The statement that China is passing through an unprecedent-edrevolution has almost become a platitude, but its very obviousnessin no way diminishes its truth. The changes which this huge andvenerable country experienced in the past are negligible whencompared with the developments of the last decade. The reason forthis difference in degree-which amounts to a qualitative change-isthat developments in the past hardly influenced fundamentals, ifthey ever did so at all, whereas the present transformation deeplyaffects them. It is even consciously aimed at changing the socialstructure and all that this entails.
King Gesar is an epic from Tibet based on Tibetan folk tales, legends, folk songs and proverbs. Representing the highest achievement of ancient Tibetan culture, it has been in circulation for centuries. It is an encyclopedia-like masterpiece reflecting the history of the ancient Tibetan society. Compared with the world's Other famous heroic epics, King Gesar has two outstanding characteristics. First, it has been passed down orally and musically from one generation to the next. Even today the epic is still widespread among the Tibetan people,especially among farmers and herdsmen. It is a "living" heroic epic and belongs to the Tibetan cultural heritage. Second, it is the longest heroic epic in the world. It is an immense work,with more than 1 million verses, which would fill 120-plus volumes if written down. The State of Ling generally refers to the ancient Tibetan-inhabited areas. In the light of its structural order, we selected the high spot of this epic to entertain readers at home and
汉字由人而生,是人的见识和智慧的外在表达。中国人的情感,大抵都逃不过汉字的表述。阐释汉字的目的,就是为了满足好学深思的人进一步深入认识汉字的文化需求。 但脱离文字学材料与理论,根据各自知识背景和表达需求加以解释,带有随意性,甚至有些是错误的汉字说解。 本书通过开放性设问引导读者进一步思考汉字阐释理论实践的可能性和误区。在传统文化热的当下,本书不失为一部出色的大众了解、理解和实践汉字阐释方法的基础读物。
《轻松学中文》(少儿版)是专门针对海外非华裔小学生开发的汉语教材,共4册,每册分为a、b两册课本(含CD),并配有a、b两册彩色练习册、一套彩色图卡(学生用)和一套词语卡片(教师教学用)。 本套教材围绕丁一、田力、京京和乐乐4个中外小学生的故事展开,用精美的插图、简短的句子和对话、优美的歌曲等生动的形式培养起学生学习汉语的兴趣,使其轻松打好汉语学习的基础,掌握如数字、汉字基本笔画、家庭成员、日常用语等汉语知识,并且每册以精美的图片、简洁的文字和有趣的彩色贴纸等形式介绍一个中国文化小知识。 本册为《轻松学中文》(少儿版)(法文版)的课本4b,图片精美,四色印刷。共7课,包括天气、穿着、正在进行的行为动作、学校设施、喜欢的科目、业余运动等内容。作为少儿版 一册,本册全面复习拼音和学过
Chinese bronzes were only the daily utensils,work tools and weapons of the people of ancient times,but also exquisite works of master craftsmen which have been handed down from generation to generation.Their beautiful forms,elaborate decorations and the moving stories that were cast on them have attracted the attention and aroused the interest of lovers of bronzes at home and abroad. This book,copiously illustrated with colour pictures and sketches,is recommended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In language comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art:its origin,periods of development and its value as regards the study of ancient history and ancient *.The author is a specialist who has personally participated in many major archaeological excavations and researched into this subject on the latest results of the study and excavations of Chinese bronzes.
《轻松学中文》(少儿版)是专门针对海外非华裔小学生开发的汉语教材,共4册,每册分为a、b两册课本(含CD),并配有a、b两册彩色练习册、一套彩色图卡(学生用)和一套词语卡片(教师教学用)。 本套教材围绕丁一、田力、京京和乐乐4个中外小学生的故事展开,用精美的插图、简短的句子和对话、优美的歌曲等生动的形式培养起学生学习汉语的兴趣,使其轻松打好汉语学习的基础,掌握如数字、汉字基本笔画、家庭成员、日常用语等汉语知识,并且每册以精美的图片、简洁的文字和有趣的彩色贴纸等形式介绍一个中国文化小知识。 本册为《轻松学中文》(少儿版)(法文版)的课本4a,图片精美,四色印刷。共7课,包括电话号码、语言、日常作息、出行交通工具等内容。本册开始深入复习拼音,每课学习3个偏旁并复习以前所学独体字,提供
This book contains the records of interviews made by reporters with 100 academicians in their homes. We hope to open a window for readers to get to know academicians' lives and personal charm. Therefore weavoided an overall, concrete de*ion of academicians' experiences and achievements. Through the interviews we hope to display the academicians' values, attitudes to life and personalities. The 100 academicians interviewed are engaged in differentfields of research, and their characters are all different. Nevertheless, we found that their values and attitudes to life are the same.
《21世纪中国当代文学书库》,收录的是1995年以来发表的作品。这些作品与这个时期的中国社会紧密相联,通过文学形象反映了新时期中国民众的生活与情感,是当今欧美国家读者真正想了解的中国的真实状况。亦是真正的关于当代中国的选题。 本书是“21世纪中国当代文学书库”之《淡绿色的月光——情感文学卷》。这本书中的8部作品,都是对中国当代社会人性基本不变而时代变化之后的感情新表现,其中包括潘军的《合同婚姻》、张欣的《有些人你永远不必等》、须一瓜的《淡绿色的月亮》等。
All the things carried in our bags.pile up far beyond our limited memories,fret they often become cultural signs or markers of social, economic and historical changes. Bags and their contents in different periods depict the living standards as well as spiritual vision of the people. Revealing the economic and cultural development of society they servt to create a fascinating mirror of historical and living Changes in this vast country.Bags, entangled with the complex threads of recent history, produce a stream of apt images and anecdotes reflecting a dynamically changing China.
60年,在历史的长河中只是短暂的一瞬。然而,对于中国来说,却是充满了风云变幻和时代变迁的60年。。 本书以时间轴为主线,自1949年开始至2009年为止,内容以影响当代中国历史进程的重大事件及人物为主,涉及经济、政治、社会、文化、科技等领域,按照时序流向排列,并配以图、表,以及同一时间段内国际上发生的重大事件的链接对比,以期清晰地勾勒出新中国60年的发展脉络和路径,为读者提供一个了解当代中国的国际视角。通过阅读本书,读者可以对中华人民共和国60年的发展变化有一个清晰的初步了解。本书是英文版。
Readers from all over the world, who are used to learning about China through foreign newspapers, TV and the Internet, may now open up these books to see China through the heartfelt thoughts and writings of Chinese people themselves. The many authors of these new short stories, living in this rapidly developing and changing, yet ancient nation, have strived to describe all that is happening in and around themselves, to give genuine dynamic expression to the intricate recent experiences of the Chinese people. Through the power of their words you will be able to catch glimpses of the real, complex and living China, as well as other possibilities for all humanity, including yourself. 作者简介: He Xiangyang. who graduated from Zhengzhou University with an MA in Chinese Literature, is a renowned literary critic in China. She is a renowned fellow at the Henan Academy of Social Sciences (HASS), and the director of the HASS Literature Institute. Her major works include Stories on the Pilgrimage(1996
本书是作者根据其2009年到2011年在蒙古国立教育大学教授汉语的亲身经历撰写的随笔集,是了解中国外派汉语教师、了解中蒙文化交流的精彩读本。 本书以一个外派汉语教师的独特视角,介绍了蒙古国的衣食住行、风土人情,记录了作者致力于中蒙文化交流的点点滴滴,其中选录了作者近40首原创诗歌、170余张实景照片,并收录了6篇对外汉语教学课堂实践的专题论文。无论是身在海外的汉语教师还是即将奔赴海外的志愿者都能从中获取裨益。
China won its first Olympic gold medal at the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, which ushered in a new era in Chinese Olympic history. Since then, Chinese athletes have broken and improved world records one after the other, and gradually established China's image as a major sports power. At the same time, the Chinese traditional folk sports have also been protected and developed. The national fitness campaign started in 1995 sparked a new nationwide upsurge of enthusiasm about participating in sports activities. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008, and the Olympic flame will be burned in this ancient but energetic country. All the people of China are working together diligently so that China can hold a grand gathering for the people of the world in order to share "One World, One Dream!" Contents: The Chinese Journey to the Olympics China and the Olympics before 1984 An end to zero -- China's first Olympic gold medal China's place in the medal tally and the world records it set at t
2003年10月15日,是一个值得中国人纪念和骄傲的日子,中国航天员杨利伟乘坐中国人自己研制的飞船首次冲出地球,在太空中飞行了60万公里后,安全着陆于内蒙古草原。这是中国人迈向宇宙的历史性一步,也是中国航天事业划时代的伟在成就。33年前,中国成为世界上第五个发射人造地球卫星的国家;而这一次,中国人依靠自己的力量完成了首次载人航天飞行,一跃成为国际“太空俱乐部”的第三位成员。 随着“神舟”五号载人飞船的成功发射,一个中西合壁的新词汇穿越了大洋的阻隔,融入了世界各主要民族的拼音文字中,在使用英文、德文、丹麦语、荷兰语以及瑞典语、挪威语、芬兰语的新闻网站,人们用taikonautGO 来代表中国航天员;而在西班牙语、法语、葡萄牙语、意大利语乃至罗马尼亚语、波兰语、捷克语和匈牙利语等语言的文字中,使这个词汇的变
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.