本书是数字通信领域一本优秀的经典教材。本书在内容上既论述了数字通信的基本理论问题,又对数字通信新技术进行比较深入的分析。本书采用了信号空间和等效低通分析方法,根据*接收准则,先后讨论并分析了在加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道、带限信道(有符号间干扰和加性噪声)以及多径衰落信道三种典型信道条件下的数字信号可靠高效传输及其*接收问题。从信号传输角度主要介绍了通信信号、数字调制、自适应均衡、多天线系统和*接收内容,从信息传输角度主要介绍了信息论基础、信道容量和信道编码等内容。 本书取材新颖,讨论问题系统全面、逐步深入、概念清晰,理论分析严谨、逻辑性强,习题和参考资料丰富。本书适合信息和通信专业的高年级本科生、研究生及科技、工程技术人员阅读。
本书全面介绍了抽样调查的基本理论和方法,并结合实践给出许多调查示例。参照这些例证过程,读者可以设计出精确度高、成本低的抽样调查方案。不同于一般介绍抽样调查的书籍,本书着重强调采用现代统计方法学来设计抽样调查方案及分析数据。书中介绍了许多流行的抽样调查方法,如不等概率抽样法、贝叶斯方法、刀切法、自助法、多重抽样法等。而且,每章的结尾都给出与具体数据相关的习题和参考文献。 本书只要求读者具备高等代数和概率统计基础知识,适合作为高等院校高年级本科生和研究生的教材,也可供进行抽样调查的实际工作者使用。
Information you can put straight to work!ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits)and SOCs (Systems On a Chip) are among the hottest topics in semiconductor chip design today. If you're a front-end or back-end chip designer looking to learn the latest techniques and methodologies, this book is for you.From ASICs to SOts: A Practical Approach explains ASIC and SOC design and verification for the real world--by covering the same issues and dilemmas you'll face on the job!An emphasis on techniques and principles over the particulars of design tools gives you a deeper understanding of the material and will make you much more effective in your work,regardless which tools you use. Topics include: ·Methodologies and design flows for front-end and back-end designs ·Modern physical design techniques ·Integration of IPs on SOC designs ·Low-power design techniques and methodologies ·VolP (Voice over IP) and STB (Set-Top Box) SOC design examples ·Tips and guidelines for front-end and back-end designs With co
本书是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的经典教材之一,书中讨论了信号与系统分析的基本理论、基本分析方法及其应用。全书共分11章,主要讲述了线性系统的基本理论、信号与系统的基本概念、线性时不变系统、连续与离散信号的傅里叶表示、傅里叶变换以及时域和频域系统的分析方法等内容。 本书作者使用了大量在滤波、抽样、通信和反馈系统中的实例,并行讨论了连续系统、离散系统、时域系统和频域系统的分析方法,使读者能透彻地理解各种信号系统的分析方法并比较其异同。 本书可作为通信与电子系统类、自动化类以及全部电类专业信号与系统课程的双语教材,也可以供所有从事信息获取、转换、传输及处理工作的其他专业研究生、教师和广大科技工作者参考。
本书被IEEE Spectrum杂志称为“电路领域的经典之作”,是欧美“电路”课程采用为广泛的教材。全书共分l8章,系统地讲述了电路的基本概念、基本理论、基本分析和计算方法。主要内容有电路基本元件、简单电阻电路分析、电路常见分析法、运算放大器基本应用电路、一阶和二阶动态电路的分析、正弦稳态分析及其功率计算、平衡三相电路、拉普拉斯变换及其应用、选频电路、有源滤波器、傅里叶级数及傅里叶变换、双端口网络等。书中结合生活中的实际应用展开,给出了大量的例题、习题和详尽的图表资料,内容新颖,讲解透彻,是一本电路分析的优秀教材。 本书是电气、电子、计算机与自动化等本科专业电路课程的双语教材,也可供相关学科的科技人员自学或参考。
A lot has happened in the field of condensed matter physics since the original edition of "Green's functions for Solid State Physicists" was published in 1974. Nevertheless, the book has helped introduce several generations of condensed matter physics graduate students to the very powerful ideas of quantum many body theory and some of their ap-plications, particularly those in the physics of itinerant magnetism and superconductivity that have nowadays come to be called "the correlated electron problem". In preparing for the reprint edition, two new chapters have been added to the original text to provide an introduction to the recent de-velopments in this branch of condensed matter physics. Chapter 11 focuses on the understanding of the Kondo problem which grew out of the exact solutions developed in the mid 1970's. The accompanying growth of experimental work culminating in the discovery of the heavy fermion superconductors gave substance to the idea that Coulomb re-pulsion between electrons in a narrow
Chapter 1 was expanded by a discussion of the discovery of solitons in the field of electromagnetic waves and optics. A new section devoted to nonlinear transmission lines and their applications in the microwave range has been added to Chap. 3. It seems to me that it was important to describe laboratory experiments on modulational instability, and subsequent generation of solitons, both in electrical transmission lines and in deep water in Chaps. 4 and 5. A de*ion of a very simple experimental pocket version of the mechanical transmission line has been included in Chap. 6. Such a versatile and useful device should stimulate a practical approach to soliton physics. Chapter 7 was completed by a short presentation of some recent experimental results on discrete Josephson transmission lines. A discussion of the experimental modulational instability of coupled optical waves and a simple look at quantum solitons were added to Chap. 8 in order to introduce the reader to such remarkable topics.
Books 2 and 3 correspond to Chap. V-IX of the first edition. They study schemes and complex manifolds, two notions that generalise in different directions the varieties in projective space studied in Book 1. Introducing them leads also to new results in the theory of projective varieties. For example, it is within the framework of the theory of schemes and abstract varieties that we find the natural proof of the adjunction formula for the genus of a curve, which we have already stated and applied in Chap. IV, 2.3. The theory of complex analytic manifolds leads to the study of the topology of projective varieties over the field of complex numbers. For some questions it is only here that the natural and historical logic of the subject can be reasserted; for example, differential forms were constructed in order to be integrated, a process which only makes sense for varieties over the (mai or) complex fields. Changes from the First Edition
本书是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的经典教材之一,书中讨论了信号与系统分析的基本理论、基本分析方法及其应用。全书共分11章,主要讲述了线性系统的基本理论、信号与系统的基本概念、线性时不变系统、连续与离散信号的傅里叶表示、傅里叶变换以及时域和频域系统的分析方法等内容。 本书作者使用了大量在滤波、抽样、通信和反馈系统中的实例,并行讨论了连续系统、离散系统、时域系统和频域系统的分析方法,使读者能透彻地理解各种信号系统的分析方法并比较其异同。 本书可作为通信与电子系统类、自动化类以及全部电类专业信号与系统课程的双语教材,也可以供所有从事信息获取、转换、传输及处理工作的其他专业研究生、教师和广大科技工作者参考。
本书是一部经典著作,着重介绍了计算机算法设计领域的统一原则和基本概念。书中深入分析了一些计算机模型上的算法,介绍了一些有效算法常用的数据结构和编程技术,为读者提供了有关递归方法、分治方法和动态规划方面的详细实例和实际应用,并致力于更有效算法的设计和开发。同时,对NP完全等问题能否有效求解进行了分析,并探索了应用启发算法解决问题的途径。另外,本书还提供了大量富有指导意义的习题。 本书可以作为高等院校计算机专业本科生和研究生算法设计课程的教材,也可以作为计算机算法理论中更高级课程的教材。
本书全面而清晰地论述了半导体光学的物理概念,并引导读者把复杂的实验现象与简明的概念联系起来.是这一领域一本难得的好书。 部分目次:麦克斯韦方程与光子;解耦合振子系综;表面极化声子;K—K关系;激子;声子和等离激元的光学性质;束缚、局域激子及缺陷态的光学性质;外场作用下的激子;高激发子效应与非线性光学。
《DAN芯片》共两册,汇集了DNA芯片技术领域各个环节的专家,对DNA芯片技术进行了一次全方位的介绍,兼顾实用性和学术性。读者在读完以后,将可从中获得关于DNA芯片技术具体而实用的操作指导,使读者在DNA芯片实验中少走弯路。两本书的重要特点包括: (1)系统性。由于DNA芯片技术是在融合了多门学科的基础上产生的交叉学科,涉及了光学、精密仪器、电子微加工、化学、生物学、生物信息学等学科的内容,没有人能对所有这些领域都特别精通,因此本书汇集了各个技术环节的专家,各自编写自己擅长的部分。并且在章节的结构安排上,是先进行全面的介绍,然后深入到具体环节,逐一进行详细的阐述,即由点及面地介绍。例如先从整体上介绍DNA芯片技术的现状,包括一些主要的商业化DNA芯片技术平台,然后引伸到研究者若要自己构建DNA芯片技术平台,需