Kaplan GRE Exam Subject Test: Biology features targeted review of all the concepts covered on the exam—cellular and molecular biology, organismal biology, ecology, and evolution. This invaluable guide also includes helpful practice quizzes to reinforce key concepts as well as Kaplanexclusive strategies and techniques to maximize your score. This powerful combination makes this book a highly effective way to prepare for the challenging biology subject test. Each book features: In-depth review of key content areas Essential terminology defined in context Practice quizzes covering key concepts Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies
Comprehensive content review, strategies, and practice for all sections of the GED (General Education Development) from a top expert. The GED is a high school equivalency test that is recognized by educational institutions and employers throughout the United States and Canada. Every year, hundreds of thousands of individuals obtain GED diplomas or certificates as a first step toward academic or professional advancement. While other GED guides are designed for classroom use, Kaplan GED is a self-study program, fully updated for the GED 2014 test changes. This GED self-study system includes: 500+ practice questions with detailed explanations Realistic full-length online practice test In-book diagnostic test with targeted areas for score improvement Additional full-length practice test in the book In-depth review of key content areas Detailed answers with explanations for every questi
25 lessons on the most frequently tested SAT topics in math, critical reading, and writing. Features include: -An overview of the question type -Common answer traps to avoid -Key formulas and rules -Sample questions with walk-through explanations -A 10-question practice quiz -A wealth of supplementary material online, including mobile applications, flashcards, and a full-length practice test
If you need to know it, it’s in this book. The best way toprepare for standardized tests is to practice, and this resourceoffers you plenty of opportunities to do just that. 1,014 GREPractice Questions, 3rd Edition has been updated for the changesmade to the GRE in August 2011, and includes: · A comprehensive GRE diagnostic exam to identify areas ofimprovement · Bonus vocabulary content from Word Smart for the GRE · 71 additional verbal, math, and essay drills, which includepractice questions covering the new GRE question types · Math drills broken down by geometric shape, such ascircles, triangles, and 3-D figures · Verbal drills that include the new Text Completion andSentence Equivalence question types · Detailed answer explanations for all practicequestions
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 2 is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 2 features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M includes: 2 full-length Biology E/M practice tests A full-length diagnostic test Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies Popular Test Periods: May, June, and November SAT Subject Test: Biology E Test Takers in 2006: 32,546 Test Takers in 2007: 33,599 Test Takers in 2008: 36,799 Average score in 2006: 591 Average score in 2007: 589 Average score in 2008: 593 SAT Subject Test: Biology M Test Takers in 2006: 38,171 Test Takers in 2007: 40,235 Test Takers in 2008: 39,523 Average score in 2006: 630 Average score in 2007: 630 Average score in 2008: 630 Many colleges use the Subject Tests for admissions and course placement. Used in combination with other background information (high school record, scores from other tests like the SAT, teacher recommendations, etc.), they provide a dependable measure of academic achievement and are a good predictor of future performance. Some colleges specify the Subject Test
Think a score of 800 is out of the question? Think again. Kaplan's GMAT 800, 2004-2005 Edition provides the advanced practice and extra tactics you need to help you get the absolute maximum score. Use this book along with the practice tests and review in Kaplan's best-selling GMAT guide, and getting the perfect score can become a reality. TOUGHEST QUESTIONS Practice with "high-octane" questions -- the toughest you'll see on the test -- and get comprehensive explanations, plus tips and techniques for answering them quickly and accurately. HARDEST MATH Target your review with focused approaches to the hardest math concepts you'll see on the GMAT. STRONGEST STRATEGIES Take apart the most complicated questions with Kaplan's powerful strategies for every question type on the GMAT. You'll learn how to get the most points in the least amount of time.
The most effective way to prepare for the new SAT is here! McGraw-Hill's SAT I is the only guide based on developing your reasoning abilities—the very skills the SAT is designed to measure—so you can out-think the test and find the right answers. Revised to include the latest changes to the SAT I after its launch in March 2005, this powerhouse preparation guide has the most complete guidance available for this exam. It helps you master eight essential thinking skills, allowing you to approach any problem from any angle, and solve it quicker and easier, even if it’s a question type you haven’t seen before. You get an in-depth look at all the changes to the SAT—including comprehensive coverage of Algebra II, critical reading, and the English Essay—as well as valuable time- and stress-management skills to help you stay focused, calm, and confident. And, this revised edition includes new sentence completions, Long Reading Questions, Short Reading questions, and Improving Sentence Questions. 作
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 1 is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 1 features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
SAT in a Box Third Edition features: 600 flashcards covering question types from each section of the SAT: Critical Reading, Writing, and Math Review of key math topics to builds foundation skills Practice with challenging multiple-choice grammar questions Difficult vocabulary words with sample sentences to help students learn words in context
Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Spanish features: 5 full-length practice tests (4 for SAT Subject Test: Spanish and 1 for SAT Subject Test: Spanish with Listening) Comprehensive grammar review with explanations of confusing verbs and vocabulary words Effective strategies to succeed on every question type。
The complete test prep tool that contains tips, strategies,and practice for students who want to sharpen their criticalreading skills for the SAT! As colleges across the country grow increasingly selective intheir admissions standards, students seek out SAT prep in an effortto get a top score and stand out in the college applicant pool. Anincrease in test takers means an increase in test prep materialsavailable to students, but no other products on the market canmatch the quality and experience behind Kaplan’s SATguides. Kaplan SAT Critical Reading Workbook provides everything studentsneed to conquer the Critical Reading section of the SAT exam. Thistargeted guide includes in-depth coverage of all pertinent SATcritical reading information, as well as effective score-raisingstrategies for building speed and accuracy from critical readingexperts. Not only does this tool contain everything a student needsto conquer the Critical Reading section of the exam, it alsoprovides key informati
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Physics. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Physics is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Physics features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
Organized for easy reference and crucial practice, coverage ofall the essential topics presented as 500 AP-style questions withdetailed answer explanations 5 Steps to a 5: 500 AP Statistics Questions to Know by Test Dayis tailored to meet your study needs—whether you’ve left it to thelast minute to prepare or you have been studying for months. Youwill benefit from going over the questions written to parallel thetopic, format, and degree of difficulty of the questions containedin the AP exam, accompanied by answers with comprehensiveexplanations. Features: 500 AP-style questions and answers referenced to core APmaterials Review explanations for right and wrong answers Additional online practice Close simulations of the real AP exams Updated material reflects the latest tests Online practice exercises