^_^:fd5e331042b72e4a185e711fd8ae3d78 ^_^:2415db8c12f42e32da576998601367e2 ^_^:6a1f5be55be2c13f367e482faddcf833
图书基本信息 Arthur and the Mystery of the Stolen Bike 作者 : Marc Brown ISBN13 : 9780316133630 类型 : 简装(简装书) 语种 : 英语(English) 出版日期 : 2012-03-05 出版社 : Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 页数 : 64 重量(克) : 22 尺寸 : 18.796 x 12.954 x 1.016 cm 商品简介 Fans of Arthur can take their reading to the next level with this illustrated chapter book perfect for gradeschool readers, featuring themes of writing, creativity and confidence. 书评与摘要 When Arthur and his friends go bike riding, Francine is embarrassed by her Father's hand-me-down bicycle. It's a real clunker. So when Francine reports that the bike is stolen, her friends rally to find the thief. Will Arthur and his friends discover the true fate of Francine's bike? ^_^:8b9df12ff2c15f943db594afb14db1d5 ^_^:aa0640a84e13a75e14bbc6726f0a0f65
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装 帧:平装 作 者:Sandra Markle 开 本:20.3x25.4cm 页 数:32页 语 言:英语 ISBN:9781338666144 出版社:Scholastic 内容简介: If you could have any animal's coat, whose would you choose? What if you woke up one morning and discovered your body was covered in an animal's scales, feathers, or fur instead of your own skin? How would that change your life? What If You Had Animal Scales!? is the next imaginative book in Sandra Markle's popular What If You Had series. If you had a chinchilla's fur, you'd never need to worry about bug spray. If you had a hammerhead shark's scales, you'd be the fastest swimmer on the team! And if you had a honeybee's coat, you'd always bring home the biggest haul on Halloween. Discover what your life would be like if you had these special coats -- and find out why your skin is just right for you!
老火湯滋潤、解燥、祛濕、消暑,強健體魄,但家傭懂得選配材料嗎? 此湯譜由資深烹飪專家FelizChan撰寫,分享多款受歡迎的老火湯水,以精簡的文字及步驟圖片,為家傭講解湯水的療效、烹調竅門及處理方法。此外,她更巧妙地用湯料燜煮菜式,一湯一(食送),必成為餐桌上的美食主角。 書內詳細介紹各式材料及廚櫃常備的湯料,更附廣東話拼音,方便家傭購買時容易掌握。此書內容豐富,必成為家傭的入廚手冊。
基本信息 商品名: 儿童品格教育系列:团结起来咯咯哒(精装绘本)9787510674839 ISBN: 9787510674839 定价: 58 出版社: 现代教育出版社 作者: 百舜翻译 参考信息(以实物为准) 出版时间: 2020-04-01 印刷时间: 版次: 1 印次: 1 包装: 平装 开本: 8开 用纸: 胶版纸 页数: 字数: 产品特色 编辑推荐 这是一则风趣幽默的寓言故事,意想不到的结局让人忍俊不禁。鸡群里丢了两只鸡,有些鸡猜想它们是被狐狸抓走的,于是群鸡决定起义向捕猎者狐狸宣战,但是这个起义组织比预期的要复杂得多...该由谁来领导?怎样排兵布阵?一起来揭秘吧
The Stories Huey Tells 作者: Ann Cameron;Roberta Smith ISBN13: 9780679885597 类型: 简装(简装书) 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 1997-09-08 出版社: Random House Books for Young Readers 页数: 112 重量(克): 90 尺寸: 19.4564 x 13.4112 x 0.7112 cm It isn't easy being Julian's younger brother. When Huey wants to study animal tracks with Julian and his friend Gloria, Julian tells him he's too young. But he's not a little kid. He's six years old and he's an adventurer, a chef, a tracker, a scout--and much more!If you loved The Stories Julian Tells, just wait until you meet his younger brother, Huey This beloved and bestselling chapter book series is all about family, imagination, and friendship It isn't easy being Julian's younger brother. When Huey has bad dreams, Julian says his are scarier. When Huey wants to study animal tracks, Julian says he's too young.
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[寫前基本練習]共有兩輯,輯《手眼協調練習》,第二輯《視覺恆常性練習》。 《手眼協調練習》共分三册,這套書並不足敦幼兒立刻寫字,而是練習他們的拇指、食指和中指的控制,並藉此幫助幼兒小肌肉的運動。