《中文版Autodesk Revit Architecture 2022从入门到精通(实战案例版)》详细介绍了BIM软件Revit Architecture 2022在建筑设计方面的使用方法和应用技巧,它是一本BIM基础教程,同时包含了大量的BIM视频教程。 《中文版Autodesk Revit Architecture 2022从入门到精通(实战案例版)》全书共3篇20章,其中第1篇为基础篇,内容包括 Revit 2022入门、辅助建模工具、创建族和概念体量,帮助读者初步掌握Revit 2022的基本功能;第2篇为提高篇,整篇以别墅设计为例,详细介绍了模型布局、结构设计、各个建筑结构单元设计(柱、梁、桁架、墙、楼板、门窗、屋顶、楼梯)、房间图例和家具布置、场地设计、漫游和渲染及施工图设计等Revit实现过程;第3篇为综合篇,通过一个宾馆大楼的综合设计实例,详细介绍了Revit建筑设计的全过程。本书在讲解过程中理论联系实际,对实例的讲解配有
Abby has lived in the same house for as long as she can remember. But now her parents have decided that they need to move...and their house is on the market before the kids have even digested the news! Abby feels safe and secure in her old neighborhood, where all her friends are nearby. She doesn't care that she'll soon have her own bathroom and a pool in her backyard. She doesn't even care that she'll get to stay in the same school. Abby doesn't want to move! Whatever happened to the Hayeses making decisions together? And why do they have to move so close to Brianna?