The Knopf Canada Book of Healing Foods is a guide for everydayliving, and the fastest way to understand how the foods you eat canhelp to heal, and help you remain healthy. There's a healing food for almost every common health problem -from colds, stress, insomnia and high blood pressure to morecomplicated illnesses - and most are as close as your local grocer.Healing Foods is an indispensable guide to choosing the best foodsfor an active life - a bright and friendly market of knowledge thatmakes the time you spend at the dinner table an investment inspirited living. In beautiful colour, it also highlights health-giving foods andtheir nutritional and medicinal benefits. Information on buying,storing and preparing healing foods is clearly listed, and eachitem - from pineapples and chilies to almonds and apricots - islinked to delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes from around theworld. A questionnaire helps you assess your diet and general health topinpoint problem areas, while a section on
Put Your Best Face Forward! How many times have you plucked, waxed, trimmed, stenciled, orpenciled your eyebrows -- or paid someone else to do it for you?It's hard to control the outcome of these methods when you're athome standing in front of a mirror or in a salon letting a strangermake the decisions for you. Now whether you do it yourself or go toa pro, Beautiful Brows puts you in control: Discover the best brow shape for your face. Learn what to do with too much or too little hair. Determine the pros and cons of waxing vs. tweezing. Maintain your new look. Filled with illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions, Beautiful Brows will show you the secrets for getting thelook you want, whether it's sexy, elegant, polished, professional,or just plain beautiful.
America s Most Reliable Vitamin Guide...Completely Updated!Weve all heard about the miraculous curative and preventive powers ofvitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies. Now the new, revisedVitamin Book, compiled by pharmacological experts, cuts through theconfusion so you learn what to take and is authoritative andup-to-date scientific information on exactly what vitamins,minerals, and herbal remedies can do for you. You ll find: Detailedde*ions of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, andelectrolytes, including daily requirements, dosages, therapeuticuses, and more The latest research on St. John s wort, echinacea,CoQ10, DHEA, and other popular herbal and dietary supplements Anessential guide to brand-name multivitamins found in yoursupermarket or health food store Specific recommendations forchildren, athletes, seniors, and pregnant or postmenopausal womenGuidelines for safe supplement use, including megadosing andcritical drug interactions The nutrient content of hundreds ofcommon foods, including pop
Here's the book you'll wish you read before your very first date. Renowned relationship expert Barbara de Angelis, Ph .d reveals:
The Development of EnvironmentalProtection inChinaEnvironmental Challenges FacingChina in the 21 stCenturyEnvironmental Protection andPublic ParticIpationBuilding aHarmonious Society andForming an Outlook ofScientificDevelopment.
If you're like most people, your life is so hectic that it'shard to imagine squeezing in time for daily exercise. The good newsis that you can get fit without an expensive gym membership orrigorous workout schedule. New research proves that you can "sneakup" on fitness by grabbing a little time here and there throughoutthe day so you total at least thirty minutes of moderateactivity on most days. The American Heart Association's Fitting inFitness guide will show you how to work spurts of activity into theway you live right now. Those few minutes can add up to hugerewards, including a stronger heart and bones, higher energylevels, better weight control, and more. You'll find hundreds of tips for fitting in fitness in thiseasy-to-use, inspiring guide. You'll even learn how to bring yourkids into the act and have a lifestyle program that works for allof you.