As an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,William Queen must tackle a number of challenging cases. In thewinter of 1985, he faces his toughest mission to date: He mustapprehend Mark Stephens, a notorious narcotics trafficker who hasbeen terrorizing the communities around Los Angeles with frequentrampages involving machine guns and hand grenades. A recluse livingin the treacherous backwoods outside the city, Stephens is a wilysurvivalist. Nobody has been able to catch him, but Queen isdetermined to take him down. Queen’s unique expertise is not taughtin any police academy or ATF training seminar–he honed hisoutdoorsman abilities as a kid. He is adept at hunting and trappingand living for weeks in the wild. Queen will use these skills–alongwith surveillance, confidential informants, and intelligencegathering–as he doggedly tracks his dangerous quarry, a chase thatculminates in a gripping showdown high in the San BernardinoMountains.
Based on the combination of human development theories with feminist theories, this book has made deep analysis of the problems concerning women's development in contemporary China and put forward realistic solutions to these problems. Chapter one probes into the key and hot points of women' s development in the transforming period and asks what the reasonable mode of women's development is. Chapter two gives theoretical analysis of women's development and emphasizes the significance of gender perspective in human development. Chapter three reviews the historical course of Chinese women's development covering its merits and demerits,experience and characteristics.
Book De*ionNationally renowned author and professional dog trainer Liz Palika presents a comprehensive training guide geared to teaching the average owner how to train their dog and to help their dog become a well-mannered addition to the household. Each title includes chapters on how to select the right dog for you, canine development, puppy training, housebreaking, formal training, basic obedience, problem prevention and solutions, advanced training, dog sports, and how to have fun while training your dog. These books are guaranteed to help the owner train his dog and at the same time form a rewarding relationship. Book Dimensionlength.
Teachers are simply the best. They're the special breed of people who strive to infuse us with an appreciation for the miraculous world in which we live and a sincere passion for learning. What better way to sing their praises than by declaring more than a thousand great things about them' That's what the successful author trio of Birnbach, Hodgman, and Marx does in this fourth book of their highly successful 1,003 Great Things series. This wonderfully humorous book features entries such as: o They are as happy about Friday as you are. o They tend to have highly legible handwriting. o Who else knows how important it is to be line leader' o They are excellent spellers. o Teachers know about Roman numerals. o They are more afraid of the principal than you are. o They lend you milk money when you forget yours. o They're not in it for the money.
The dissenting opinions of Patrick Henry and others who sawthe Constitution as a threat to our hard-won rights andliberties. Edited and introduced by Ralph Ketcham.
Gr 8 Up-In this gritty novel of World War II, 16-year-old Erik Brandt is forced to fight for the emaciated German army, and because of his knowledge of the Russian language, he is sent to the Russian front. The train trip that Erik and the other young men take is symbolic of their transition from child to man. These boys are sent to the front with only a few weeks of basic training and the directions to kill or be killed. After the first battle, Erik makes the life-altering decision to take the uniform of a dead Russian soldier and pretends to be Russian for most of his remaining time as a soldier, surviving serious wounds and finding the love of his life while he recuperates in a war hospital. There he pretends to have amnesia and takes the moniker "Soldier X." When the hospital is attacked, Erik and his girlfriend escape. After a harrowing journey filled with enemy encounters, they find a safe house in Czechoslovakia and eventually make their way to Berlin. The story is framed with a prologue and epilogue f
Grade 2-4-The adorable and intelligent hamster introduced in The World According to Humphrey (Putnam,2004) is dismayed to find that he shares his status as classroom pet with a frog.Try as he might,Humphrey cannot seem to make friends with Og,who just splashes him or says"BOING!"The little rodent,who can secretly write,learn,and get out of his cage,also uses his wits to effect positive outcomes of the various subplots,including a new girl who won't talk and has trouble making friends,two pals who get into a terrible fight,a bully who causes trouble on the bus,and the janitor who dreams of going back to college.The theme of friendship is as pervasive as the title implies,making this chapter book a charming read-aloud.Pair this tale with Frank Asch's Survival School(S & S,2003)for an appreciation of animals in the classroom.
Welcome to Step by Step: A Teacher's Survival Guide. This guide is for first-time teachers, home educators, parents, and others who would like to implement new ideas in a learning program. It offers practical tips and steps for helping you organize and manage your instructional program. The suggestions and activities in this book provide teacher-tested strategies to help you structure your learning environment before the students arrive. The book also provides easy-to-implement ideas to help you maintain an efficiently structured environment once the children are there. The symbols at the right will help you identify various types of activities. Remember, you can adapt any suggestion to your specific needs. 作者简介: Sally Palow motivated children in the classroom for sixteen years before beginning her career as an educational writer and product developer. In addition to creating instructional materials, Sally regularly presents educational workshops to parents and teachers.