畅销美国400多万册,被翻译成16种语言畅销全球; 让数百万孩子、父母和老师受益终身的经典之作; 自1981年本书第一版出版以来,《正面管教》已经成为管教孩子的 黄金准则 简 尼尔森 教育学博士、杰出的心理学家 在本书中告诉21世纪的父母和老师们: 惩罚和娇纵为什么对孩子都不好,并且不管用? 怎样用既不惩罚又不娇纵的正面管教方法培养孩子受益终生的良好品质? 如何用正面管教方法自动消除孩子的不良行为? 如何赢得孩子与父母和老师的合作? 如何消解大人与孩子之间的权力之争? 超级父母 对孩子会有什么危害? 各种性格的父母对孩子会有什么正反两方面的影响?父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响? 老师们如何避免对孩子造成管教问题? 从3岁到青春期的十几岁的孩子以及孩子的父母和老师,都将
★What will your child be expected to learn in the secondgrade? How can you help him or her at home? This book answers theseimportant questions and more, offering the specific sharedknowledge that hundreds of parents and teachers across the nationhave agreed upon for American second graders. Designed for parentsand teachers to enjoy with children, this revised second-gradevolume of The Core Knowledge Series presents the knowledge andskills that should be at the core of a challenging second-gradeeducation,including: *Favorite poems *Literature *Learning about language *World and American history and geography *Visual arts *Music *Math *Science
The most complete, comprehensive birthday forecastavailable--synthesizing the secrets of astrology, numerology, andfixed stars! In this delightfully addictive, wholly accessible book, twoskilled astrologers guide you toward greater psychological insight,self-awareness, and a keen understanding of your unique position inthe universe. Packed with an extraordinary wealth of knowledge andclear, easy-to-interpret graphs and charts, The Power of Birthdays,Stars and Numbers provides: BIRTHDAY FORECASTS--366 profiles--one for each day of theyear--reveal your positive and negative personality traits, careerstrengths, tips on love and relationships, your secret self, yourbest days for romance and friendship, potential fatal attractions,famous people who share your birthday, and much more! INCLUDING! FIXED STARS--Though astrologers have used fixed stars forcenturies, now the general public can reap the rewards of thisclassic method for enlightenment. The stars that line the heavensradiate
Fifteen thousand children under the age of fifteen passedthrough the Terezin Concentration Camp. Fewer than 100 survived. Inthese poems and pictures drawn by the young inmates, we see thedaily misery of these uprooted children, as well as their hopes andfears, their courage and optimism. 60 color illustrations.
This completely revised and attractively redesigned edition ofone of the most popular volumes in the bestselling Core KnowledgeSeries features up-to-date ideas and information based on inputfrom parents and teachers across the country. With sixteen pages of full-color illustrations, a bolder,easier-to-follow format, and a thoroughly updated curriculum, WhatYour Fifth Grader Needs to Know, Revised Edition, reflects the CoreKnowledge Foundation’s ongoing commitment to providing a solideducational foundation for today’s elementary schoolstudents. What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know, Revised Edition, covers thebasics of language arts, history and geography, visual arts, music,math, and science. A collection of American speeches, tales fromaround the world, math problems, and biographies of famousscientists add to the book’s usefulness and enhance the pleasure ofboth adult and child as they work together. Hundreds of thousandsof children have benefited from the Core Knowledge Series. This
Your infant is crying and you don’t know why. Your toddlerrefuses every kind of food–except one. Your preschooler wages warwith you each morning over what to wear. Every day, parentsstruggle unsuccessfully to understand why their children act theway they do. Now child development expert Priscilla J. Dunstanbreaks down those barriers to understanding with this revolutionaryand accessible guide that teaches a new way ofparenting–custom-designed for each child’s personality. The product of eight years of groundbreaking research, this bookwill help you understand how your child interacts with the world.Dunstan begins from the premise that every child has his or her owndominant sensory “interface” with the world. Some children arehighly sensitive to touch, others to sound or to sight. And someare unusually sensitive to all outside stimuli, especially tasteand smell. This sensitivity affects how your child behaves, learns,and communicates from the very first days of life. Uncovering yourchi
An exceptional father-son story about the reality that testsus, the myths that sustain us, and the love that saves us. Paul Coates was an enigmatic god to his sons: a Vietnam vet whorolled with the Black Panthers, an old-school disciplinarian andnew-age believer in free love, an autodidact who launched apublishing company in his basement dedicated to telling the truehistory of African civilization. Most of all, he was a wilytactician whose mission was to carry his sons across the shoals ofinner-city adolescence—and through the collapsing civilization ofBaltimore in the Age of Crack—and into the safe arms of HowardUniversity, where he worked so his children could attend forfree. Among his brood of seven, his main challenges were Ta-Nehisi,spacey and sensitive and almost comically miscalibrated for hisenvironment, and Big Bill, charismatic and all-too-ready for thechallenges of the streets. The Beautiful Struggle follows theirdivergent paths through this turbulent period, and their father