Imagine a field guide to all the animals you'd encounter on an African safari, but instead of looking at a photograph of them in the book you're reading, you're actually seeing a small film clip on the page of the animal in motion. It's a "PhoticularTM Book" - a lenticular-based technology that transfers fluid 4-color movies onto a book page. Why just read about the way a cheetah can run up to 60mph when you can actually watch him running, too? It's like having a coffee table book come to life in your hands. Featuring eight gorgeous animals (cheetah, rhino, elephant, giraffe, gazelle, zebra, gorilla, and lion), "Safari: A PhoticularTM Book" is full of the information you'd expect to hear from a real safari tour guide about each animal - plus an evocative first-person essay about the safari experience by nature writer and safari traveller, Carol Kaufmann. This spectacular book of "motion pictures" will leave you breathless.,
在它的门前添加一流的美食和丰富的葡萄酒产区,您可能会发现自己同意爱尔兰的城市Melburnians。 墨尔本Monocle旅游指南将带领您走进我们*喜爱的巷道,走进尖端画廊,撼动这座城市的艺术场景,并向您展示在现代主义建筑中何处惊叹。我们还收集了一些独立零售商,这些零售店备有澳大利亚*受欢迎的澳大利亚制造的回家,并通过城市的咖啡馆,餐馆和酒吧进行筛选,找到*好的设施,在这些设施中订购完美倒扁的白色*折纸机和光和胡椒瓶黑比诺。 墨尔本的天气可能充其量不稳定 - 这个城市在一天内四个赛季骑行的古老格言是值得注意的 - 但我们会给你足够的理由,让大雨肆虐,闪耀或敲击冰雹。 Monocle杂志在纽约,多伦多,苏黎世,香港,伊斯坦布尔,东京和新加坡设有办事处网络覆盖全球。它还聘用了30多名专职记者 - 从曼谷到波哥大,圣保罗到斯德哥
马德里是一个被改造了的城市。在经过了经济危机的刺激和新一代国民的决心改革使得西班牙首都马德里越变越好。传统和现代化的结合使其茁壮发展,你会在惊叹普拉多博物馆内的古老杰作的同时也会喜欢上新一波大厨师制作的奢华美食。 在饱览美食之后,要保留足够的能量到城市中的酒吧,剧院和俱乐部尽情得寻找和融入到这让人迷离的不夜城的欢乐当中去。事实上,当地人的喜欢享受每日好时光的特性是不过辩驳的,而Monocle团队的*挑战是让你自然而然的去邂逅,而不是牵强的去接受他们这种带传染性的开朗气质。尽情地去感受这座城市吧,当地的居民会非常感谢和欢迎喜欢玩乐的你到来。 Monocle --the magazine that covers urbanism and city design like no other --knows about the hidden gems in all the great cities. It also knows where to take an ambassador for breakfast, an on-the-go business par