Each page of the" Who Moved My Cheese? 2007 Calendar" offers readers a short slice of the book, an inspirational quotation with insightful commentary from Dr. Spencer Johnson, or once-a-week reflective questions or exercises readers can use to evaluate how well they are dealing with change. "Who Moved My Cheese?" has topped the "New York Times, Business Week," and "USA Today" lists, and, most remarkably, for more than 100 consecutive weeks captured #1 on the "Wall Street Journal" business best-seller list. Even in its seventh calendar year, the calendar offers readers new material with new questions and exercises on the weekend pages.
Perhaps no book in this generation has had a more profound impact on our intellectual and spiritual lives than The Road Less Traveled. With sales of more than 7 million copies in the United States and Canada, and translation into more than 23 languages, it has made publishing history, with more than 10 years on The New York Times bestseller list. Told in a voice that is timeless in its measure of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to enable us to explore the nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us determine how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one's own true self. Recognizing that "Life is difficult" and that the journey to spiritual growth is a long one, Dr. Peck never bullies his readers, but gently guides them through the hard and often painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding. Combining profound psychological insight and
《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》软皮 作者: 金庸 出版社:明河社出版有限公司 出版日:1976/12 ISBN: 2100000016037 語言:中文繁體 頁數: 870頁 裝訂:平裝 內容簡介: 《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》 《書劍恩仇錄》是一部講述清乾隆年間紅花會群雄在年輕總舵主陳家洛的率領下,反清複明的故 事。清朝大臣陳世倌之子、紅花會總舵主陳家洛獲悉一個驚天秘密:當朝皇帝乾隆竟是他胞兄。乾 隆下江南,兄弟相見,陳家洛以兄弟之情、民族大義力勸乾隆恢複漢室江山,乾隆虛與委蛇,假意 答應,一張暗藏殺機的大網卻在慢慢撒開 《書劍恩仇錄》一書中描寫了仁人志士對生命的堅 忍、對使命的執著,雖屢遭失敗,卻不掩人性的光輝。 作者簡介: 金庸(1924年2月6日--),香港 大紫荊勳賢 。原名查良镛,江西省婺源縣人,出生于
2010 Reprint of 1961 Edition. The purpose of this book is to show, through actual true stories, how imaging creates reality. The world in which we live is a world of imagination. In fact, life itself is an activity of imagining. Neville's work is a guide to human imagination, and the positive means of putting it to use, as well as the negative ones.
《蘇菲的日記》 作者 Dora Musielak 譯者 洪萬生,洪贊天,黃俊瑋 出版社 三民書局股份有限公司 ISBN 9789571458793 分類 文學 世界文學 世界文學作品 出版日期 2014年01月 語言版本 中文(繁) 頁數 328 頁 版次 第 1 版 裝幀 平裝 內容簡介 《蘇菲的日記》是一部由法國數學家蘇菲.熱爾曼所啟發的小說作品。內容是以日記的形式,描述在法國大革命期間,一個女孩自修數學的成長故事。從故事中不僅能看到一個不平凡女孩的學習之旅,還能看到1789-1794年間,當時巴黎混亂社會的真實記述,而她後來也成為數學史上第一位且唯一一位對費馬最後定理之證明有實質貢獻的女性。 蘇菲.熱爾曼1776年出生於巴黎。有關她的童年或她如何進入數學領域,很少為人所知。最早寫她傳記的作家曾經寫道:她年輕時,冒用了工藝學院一位男生的名字,將
Making your bed is a simple act with powerful consequences. To rise in the morning and complete the first task of the day will give you motivation to do more; to accomplish more. The bed also represents you. Few things in your home are more personal. Making your bed is a reflection of your discipline, your pride and your personal habits. If you can't get up in the morning and make your bed, what else are you incapable of doing? If you want to change the world, or just make yourself a little better, start off by making your bed. MAKE YOUR BED, based on a speech Admiral William H. McRaven (Ret) gave at University of Texas graduation, focuses on the lessons he learned from Navy Seal training that will help readers face and overcome challenges in their lives and ultimately change the world. Lessons include "find someone to help you paddle," "don't back down from sharks," "start singing when you're up to your neck in muck," and of course, "make your bed." Building from McRaven's powerful speech, this bo
Plus de 80 000 mots et expressions, 100 000 traductions, tout levocabulaire courant et actuel, de nombreux termes spécialisés, desnotes sur les faux-amis et les difficultés grammaticales. Ensupplément : Un guide de communication, une grammaire détaillée,les 150 expressions les plus courantes, une liste des verbesirréguliers anglais les plus courants. Inédit : Un guide deprononciation complet, accompagné de fichiers mp3 à télécharger,pour améliorer sa prononciation