This book has been deemed as a classic and has stood the test of time. The book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations.
《蘇菲的日記》 作者 Dora Musielak 譯者 洪萬生,洪贊天,黃俊瑋 出版社 三民書局股份有限公司 ISBN 9789571458793 分類 文學 世界文學 世界文學作品 出版日期 2014年01月 語言版本 中文(繁) 頁數 328 頁 版次 第 1 版 裝幀 平裝 內容簡介 《蘇菲的日記》是一部由法國數學家蘇菲.熱爾曼所啟發的小說作品。內容是以日記的形式,描述在法國大革命期間,一個女孩自修數學的成長故事。從故事中不僅能看到一個不平凡女孩的學習之旅,還能看到1789-1794年間,當時巴黎混亂社會的真實記述,而她後來也成為數學史上第一位且唯一一位對費馬最後定理之證明有實質貢獻的女性。 蘇菲.熱爾曼1776年出生於巴黎。有關她的童年或她如何進入數學領域,很少為人所知。最早寫她傳記的作家曾經寫道:她年輕時,冒用了工藝學院一位男生的名字,將
British ad exec Dylan Locke isn't looking for love. He isn't looking for fate. He's definitely not looking for Audrey Lind. She's pretty, far too young, and overly romantic--in short, exhausting. But when the girl, young enough to be his daughter, literally lands in his lap and asks for his expertise, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't interested. In her body, in her innocence, in her philosophy. In the kind of kismet that starts with kisses. But Audrey isn't looking for love either--she's looking for lessons, and she's certain Dylan knows everything she needs to learn. If he agrees to play the teacher can he keep his heart? Of course he can. Then again, he might be lying.
"A sexy, wild, and red-hot romance. I LOVE this man!" - Lauren Blakely, NYT Bestselling author of WELL HUNG and MISTER O A Standalone Contemporary Romance from the NYT Bestselling author of the Fixed Trilogy... I'm good in a boardroom, but I'm better in the bedroom. Much better. I can charm the skirt off any woman in one encounter. I'll even give her an orgasm before I put her in a cab. Or three. No more or she'll start making plans for the future and I'm not into that. Or I wasn't until Genevieve Fasbender. She's the first woman in five years that I want to spend the whole night with. And she's the first woman who's told me I'm not what she wants in a lover, even after multiple O's. She's brash and bold and stubborn as hell, and she doesn't believe it's possible to satisfy her. But I'm up for the challenge. And after an incident in my brother's office closet―a downright dirty incident―I think I'm just the guy to deliver. Genevieve Fasbender will never know what's
美德 出版日期:2014/04/30 印刷:半彩印刷 裝訂:平裝 頁數:176 出版社:聯經 作者:董啟章 繪者:梁偉恩 系列: 當代名家 開數:25開(高21×寬14.8cm) EAN:9789570843910 內容簡介 V城四部曲、各大文學獎、好書獎得主 2014年香港知名作家董啟章作品 《美德》──「自然史三部曲前言後語」: 《天工開物?栩栩如真》、《時間繁史?啞瓷之光》、《學習年代》 故事細說從頭,從這裡開始,也在這裡結束 聯合香港插畫家梁偉恩跨界跨域首度合作 時間:【先見】2023年6月;【後見】2024年6月 地點:V城,牛棚藝術村及十三街一帶 人物:林秉德(連鎖咖啡店經理)、石兼美(攀石運動員),及其他人物超過一百人 場景:【先見
2013 Reprint of 1941 Revised and Enlarged Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Tarski is considered one of the five greatest logicians of all time, alongside Aristotle (384-322 BCE), Boole (1815-1864), Frege (1848-1925) and G?del. This book, together with Aristotle's "Prior Analytics" and Boole's "Laws of Thought," should form the core of any logic library. This classic undergraduate treatment examines the deductive method in its first part and explores applications of logic and methodology in constructing mathematical theories in its second part. A thought-provoking introduction to the fundamentals and the perfect adjunct to courses in logic and the foundations of mathematics. Exercises appear throughout.
2010 Reprint of 1961 Edition. The purpose of this book is to show, through actual true stories, how imaging creates reality. The world in which we live is a world of imagination. In fact, life itself is an activity of imagining. Neville's work is a guide to human imagination, and the positive means of putting it to use, as well as the negative ones.
The Power of Awareness. In this book, author Neville presents a concise, unforgettable statement of his core philosophy: that the world around you is a picture in your mind's eye, created by your thinking, and susceptible to change by altering your thoughts and feelings.