的深入研究、实践探索提供参考。 本书共分两章, 章主要是对知识图谱可视化分析研究工具的介绍,第二章主要是Cite Space在 中文教育各领域中的知识图谱分析。
King Gesar is an epic from Tibet based on Tibetan folk tales, legends, folk songs and proverbs. Representing the highest achievement of ancient Tibetan culture, it has been in circulation for centuries. It is an encyclopedia-like masterpiece reflecting the history of the ancient Tibetan society. Compared with the world's Other famous heroic epics, King Gesar has two outstanding characteristics. First, it has been passed down orally and musically from one generation to the next. Even today the epic is still widespread among the Tibetan people,especially among farmers and herdsmen. It is a "living" heroic epic and belongs to the Tibetan cultural heritage. Second, it is the longest heroic epic in the world. It is an immense work,with more than 1 million verses, which would fill 120-plus volumes if written down. The State of Ling generally refers to the ancient Tibetan-inhabited areas. In the light of its structural order, we selected the high spot of this epic to entertain readers at home and
This selection of Lu xun's works includes stories,prose poems,reminiscences,polemical writing and essays dealing with many aspects of life and letters.It prises four volumes,the last three of which contain selected essays.
This book is not meant to be a general history of Tibet, nor a Tibetan adventureor folklore monograph. It focuses on the attempts being made today to solve the riddles and confusion surrounding Tibet, including contemplations, reflections, in-depth discussions, and plain narrations in a language of honesty and sincerity. It also expresses a feeling of fraternity towards Tibetan patriots and a longing for a beautiful tomorrow for Tibet. Careful readers may be inspired and moved by its content.
This selection of Lu xun's works includes stories,prose poems,reminiscences,polemical writing and essays dealing with many aspects of life and letters.It prises four volumes,the last three of which contain selected essays.
本书从《列异传》、《搜神记》、《幽明录》、《世说新语》等汉魏六朝(公元前206—公元589年)小说中遴选90篇,展示了中国古代小说童年期的大致面貌。 汉魏六朝小说大致可分为三种,类是记叙神、仙、鬼、怪的志怪书,如《列异传》、《搜神记》等等,第二类记叙历史人物事件但掺杂了较多怪诞无稽的内容,有人称它们为杂史杂传,如《燕丹子》、《汉武故事》等等,第三类是记叙当时名士的卓然不群的举止言行的志人书,如《世说新语》等等。这些古小说除杂史杂传的篇幅较长之外,大都是丛残小语,故事粗陈梗概,有的还谈不上是故事。它们文字简古,但文约而事丰,用极简练的文字就可以叙说极复杂的事物。 汉魏六朝小说很早就流传到国外。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。这是当今众多英译本中的一种。
Huang Hua just celebrated his 96th birthday. A graduate of Yenching University, he is a typical Chinese progressive intellectual of his time. In old China the suffering of the mon people and the pressing danger of losing the sovereignty of the entire nation led Huang Hua and millions of young people to join the struggle for China’s liberation. Huang Hua’s memoir is a book describing his more than 70 years of activities as a revolutionary and a diplomat. It reflects also many significant aspects of China’s modern political history. In his posts as ambassador and foreign minister he witnessed a great range of events in international relations and participated in the realization of the foreign policy of New China. As to the book’s style of writing, it is just like the character of the author-clear and straightforward, so it is easy to read and prehend.
《三国演义》是中国古代部长篇章回小说,是历史演义小说的经典之作。是历史演义小说的经典之作。小说描写了公元3世纪以曹操、刘备、孙权为首的魏、蜀、吴三个政治、军事集团之间的矛盾和斗争,在广阔的社会历史背景上,展示出那个时代尖锐复杂又极具特色的政治军事冲突,在政治、军事谋略方面,对后世产生了深远的影响。本书语言生动、场面宏大、个性鲜明,塑造出曹操、刘备、关羽、张飞等许多不朽的历史人物形象,其出色的文学成就,使它的影响事实已深入到中国文学、艺术及社会生活的方方面面。 《三国演义》成书于公元14世纪的元末明初。在此之前,已有许多三国故事在民间广为流传。《三国演义》在社会上流行的版本很多,此次翻译时,我们选用了清代康熙年间的毛宗岗评本。 从17世纪末开始《三国演义》就被译成外文在世界传播。我
中国是早发明养蚕、缫丝、织绸的国家。而用彩色丝线在丝织物上绣成图案的刺绣工艺.大约在公元前15世纪的商代就已出现。最早的刺绣工艺主要用于服饰,大约在公元10世纪的宋代,刺绣工艺逐渐向具有观赏性的艺术品方向发展,到明、清(1368—1911年)刺绣艺术成就显著,刺绣工艺形成了不同的艺术流派.苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣、湘绣名绣争奇斗艳。苏州地处太湖之滨,盛产蚕桑.中国经济文化重心从五代(907—960年)朝江南转移,“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的说法亦就是五代时期开始流传的。江南文化经济的繁荣促使苏绣技艺有了长足的进步,苏绣艺术独领风骚,影响深远。 的苏绣艺术又开创了一个大有作为的新天地。苏绣艺人对传统技艺进行挖掘,加以总结.提高,发展,使苏绣艺术既有传统的文化内涵,又有新时期的时代风貌.苏绣艺术已成为中国工艺美术园