25 idées pour confectionner soi-même des pain-surprise quicontiennent chacun 4 types de petits sandwichs. La technique dedécoupe en fonction du type de pain. Des idées pour utiliserdifférentes sortes de pain (pain de seigle, mini ciabatta, pain demie, pain d'épices, pain brioché, etc.). Toute une partie decondiments, sauces, beurres différents à customiser. Une grandediversité de garnitures organisée autour de différents thèmes: leclassique, le terroir, à l'italienne, mini-ciabatta surprise, styledanois, carpaccio, tout canard, croque surprise, brunch, pain deNo?l, espana… 5 compositions de brioches (ou panetone) surpriseversion sucrées… Enfin, en bonus, une recette pour faire soi-mêmeun pain hors du commun (avec ou sans machine à pain).
The ultimate gift for the food lover. In the same way that 1,000 Places to See Before You Die reinvented the travel book, 1,000 Foods to Eat Before You Die is a joyous, informative, dazzling, mouthwatering life list of the world?s best food. The long-awaited new book in the phenomenal 1,000 . . . Before You Die series, it?s the marriage of an irresistible subject with the perfect writer, Mimi Sheraton?award-winning cookbook author, grande dame of food journalism, and former restaurant critic for The New York Times . 1,000 Foods fully delivers on the promise of its title, selecting from the best cuisines around the world (French, Italian, Chinese, of course, but also Senegalese, Lebanese, Mongolian, Peruvian, and many more)?the tastes, ingredients, dishes, and restaurants that every reader should experience and dream about, whether it?s dinner at Chicago?s Alinea or the perfect empanada. In more than 1,000 pages and over 550 full-color photographs, it celebrates haute and snack, comforting and exotic,
LE CREUSET完全制御手冊 原汁原味的烹煮鍋具, 才能做出感動人心的美味料理 收錄110道名廚經典料理, 【開胃菜?主食??配菜?燉湯??甜品?? 不可思議的美味,優雅上桌???「做菜就是將鍋中的食材培育出來,好鍋具甚至會教你做料理;LE CREUSET鑄鐵鍋,不僅能完整傳達料理??的心意,也獨有它,具備了回應料理者心情的能力??」─????本名廚??枝元Nahomi???美味料理的關鍵,在於徹底發揮食材原有的能量,讓品嚐的人瞬間感動??比如剛從冰箱取出的雞蛋,如果????始就以大火烹煮,蛋殼很容易因為溫度??遽變化??破裂;相反地,??過細火慢燉,讓溫度一點一滴??緩緩滲??進食材中,料理就會入味又好吃,一直暖到心底??因此,??溫柔加熱」無論對肉類、蔬菜或任何食材,甚至對人??來說,都具有不可思議的幸福力量?????餐廳或飯店的食物雖然也很棒,卻無法??續吃太多天;每天都能享受
An essential, hip guide to wine for the new generation of wine drinkers, from the creators of the award-wining site WineFolly.com Red or white? Cabernet or merlot? Light or bold? What to pair with food? Drinking great wine isn t hard, but finding great wine does require a deeper understanding of the fundamentals. Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine will help you make sense of it all in a unique infographic wine book. Designed by the creators of WineFolly.com, which has won Wine Blogger of the Year from the International Wine Spirits Competition, this book combines sleek, modern information design with data visualization and gives readers pragmatic answers to all their wine questions, including: Detailed taste profiles of popular and under-the-radar wines. A guide to pairing food and wine. A wine-region section with detailed maps. Practical tips and tricks for serving wine. Methods for tasting wine and identifying flavors. Packed with information and enco