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Completely revised and expanded, a first dictionary features more than five thousand words and hundreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, and maps, and includes information on how to use it.,Easy-to-use and packed with new images and illustrations, the Macmillan First Dictionary is the one to beat! This First Dictionary offers far more than the others--it's the most updated, contains charts and tables, and features more than double the illustrations and photos than similar dictionaries. This completely revised edition has been designed especially for beginning readers.,Completely revised and expanded, a first dictionary features more than five thousand words and hundreds of full-color photographs, illustrations, and maps, and includes information on how to use it.,
An extraordinary creative achievement by an extraordinary talent, Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series has captured a devoted following worldwide. This stunning new fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban brings more breathtaking scenes and unforgettable characters - including Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Professor Trelawney. With paint, pencil and pixels, Kay conjures the wizarding world as we have never seen it before. Fizzing with magic and brimming with humour, this full-colour edition will captivate fans and new readers alike as Harry, now in his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, faces Dementors, death omens and - of course - danger.,
《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》软皮 作者: 金庸 出版社:明河社出版有限公司 出版日:1976/12 ISBN: 2100000016037 語言:中文繁體 頁數: 870頁 裝訂:平裝 內容簡介: 《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》 《書劍恩仇錄》是一部講述清乾隆年間紅花會群雄在年輕總舵主陳家洛的率領下,反清複明的故 事。清朝大臣陳世倌之子、紅花會總舵主陳家洛獲悉一個驚天秘密:當朝皇帝乾隆竟是他胞兄。乾 隆下江南,兄弟相見,陳家洛以兄弟之情、民族大義力勸乾隆恢複漢室江山,乾隆虛與委蛇,假意 答應,一張暗藏殺機的大網卻在慢慢撒開 《書劍恩仇錄》一書中描寫了仁人志士對生命的堅 忍、對使命的執著,雖屢遭失敗,卻不掩人性的光輝。 作者簡介: 金庸(1924年2月6日--),香港 大紫荊勳賢 。原名查良镛,江西省婺源縣人,出生于