本书紧扣2020年剑桥PET新版考试要求,以PET官方真题为蓝本,从历届考试真题中精选PET考试核心词约2060个,拓展重要派生词及近义词约760个。书中选用了适合小学生记忆单词的联想记忆、词根记忆、比较记忆、发音记忆等多种有趣的记忆方法,为部分单词配备了生动有趣的助记插图。另外,本书还提供了单词例句、搭配用法、仿真模拟练习、MP3录音和“看视频 背单词”小程序,帮助考生即学即练、强化记忆,一举攻克PET考试。本书采用四色全彩印刷,版式活泼、适阅。本书新增点读功能,可与新东方点读笔一起配套使用,效果更佳。
This book is designed especially for anyone who finds themself in any one or more of thefollowing situations: Are university students and want to get the most suitable job when they graduate; Recent graduates who have been working less than five years; Those who want to use English to enhance their opportunities and add value to their careers; Anyone who wants to improve practical career skills such as interviewing, resume- writing, andjob search strategies; Students and recent graduates who find themselves without direction in their future; Anyone who wants to compete more effectively and promote their careers faster.