Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children (英语) 平装 内容简介 P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost forty years ago as the first national parent-training program to teach parents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offer step-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybody wins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, and proven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you. Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, this groundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids will listen to you How to teach your children to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results: less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment. Whethe
畅销美国400多万册,被翻译成16种语言畅销全球; 让数百万孩子、父母和老师受益终身的经典之作; 自1981年本书第一版出版以来,《正面管教》已经成为管教孩子的 黄金准则 简 尼尔森 教育学博士、杰出的心理学家 在本书中告诉21世纪的父母和老师们: 惩罚和娇纵为什么对孩子都不好,并且不管用? 怎样用既不惩罚又不娇纵的正面管教方法培养孩子受益终生的良好品质? 如何用正面管教方法自动消除孩子的不良行为? 如何赢得孩子与父母和老师的合作? 如何消解大人与孩子之间的权力之争? 超级父母 对孩子会有什么危害? 各种性格的父母对孩子会有什么正反两方面的影响?父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响? 老师们如何避免对孩子造成管教问题? 从3岁到青春期的十几岁的孩子以及孩子的父母和老师,都将
Nature didn’t finish your child’s brain at birth. It’s up toyou to maximize your child’s mental skills without causingadditional stress. Acclaimed neurologist David Perlmutter, MD,offers these valuable tools: Simple games to reinforce memory pathways in the brain Information on common household products and children’s toys thatcontain brain-damaging neurotoxins The right foods and supplements to boost intelligence and turn onyour child’s smart genes How to turn the television, the computer, and video games intoeducational tools Proven ways to reduce the risk of your child developing ADD andADHD Between birth and age five, your child has up to thirty IQ pointsat stake. Scientists now know that the human brain is undergoing aconstant and dramatic transformation in the first years of life.During this peak time of development, every activity and experienceleaves an indelible mark on your baby’s brain, for better or worse.The right kind of stimulation and nu
What is it about four-year-olds that makes them solovable? What problems do four-year-olds have? What canthey do now that they couldn't do at three? Drs. Amesand Ilg, recognized authorities on child behavior anddevelopment, discuss these and scores of other questionsunique to four-year-old girls and boys, and they offerparents practical advice and enlightening psychologicalinsights.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success was a phenomenon thattouched millions of lives. Its author, Deepak Chopra, receivedthousands of letters from parents who expressed the desire toconvey the principles they had learned to their children, alongwith questions about how to do so. The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents is Dr. Chopra’s answer tothose parents who wish to raise children with values that satisfyspiritual needs as well as create the experience of abundance.Exploring specific ways to practice the Seven Spiritual Laws as afamily, Chopra explains how to convey these laws to children, andhow to embody them in age-specific activities each day. The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents moves us beyond a focus onprivate triumphs and failures to experience the spiritual nature ofcommunion with family, to share with those closest to us theinfinite riches of innocence and love. The deepest nurturing you can give your child is spiritualnurturing. There are seven si
P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost fortyyears ago as the first national parent-training program to teachparents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offerstep-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybodywins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, andproven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you.Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, thisgroundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids willlisten to you How to teach yourchildren to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results:less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment.Whether you have a toddler striking out for independence or ateenager who has already started rebelling, you'll find P.E.T. acompassionate,
Today’s busier, faster, supersized society is waging anundeclared war . . . on childhood. As the pace of life acceleratesto hyperspeed–with too much stuff, too many choices, and too littletime–children feel the pressure. They can become anxious, havetrouble with friends and school, or even be diagnosed withbehavioral problems. Now, in defense of the extraordinary power ofless, internationally renowned family consultant Kim John Paynehelps parents reclaim for their children the space and freedom thatall kids need, allowing their children’s attention to focus andtheir individuality to flourish. Based on Payne’s twenty year’s experience successfully counselingbusy families, Simplicity Parenting teaches parents how to worryand hover less–and how to enjoy more. For those who want to slowtheir children’s lives down but don’t know where to start, Payneoffers both inspiration and a blueprint for change. · Streamline your home environment. The average child has morethan 150 toys.
The Breastfeeding Book Your Doctor Recommends Why is breastfeeding best for my baby? Will I like it? What if ithurts? What happens when my maternity leave is over? Will I be ableto use a breast pump? How can I make this work? The American Academy of Pediatrics, the organization thatrepresents the nation’s finest pediatricians, answers thesequestions and many more in this invaluable resource to help you andyour baby get the healthiest possible start. The benefits ofbreastfeeding will last a lifetime, for both you and yourbaby. Here is everything new mothers need to know about breastfeeding.From preparing for the first feeding to adjusting to home, family,and work life as a nursing mother, this comprehensive resourcecovers: ? Preparing for breastfeeding before your baby is born ? Breastfeeding benefits for mothers and babies, including themost recent neurological, psychological, and immunological researchshowing why breastfeeding enhances your infant’s immune system andp
Most parents try to treat their twins as individuals, but most unwittingly undermine their best intentions because they lack a practical set of guidelines for raising emotionally healthy multiples. Drawing on her unique experience as a twin, the mother of twins, and as a psychotherapist, Dr. Joan A. Friedman outlines the seven key concepts for helping twins develop into self-realized, unique individuals and offers parents specific strategies for each stage in their children’s growth. From how to set up the nursery to handling playdates and extracurricular activities, from deciding on same or separate classroom education to encouraging grandparents and other family members to think beyond the pair to see individuals, Emotionally Healthy Twins will become the standard reference for parenting twins.
★What will your child be expected to learn in the secondgrade? How can you help him or her at home? This book answers theseimportant questions and more, offering the specific sharedknowledge that hundreds of parents and teachers across the nationhave agreed upon for American second graders. Designed for parentsand teachers to enjoy with children, this revised second-gradevolume of The Core Knowledge Series presents the knowledge andskills that should be at the core of a challenging second-gradeeducation,including: *Favorite poems *Literature *Learning about language *World and American history and geography *Visual arts *Music *Math *Science