You will score higher. We guarantee it. SAT II: Writing 2003-2004 comes with a targeted review of all the material on the exam, plus Kaplan's proven test-taking strategies. This powerful combination makes SAT II: Writing a highly effective study guide that can help you to score higher on this intensive subject test, and enable you to approach the test with confidence. 5 full-length practice tests with complete explanations and score analysis The most up-to-date information on the test Effective strategies to succeed on every type of question, including Usage, Sentence Correction, and Paragraph Correction An intensive writing clinic to help you create clear, concise, and higher-scoring essays
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Explains some of the more troublesome and confusing aspects of English grammar under the topics of nouns, pronouns, verbs, modifiers, sentences, conjunctions and prepositions, and punctuation. Includes practice quizzes. 作者简介: Judi Kesselman-Turkel and Franklynn Peterson are the authors of Study Smarts and Test-Taking Strategies, as well as hundreds of articles and over a dozen books.