《PHP开发实例大全(提高卷)》以开发人员在项目开发中经常遇到的问题和必须掌握的技术为中心,介绍了应用PHP进行Web开发的各个方面的知识和技巧,主要包括PHP与Ming扩展库,PHP与ImageMagick图片处理,AJAX无刷新技术,jQuery框架技术,PHP与在线编辑工具,PHP与多媒体技术,PHP与FPDF类库应用,报表与打印技术,网络、服务与服务器,邮件处理技术,XML操作技术,Web服务器与远程过程调用,LDAP(轻量级目录访问协议),PHP与WAP技术,PHP与FTP,PostgreSQL数据库,SQLite数据库,PDO数据库抽象层,PHPLib数据库抽象层,网站策略与安全,PHP调试、升级与优化,ThinkPHP框架,Zend Framework框架,明日导航网(ThinkPHP),明日搜索引擎(Zend Framework)等内容。配书光盘附带了实例的完整源程序。 《PHP开发实例大全(提高卷)》既适合PHP程序员参考和查阅,也适合PHP初学者,如高校学
This update to a Wrox bestseller dives in and guides the reader through the entire process of creating dynamic, data-driven sites using the open source "AMP" model: Apache Web server, the MySQL database system, and the PHP *ing language. The team of expert authors covers PHP *ing, database management, security, integration, and e-commerce functions and comes complete with a useful syntax reference. ·Showcases three fully functional Web site examples, with implementations for both Windows and Linux, that readers can incorporate into their own projects ·Updates include a new chapter on PHP5 features and functions, a new example Web site application, and updates to PHP5 throughout the text