Software, as an important carrier of information technology, has penetrated all aspects of political, economic, military, cultural, and social lives. However,with the increasing scale of software, software development, integration, and continuous evolution have become increasingly complex. Software defects caused by complexity frequently result in various accidents and even serious disasters.Consequently, research into trustworthy software has become an urgent need for national economic development. In 2007, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) began implementing the major research plan "The Fundamental Research for Trustworthy Software" (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) in response to the requirements of fundamental research on trustworthy software. It is one of the major research plans launched during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010), led by the Department of Information Sciences and organized and implemented in collaboration with the Department of
本书研究了一类新的铁基高温超导体的物理特性和电子结构。无论其化学组分和晶体结构有何不同,这些化合物都表现出了相似的物理特性。这归因于铁砷层中的电子载体和这些载体与磁序的相互作用。对于这种材料的巨大兴趣源于对其应用前景的高度期待。本书提供了对这一材料的研究的完整图像,包括已有的理论模型和电子结构研究。 本书读者对象为本领域的研究者以及对材料科学感兴趣的研究生。
This book systematically discusses some key technical problems in TBM construction planning of deep buried long tunnels. It not only shares the experience of practical work, but also introduces some new technologies and new achievements, to provide valuable information for readers.The book is divided into 13 chapters, including the layout of adits,TBM lectotype,configuration, assembly and departure, advancing,transportation, ventilation, cooling, drainage, power supply, precast concrete segment, solutions in unfavorable geological tunnel section and construction schedule for TBM construction.This book can be used as a reference for engineers and technicians in the field of underground engineering construction.
There are nine chapters in this book. The first chapter gives some introduction. The second chapter gives some mathematical preliminaries for the convenience of the subsequent theoretical analysis. The third to sixth chapters focus on the formation flight objective; and the distributed control algorithms are proposed in the cases of switching topology, distance based topology, parametric uncertainties and actuator faults, respectively. The seventh to ninth chapters focus on the formation tracking objective, In the seventh and eighth chapters, two distributed control algorithms are developed over undirected and directed topologies, respectively. In the ninth chapter, an output-feedback distributed control algorithm is developed in the absence of velocity and angular velocity information. This book is written for the readers who are working on the areas of aviation, robotics, aircraft, etc.
软件定义网络(SDN)是由软件定义、驱动,并且可编程的网络。《软件定义网络(影印版)》是SDN的全面、很好不错指南,详细讲解了sDN的新兴定义、协议和标准。两位资历的网络工程师在书中为读者讲解了构建软件定义网络(即使用软件在应用和底层网络设施之间进行双向通信)所必需的知识。 (美)纳多、格雷编著的《软件定义网络(影印版)》与具体厂商的产品无关,它讲解的是一些与带宽调度和操作、输入流量、触发行为等相关的SDN用例,另外还展示了一些与大数据、数据中心覆盖和网络功能虚拟化等相关的有趣用例。
本书将教授使用Unity进行虚拟现实开发的方方面面。你将学会如何使用Unity开发特定设备上(如Oculus Rift和Google Cardboard)的VR应用,如何同虚拟世界打交道。借助生动有趣的项目向你展示如何构建各种VR体验。除此之外,还通过Unity编辑器和C#来深入学习Unity 3D游戏引擎。在本书很后,你将有能力使用Unity设计出内容丰富的交互式虚拟现实体验。
This book systematically discusses some key technical problems in TBM construction planning of deep buried long tunnels. It not only shares the experience of practical work, but also introduces some new technologies and new achievements, to provide valuable information for readers.The book is divided into 13 chapters, including the layout of adits,TBM lectotype,configuration, assembly and departure, advancing,transportation, ventilation, cooling, drainage, power supply, precast concrete segment, solutions in unfavorable geological tunnel section and construction schedule for TBM construction.This book can be used as a reference for engineers and technicians in the field of underground engineering construction.
There are nine chapters in this book. The first chapter gives some introduction. The second chapter gives some mathematical preliminaries for the convenience of the subsequent theoretical analysis. The third to sixth chapters focus on the formation flight objective; and the distributed control algorithms are proposed in the cases of switching topology, distance based topology, parametric uncertainties and actuator faults, respectively. The seventh to ninth chapters focus on the formation tracking objective, In the seventh and eighth chapters, two distributed control algorithms are developed over undirected and directed topologies, respectively. In the ninth chapter, an output-feedback distributed control algorithm is developed in the absence of velocity and angular velocity information. This book is written for the readers who are working on the areas of aviation, robotics, aircraft, etc.
《静电加速器:一个多功能工具(英文)》是一部应用物理学的英文专著,中文书名可译为《静电加速器:一个多功能工具》。 作者有两位,一位为朗纳·海尔伯格,瑞典隆德大学物理系应用物理学的名誉全职教授,他在应用物理学领域使用静电加速器工作了50多年,另一位是哈里·J.惠特洛,美国物理学家。他是美国拉斐特路易斯安那大学物理学教授兼路易斯安那加速器中心主任。 《静电加速器:一个多功能工具(英文)》的目标是收集静电加速器领域的基础科学信息和技术信息,使其成为加速器工程师以及从事静电加速器研究的学生和研究人员的指南、参考手册和教科书。