? Get the scoop on the essentials like cost, financial aidofferings, admissions requirements, deadlines, studentdemographics, campus activities, and facilities, all in auser-friendly format. ? Check out every school’s scores in three rating categories:Admissions Selectivity, Fire Safety, and Green Ratings! Inside the Complete Book of Colleges, you’ll find meticulouslyresearched information that will help you narrow the search for thebest college for you! Each user-friendly profile answers yourquestions, including: ? How much are tuition and other student fees and costs? ? What types of financial aid are available, and when are theapplications due? ? What do admissions officers most look for? Are some factors,such as recommendations and test scores, more important thanothers? ? Which majors are the most popular and have the highestenrollment? ? What is the housing like, and how accessible is technology oncampus? ? What are the key campus organizations, athl
Every English-language writer knows Strunk and White's famous little writing manual, The Elements of Style. Many people between the ages of seventeen and seventy can recite the book's mantra--make every word tell--and still refer to their tattered grade school copy when in need of a hint on how to make a turn of phrase clearer, or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. Considering that millions of copies have been sold to millions of devotees, you might not think to ask what could enhance this (almost) perfect classic. In fact, the addition of illustrations allows readers to experience the book's contents in a completely new way, making the whole learning experience more colorful and clear, as well as adding a whimsical element that compliments the subtly humorous tone of the prose. The Elements of Style Illustrated will come to be known as the definitive, must-have edition. Maira Kalman is the offbeat and wildly talented illustrator of twelve children's books, numerous covers
produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. Author Phil Zimbardo narrates the video series, as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body and bring psychology to life for introductory students. Each new copy of the text comes packaged — at no additional cost — with access to MyPsychLab, an online tool that includes links to the “Discovering Psychology” videos, as well as interactive viewing activities tied to the videos. Students can go to MyPsychLab to launch the videos and then either complete the viewing activities in their textbook or do the assignments online. There’s also an Index of Multimedia that makes it easy for instructors to find and launch specific video segments for classroom presentation. Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students special features and learning aids that will spark their interest and excite their imaginations.
Featuring examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, this title includes interactive study tools thatprovide you with the material you need for exam success.
教程:本书是专门为1年级小朋友运用原版英语做数学练习的,为小朋友中高年级阶段数学做准备。 本书亮点: 1、先学后练 通过新加坡学习法训练思维 方式,系统学习基础知识。 2、基础练习 课程配套同步基础练习题,巩固 知识点,了解孩子的薄弱项。 3、建模数学 新加坡数学注重建模教学,化抽象为具体,让孩子轻松理解题目的含义记忆牢固,理解深刻。 4、答案详解 配备详细解题答案,让孩子更加清晰知道解题思路。 练习册:learn master系列专门用来巩固提高知识点,以简答题为主,单项训练配合。没有压力感的刷题模式,提高小朋友解题效率。 每个主题有3个练习部分: 1、认知概念 让小朋友认识数学概念,并对数学概念逐步理解。 2、理解问题 通过考试式的习题,强化所学的概念并深化它们。 3、拓展思维 拓展分析能力,思考能力解决更具有挑战性的问题
★1.More help with college reading and writing: A chapter on academic writing explains the key academic skill of synthesizing your own and others' views as you write in response to texts and images. 2.More help with research writing: Material on finding and evaluating library and Web sources covers all kinds of print and electronic resources and shows you how to tell the difference between reliable and unreliable sources. 3.Up-to-date, more accessible help with citing sources: Detailed explanations and highlighted examples present the most recent revisions of MLA, APA, and CSE documentation styles and show how to document a wide range of print and electronic sources. A fourth style, Chicago, includes models for citing new media. 4.New help with the writing process: Four diagrams and a student work-in-progress on globalization and jobs illustrate how the writing process can serve you in college work. 5.Current, more accessible help with grammar and usage: Material on text-message and e-mail shortcuts gives ti
The aim of this monograph is to discuss several elliptic problems on Rn with two main features: they are variational and perturbative in nature, and standard tools of nonlinear analysis based on compactness arguments cannot be used in general. For these problems, a more specific approach that takes advantage of such a perturbative setting seems to be the most appropriate. The first part of the book is devoted to these abstract tools, which provide a unified frame for several applications, often considered different in nature.Such applications are discussed in the second part, and include semilinear ellipticproblems on Rn, bifurcation from the essential spectrum, the prescribed scalarcurvature problem, nonlinear SchrAdinger equations, and singularly perturbedelliptic problems in domains. These topics are presented in a systematic andunified way.